Support for Intent Driven Automation Functionality using Ansible
Contrail Release 5.0.1 supports the intent driven automation functionality using Ansible. Basic device management functions such as device discovery, device import, image upgrade, device underlay configuration, and device overlay configuration are implemented as Ansible playbooks and are triggered by an action URL (/execute-job) on the API server. Custom Ansible python modules such as Contrail Ansible Modules and Vendor Specific Ansible Modules are developed for interactions with the intent driven automation functionality. These python modules are also developed to interact with Virtualized Network Services (VNS) data models and User-Visible Entity (UVE) or Object Log operational data models.
The intent driven automation functionality using Ansible provides the following benefits:
Multi-vendor support
Extensible configuration management and automation with a set of plugins
Option to customize underlay and overlay configuration templates
Note:All configurations are added by using Jinja templates and therefore can be customized.