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Role and Resource-Based Access Control

Contrail Role and Resource-Based Access (RBAC) Overview

Contrail Release 3.0 and later supports role and resource-based access control (RBAC) with API operation-level access control.

The RBAC implementation relies on user credentials obtained from Keystone from a token present in an API request. Credentials include user, role, tenant, and domain information.

API-level access is controlled by a list of rules. The attachment points for the rules include global-system-config, domain, and project. Resource-level access is controlled by permissions embedded in the object.

API-Level Access Control

If the RBAC feature is enabled, the API server requires a valid token to be present in the X-Auth-Token of any incoming request. The API server trades the token for user credentials (role, domain, project, and so on) from Keystone.

If a token is missing or is invalid, an HTTP error 401 is returned.

The api-access-list object holds access rules of the following form:

<object, field> => list of <role:CRUD>



An API resource such as network or subnet.


Any property or reference within the resource. The field option can be multilevel, for example, can be used to identify multiple levels. The field is optional, so in its absence, the create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operation refers to the entire resource.


The Keystone role name.

Each rule also specifies the list of roles and their corresponding permissions as a subset of the CRUD operations.

Example: ACL RBAC Object

The following is an example access control list (ACL) object for a project in which the admin and any users with the Development role can perform CRUD operations on the network in a project. However, only the admin role can perform CRUD operations for policy and IP address management (IPAM) inside a network.

Rule Sets and ACL Objects

The following are the features of rule sets for access control objects in Contrail.

  • The rule set for validation is the union of rules from the ACL attached to:

    • User project

    • User domain

    • Default domain

      It is possible for the project or domain access object to be empty.

  • Access is only granted if a rule in the combined rule set allows access.

  • There is no explicit deny rule.

  • An ACL object can be shared within a domain. Therefore, multiple projects can point to the same ACL object. You can make an ACL object the default.

Object Level Access Control

The perms2 permission property of an object allows fine-grained access control per resource.

The perms2 property has the following fields:


This field is populated at the time of creation with the tenant UUID value extracted from the token.

share list

The share list gets built when the object is selected for sharing with other users. It is a list of tuples with which the object is shared.

The permission field has the following options:

  • R—Read object

  • W—Create or update object

  • X—Link (refer to) object

Access is allowed as follows:

  • If the user is the owner and permissions allow (rwx)

  • Or if the user tenant is in a shared list and permissions allow

  • Or if world access is allowed


This section describes the parameters used in Contrail RBAC.

Parameter: aaa-mode

RBAC is controlled by a parameter named aaa-mode. This parameter is used in place of the multi-tenancy parameter of previous releases.

The aaa-mode can be set to the following values:

  • no-auth—No authentication is performed and full access is granted to all.

  • cloud-admin—Authentication is performed and only the admin role has access.

  • rbac—Authentication is performed and access is granted based on role.


The multi_tenancy parameter is deprecated, starting with Contrail 3.0. The parameter should be removed from the configuration. Instead, use the aaa_mode parameter for RBAC to take effect.

If the multi_tenancy parameter is not removed, the aaa-mode setting is ignored.

Parameter: cloud_admin_role

A user who is assigned the cloud_admin_role has full access to everything.

This role name is configured with the cloud_admin_role parameter in the API server. The default setting for the parameter is admin. This role must be configured in Keystone to change the default value.

If a user has the cloud_admin_role in one tenant, and the user has a role in other tenants, then the cloud_admin_role role must be included in the other tenants. A user with the cloud_admin_role doesn't need to have a role in all tenants, however, if that user has any role in another tenant, that tenant must include the cloud_admin_role.

Configuration Files with Cloud Admin Credentials

The following configuration files contain cloud_admin_role credentials:

  • /etc/contrail/contrail-keystone-auth.conf

  • /etc/neutron/plugins/opencontrail/ContrailPlugin.ini

  • /etc/contrail/contrail-webui-userauth.js

Changing Cloud Admin Configuration Files

Modify the cloud admin credential files if the cloud_admin_role role is changed.

  1. Change the configuration files with the new information.

  2. Restart the following:

    • API server

      service supervisor-config restart

    • Neutron server

      service neutron-server restart

    • WebUI

      service supervisor-webui restart

Global Read-Only Role

You can configure a global read-only role (global_read_only_role).

A global_read_only_role allows read-only access to all Contrail resources. The global_read_only_role must be configured in Keystone. The default global_read_only_role is not set to any value.

A global_read_only_role user can use the Contrail Web Ui to view the global configuration of Contrail default settings.

Setting the Global Read-Only Role

To set the global read-only role:

  1. The cloud_admin user sets the global_read_only_role in the Contrail API:


    global_read_only_role = <new-admin-read-role>

  2. Restart the contrail-api service:

    service contrail-api restart

Parameter Changes in /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini

Contrail RBAC operation is based upon a user token received in the X-Auth-Token header in API requests. The following change must be made in /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini to force Neutron to pass the user token in requests to the Contrail API server:

Upgrading from Previous Releases

The multi_tenancy parameter is deprecated, starting with Contrail 3.1. The parameter should be removed from the configuration. Instead, use the aaa_mode parameter for RBAC to take effect.

If the multi_tenancy parameter is not removed, the aaa-mode setting is ignored.

Configuring RBAC Using the Contrail User Interface

To use the Contrail UI with RBAC:

  1. Set the aaa_mode to no_auth.


    aaa_mode = no-auth

  2. Restart the analytics-api service.

    service contrail-analytics-api restart

You can use the Contrail UI to configure RBAC at both the API level and the object level. API level access control can be configured at the global, domain, and project levels. Object level access is available from most of the create or edit screens in the Contrail UI.

Configuring RBAC at the Global Level

To configure RBAC at the global level, navigate to Configure > Infrastructure > Global Config > RBAC, see Figure 1.

Figure 1: RBAC Global LevelRBAC Global Level

Configuring RBAC at the Domain Level

To configure RBAC at the domain level, navigate to Configure > RBAC > Domain, see Figure 2.

Figure 2: RBAC Domain LevelRBAC Domain Level

Configuring RBAC at the Project Level

To configure RBAC at the project level, navigate to Configure > RBAC > Project, see Figure 3.

Figure 3: RBAC Project LevelRBAC Project Level

Configuring RBAC Details

Configuring RBAC is similar at all of the levels. To add or edit an API access list, navigate to the global, domain, or project page, then click the plus (+) icon to add a list, or click the gear icon to select from Edit, Insert After, or Delete, see Figure 4.

Figure 4: RBAC Details API AccessRBAC Details API Access

Creating or Editing API Level Access

Clicking create, edit, or insert after activates the Edit API Access popup window, where you enter the details for the API Access Rules. Enter the user type in the Role field, and use the + icon in the Access filed to enter the types of access allowed for the role, including, Create, Read, Update, Delete, and so on, see Figure 5.

Figure 5: Edit API AccessEdit API Access

Creating or Editing Object Level Access

You can configure fine-grained access control by resource. A Permissions tab is available on all create or edit popups for resources. Use the Permissions popup to configure owner permissions and global share permissions. You can also share the resource to other tenants by configuring it in the Share List, see Figure 6.

Figure 6: Edit Object Level AccessEdit Object Level Access

RBAC Resources

Refer to the OpenStack Administrator Guide for additional information about RBAC: