Backing up a Device to get its Configuration Data
SUMMARY The process of backing up a device to obtain a device configuration can be completed for a single device in the device list, or you can back up all devices simultaneously. After you configure credential sets and address sets to access network devices, you must back up your devices to download the device configuration, so the device information is included in the topology.
- Click the Admin tab.
- In the Plug-ins section, click .
- Select the device that you want to back up.
- On the toolbar, click Backup to back up the selected device. To select multiple devices, hold down the CTRL key and select all necessary devices.
- To obtain the configuration for all devices, click Backup All in the navigation pane.
- Click Yes.
- If necessary, click View Error to view the details of an error. After correcting the error, click Backup All in the navigation pane.