About the Inventory Page
The Inventory page lists the devices in an organization grouped as routers, switches, and firewalls. You can view the device details such as hostname, model, device status, serial number, and so on, on this page.
To access the Inventory page, click Inventory > Devices > Network Inventory on the navigation menu.
Tasks You Can Perform
You can perform the following tasks on the Inventory page:
View details of a device (router, switch, or firewall) present in the organization—To view details of a device, click the respective tab of the device, and click the Details icon that appears next to the check box beside a device name. The Device Details pane appears on the right side of the page displaying the basic device information and the site where the device is located. See Table 2.
Adopt a device; see Add a Device to Paragon Automation.
Release a device—Releasing a device implies removing the device from the management of Paragon Automation. You can release a device by:
Clicking Release Device.
When you release a device by using this option, all the device configurations are retained on the device but the outbound SSH configuration on the device is deleted. Without the outbound SSH connection, the device is disconnected from Paragon Automation.
If the device is actively part of any service, such as L3VPN, Paragon Automation displays the list of services that reference this device. In such instances, you can either:
- Manually remove the service configuration from the device and then release the device from the management of Paragon Automation.
- Release the device from the management of Paragon Automation by using the Force Delete option even if there are services actively referencing the device.
To release a device:
Select the device (under the appropriate tab) and click Release Device.
The Confirm Device Release page appears.
Do one of the following:
If the device is not actively part of any services, click Confirm to release the device.
- If the device is actively part of any services, the list of such services is displayed. Click Force Delete to release the device.
The device is successfully released from the management of Paragon Automation.
If the device was onboarded by using a network implementation plan, remove the device from the Network Implementation Plan (Inventory > Device Onboarding > Network Implementation Plan) and then use the Release Device option. When you remove a device from the network implementation plan, all the configurations that were committed on the device through the plan are deleted, but the outbound SSH connection is retained.
The Release Device option deletes the SSH configuration on the device, disconnecting the device from Paragon Automation.
Export details of all the devices in a CSV format—To export details of all devices, on the respective tab, click the Export button. The details are exported to a CSV file that you can download to your local system.
Assign one or more devices to a site; see Assign a Device to a Site.
Modify the operational state of a device—The device operational state is a label manually assigned to the device by the user. The label indicates at what predefined stage (onboarding, in service, and so on) the device is in the device life-cycle process. It does not indicate the device status.
To modify the operational state of a device after adopting the device:
Select a device and click More > Edit Operational State on the respective tab (Routers, Switches, or Firewalls).
The Edit Operational State page appears.
Select a value from the drop-down list and click Ok.
The value that you assigned for the operational state is visible in the Operational State column for that device.
Add a tag—A tag is a label in the key:value format that you add to a device so that you can group the device based on its parameters. For example, you can assign a tag vendor:Juniper to all devices from Juniper Networks.
To add one or more tags to a device:
Click More > Add Tags.
The Manage Tags page appears.
In the Tags field, either enter a tag or select an existing tag to be applied from the drop-down list that appears.
If you are entering a value for the tag, ensure that:
The key starts with a lowercase letter and is followed by lowercase letters, numbers, or underscores (_), and is between 2 and 50 characters long.
The value includes alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_), and is between 1 and 200 characters long.
You can view all the tags applied to the device in the Tags column.
Replace a device. See Replace a Device.
You can also perform the following tasks on this page:
Sort, resize, or re-arrange columns in a table (grid).
Show or hide columns in the table or reset page preferences, using the vertical ellipsis menu.
Search by using keywords—Click the search icon (magnifying glass), enter the search term in the text box, and press Enter. The search results are displayed on the same page.
Filter the data displayed in the table—Click the filter icon (funnel) and select whether you want to show or hide advanced filters. You can then add or remove filter criteria, save criteria as a filter, apply or clear filters, and so on. The filtered results are displayed on the same page.
For more information, see GUI Overview.
Set the number of rows to be displayed in the table—Set the number of rows (15, 30, 50, or 100) to be displayed in the Network Implementation Plan table in the Display drop-down list provided at the bottom right-corner of the table.
If there are multiple pages of rows, use the arrow heads to traverse through the pages or enter a page number to view the entries listed on that page.
Field Description
Table 1 lists the fields on the Inventory page.
Field | Description |
ID | ID of the device in Paragon Automation. |
Status | Status of the device:
Name | Name of the device. |
IP Address (for routers and firewalls) | Management IP address assigned to the device. |
MAC Address (for switches) | MAC address assigned to the device. |
Model | Device model; for example ACX7100-48L, ACX7100-32C, and MX240. |
Site | Site to which the device is assigned. |
Serial Number | Serial number of the device. |
Software Version | Version of the operating system (OS) installed on the device. |
Product | Device type; for example, MX, ACX. |
Vendor | Manufacturer of the device. |
Operating System | OS installed on the device; for example, Junos and Junos Evolved. |
Operational State | An optional state that can be assigned to the device. The predefined states
Tags |
Tags assigned to the device. If there are more than one tag assigned to the device, an integer is present next to the displayed tag. For example, +2 in the Tags column indicates that there are two more tags in addition to what is currently listed under Tags. You can hover over the integer to view the additional tags assigned to the device. |
Field | Description |
General | |
Name | Hostname of the device. |
Model | Device model; for example ACX7100-32C. |
IP Address | Management IPv4 address assigned to the device. |
Created Time | Date and time when the device was onboarded to Paragon Automation. |
Modified Time | Date and time when a device detail was modified. |
Site Displayed only if a site is assigned to the device. |
Name | Name of the site where the device is installed. |
Address | Address of the site where the device is installed. |
Country Code | Country where the device is installed. |
TimeZone | Timezone where the device is installed. |