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Managing Aggregated Data Views

A large volume of data aggregation can decrease your system performance. The Ariel function uses a separate database for aggregated data in order to improve system performance and to make the data more readily available. You can disable, enable, or delete aggregated data views.

The items that appear in the Display list sort the data.

The Aggregated Data View is required to generate data for ADE rules, time series graphs, and reports.

Disable or delete views if the maximum number of views is reached.

Duplicate views can appear in the Aggregated Data ID column because an aggregated data view can include multiple searches.

  1. On the navigation menu (), click Admin.
  2. In the System Configuration section, click Aggregated Data Management.
  3. To filter the list of aggregated data views, perform one the following options:
    • Select an option from the View, Database, Show, or Display list.

    • Type an aggregated data ID, report name, chart name, or saved search name in the search field.

  4. To manage an aggregated data view, select the view, and then click the appropriate action on the toolbar:
    • If you select Disable View or Delete View, content dependencies are displayed for the aggregated data view. After you disable or delete the view, the dependent components no longer use aggregated data.

    • Enable a previously disabled aggregated data view to restore the view.

    Table 1: Aggregated Data Management View Column Descriptions



    Aggregated Data ID

    Identifier for the aggregated data

    Saved Search Name

    Defined name for the saved search

    Column Name

    Column identifier

    Times Searches

    Search count

    Data Written

    The size of the written data

    Database Name

    Database where the file was written

    Last Modified Time

    Timestamp of the last data modification

    Unique Count Enabled

    True or False: Search the results to display unique event and flowcounts instead of average counts over time.