Administration Workflow
After Paragon Automation is installed, tasks related to the administration of Paragon Automation can be performed. The first user who accesses Paragon Automation is assigned the Super User role by default.
After logging in, the superuser must create an organization, which consists of users, devices, and geographical sites in the network. Next, the superuser must perform administration tasks. Figure 1 shows the sequence of tasks that the superuser performs, starting with user account creation.

The tasks that a superuser needs to perform are as follows:
Log in to Paragon Automation and create an account.
Create an organization.
See Add an Organization.
Configure organization settings—You must configure the following for your organization:
Password policy
Single sign-on (SSO) if you want to authenticate and to authorize users by using an Identity Provider (IdP)
You can optionally configure other organization settings such as session and inactivity timeouts, API tokens, and so on.
Invite users to the organization—You can invite users in either of the following ways:
By adding a user to an organization and assigning a role to the user. The tasks that a user performs depends on the assigned role. See Invite Users to send invites and Manage Users and Invites to manage users and invites in an organization.
By configuring a third-party IdP that authenticates and authorizes users based on the role mapped to each user group. See Manage Identity Providers.
Create one or more sites—A site represents a geographical location with one or more devices in your network. However, a device can be associated with only one site. See Add Sites.
After you perform the initial administration related tasks, you can explore other tasks such as viewing inventory (Inventory > Network Inventory) and monitoring audit logs (Settings Menu > Audit Logs). See About the Inventory Page and About the Audit Logs Page.