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Role-Based Access Control for Analytics

The analytics API uses role-based access control (RBAC) to provide the ability to access UVE and query information based on the permissions of the user for the UVE or queried object.

Contrail Release 4.1 extends authenticated access so that tenants can view network monitoring information about the networks for which they have read permissions. RBAC for anaytics is a Beta feature in Contrail Release 4.1.

The analytics API can map query and UVE objects to configuration objects on which RBAC rules are applied, so that read permissions can be verified using the VNC API.

RBAC is applied to analytics in the following ways:

  • For statistics queries, annotations are added to the Sandesh file so that indices and tags on statistics queries can be associated with objects and UVEs. These are used by the contrail-analytics-api to determine the object level read permissions.

  • For flow and log queries, the object read permissions are evaluated for each AND term in the where query.

  • For UVEs list queries (e.g. analytics/uve/virtual-networks/), the contrail-analytics-api gets a list of UVEs that have read permissions for a given token. For a UVE query for a specific resource (e.g. analytics/uves/virtual-network/vn1), contrail-analytics-api checks the object level read permissions using VNC API.

Tenants cannot view system logs and flow logs, those logs are displayed for cloud-admin roles only.

A non-admin user can see only non-global UVEs, including:

  • virtual_network

  • virtual_machine

  • virtual_machine_interface

  • service_instance

  • service_chain

  • tag

  • firewall_policy

  • firewall_rule

  • address_group

  • service_group

  • aaplication_policy_set

In /etc/contrail/contrail-analytics-api.conf, in the section DEFAULTS, the parameter aaa_mode now supports rbac as one of the values.