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Add an EVPN Service Instance

A superuser or network administrator can use Paragon Automation to provision an L2VPN service in their network.


Ethernet VPN (EVPN) is the only L2VPN service that is supported in this release. EVPN-VPWS is not supported.

When you create and save an EVPN service instance, Paragon Automation generates a create service order. After you provision the service instance, Paragon Automation activates the automated workflow for fulfilling the service order and provisions the service in the network.

You can create an EVPN service instance by uploading a preconfigured JSON file or by entering the details in the fields on the Add E-LAN EVPN CSM Service page.

To create an EVPN service instance:

  1. Click Orchestration > Instances.

    The Service Instances page appears.

  2. Click Add > E-LAN EVPN CSM.

    The Add E-LAN EVPN CSM Service page appears.

  3. In the General section, enter the values by referring to Table 1.
  4. Click Next to proceed to the Site Settings section.
  5. Enter site-specific details in the Site Settings section. See Add EVPN Service Site Details.
  6. Click Next to proceed to the Summary section.

    You see a graphical map of your service topology and a summary of the instance details in the Summary section. You can zoom in and zoom out using the zoom options on the map.

  7. (Optional) Click Export to export and save the service details in JSON format on your local system.
  8. (Optional) Click Reset Placements to remove existing placement configurations for the service instance.

    Provisioning of a service instance might fail when existing placement configurations for the service instance are no longer available or applicable. When you reset placement parameters, service orchestration automatically assigns placement options for the instance before provisioning the service.

  9. Click Next to proceed to the Schedule section.
  10. (Optional) Switch the Schedule toggle on if you want to schedule when to provision the service. The Schedule option is disabled by default. When you schedule provisioning, the Save & Provision button on top of the page is disabled and grayed out.

    The Schedule field appears. Perform the following steps to schedule the date and time to provision the service:

    1. Click the calendar icon in the Schedule field.
    2. Select the date and time for provisioning the service, and click OK.
      The scheduled date and time are displayed in the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format.
      • You must set a present or future date and time to schedule provisioning of a service. If you select a past time and save the service order, the service is provisioned immediately.

      • To delete a provisioning schedule, select the Service-Instance-Name on the Service Instances page and click the edit icon. On the Modify Service-Instance-Name page, proceed to the Schedule section. In the Schedule section, switch the Schedule toggle off and click Save. The provisioning schedule is deleted and the service instance is provisioned immediately.

      • Scheduling of service provisioning is a Beta feature in this release.

  11. To save and provision the service instance, click one of the following buttons:
    • Save & Provision—Click this button and confirm when prompted, to save the service instance to the Paragon Automation database and provision the instance immediately. This option is disabled if you have scheduled the provisioning of a service instance.

    • Save—Click this button to save the service instance to the Paragon Automation database.

      The Service Instances page appears and the new service instance is listed in the Service Instances table. To provision the service instance, select the service instance and click Provision. Alternatively, you can schedule provisioning of the service instance as defined in step 10.

      • The Provision button is disabled if you schedule the provisioning of a service instance. The service is provisioned automatically at the scheduled date and time.

Table 1: Fields in the Add E-LAN EVPN CSM Service Page General Section



Upload JSON File

Click Browse to upload a preconfigured JSON file.

You see a message that the file is successfully imported. The values specified in the file are automatically populated in the corresponding UI fields.


If you are uploading a preconfigured JSON file to create an EVPN service instance, you must clear the placement section in the file before you provision the service order.


Enter the name of the customer for whom you are provisioning the service:

  • If you already added the customer name by using the Customer Inventory page (Orchestration > Service > Customers), click the Customer field to see a drop-down with the customer names that you added. Select the customer name from the drop-down list.

  • Alternatively, click the Add Customer link to create a new customer. See Add a Customer.

The customer name must be unique within an organization.

Instance name

Enter a name for the service instance. For example, evpn1.

The instance name can be a set of alphanumeric characters and the special character hyphen (-). The maximum number of characters allowed is 64.


Enter the ID you want to assign to the VPN.

The VPN ID must not exceed 64 characters.

VPN Service Topology

The topology for the VPN service.

Only the any-to-any topology is supported in this release. In this service topology, all VPN sites can exchange network traffic with each other without any restrictions.

VPN Service Type

The service type for EVPN service provisioned by the service provider.

Only the Provider Backbone Bridging with Ethernet VPN (PBB-EVPN) service type is supported in this release. PBB-EVPN allows aggregation of large numbers of customer MAC (C-MAC) addresses into smaller number of backbone MAC (B-MAC) addresses, and exchange of MAC address information in the MPLS network using the BGP routing protocol.