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VComp Bundle Overview

Voice compression (VComp) bundles compress and aggregate voice channels going between the same IP endpoints into a single IP flow.


VComp bundles are only supported over IPv4 networks.

Figure 1 shows the common voice architecture and key components of the CTP Series.

Figure 1: CTP Series Voice Architecture and Key ComponentsCTP Series Voice Architecture and Key Components

As shown in Figure 1, VComp bundles support the following applications:

  • PBX interconnect—The 4W-E&M interfaces enable CTP devices to connect directly to analog PBX voice switch trunks and interconnect those trunks over the IP/MPLS network. Interworking between 4W-E&M and T1 or E1 DS0s enables small analog sites to be aggregated into larger digital T1 or E1 PBX voice switches.

  • PBX extension—The 2W-FXS and 2W-FXO interfaces enable CTP devices to connect directly to two-wire analog PBX voice switch interfaces to extend the phone extension over the IP/MPLS network. Interworking between 2W-FXS and 2W-FXO to T1 or E1 DS0s enables small analog sites to be aggregated into larger digital T1 or E1 PBX voice switches.