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Known Issues

Learn about the known issues in each QRadar Assistant app release.

Version 2.3.0 and 2.4.0

  • When the authorized token expires or is unconfigured, the Assistant app icon may not be visible and shows the text "QRadar Assistant" on the QRadar console.


    To resolve the issue,

    1. Use the QRadar GUI Application Framework API /gui_app_framework/applications to stop and restart the QRadar Assistant app. For more information, see GUI Application Framework REST API endpoints.

    2. Refresh the QRadar user interface.

    3. Create an authorized token by adding a new authorized service in the Add Authorized Service window.

    4. Click the QRadar Assistant icon to open the app, and save the Admin token into the token field.

All Versions

  • After each upgrade of the QRadar Assistant app, you may need to clear your browser cache to see the new Assistant app icon and application content.