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Configuring the Control Node with BGP

An important task after a successful installation is to configure the control node with BGP. This procedure shows how to configure basic BGP peering between one or more virtual network controller control nodes and any external BGP speakers. External BGP speakers, such as Juniper Networks MX80 routers, are needed for connectivity to instances on the virtual network from an external infrastructure or a public network.

Before you begin, ensure that the following tasks are completed:

  • The Contrail Controller base system image has been installed on all servers.

  • The role-based services have been assigned and provisioned.

  • IP connectivity has been verified between all nodes of the Contrail Controller.

  • You have access to Contrail Web User Interface (UI) or Contrail Command User Interface (UI). You can access the user interface at http://nn.nn.nn.nn:8143, where nn.nn.nn.nn is the IP address of the configuration node server that is running the contrail service.

These topics provide instructions to configure the Control Node with BGP.

Configuring the Control Node from Contrail Web UI

To configure BGP peering in the control node:

  1. From the Contrail Controller module control node (http://nn.nn.nn.nn:8143), select Configure > Infrastructure > BGP Routers; see Figure 1.

    Figure 1: Configure> Infrastructure > BGP RoutersConfigure> Infrastructure > BGP Routers

    A summary screen of the control nodes and BGP routers is displayed; see Figure 2.

    Figure 2: BGP Routers Summary BGP Routers Summary
  2. (Optional) The global AS number is 64512 by default. To change the AS number, on the BGP Router summary screen click the gear wheel and select Edit. In the Edit BGP Router window enter the new number.
  3. To create control nodes and BGP routers, on the BGP Routers summary screen, click the icon. The Create BGP Router window is displayed; see Figure 3.
    Figure 3: Create BGP RouterCreate BGP Router
  4. In the Create BGP Router window, click BGP Router to add a new BGP router or click Control Node to add control nodes.

    For each node you want to add, populate the fields with values for your system. See Table 1.

    Table 1: Create BGP Router Fields




    Enter a name for the node being added.

    Vendor ID

    Required for external peers. Populate with a text identifier, for example, “MX-0”. (BGP peer only)

    IP Address

    The IP address of the node.

    Router ID

    Enter the router ID.

    Autonomous System

    Enter the AS number in the range 1-65535 for the node. (BGP peer only)

    Address Families

    Enter the address family, for example, inet-vpn

    Hold Time

    BGP session hold time. The default is 90 seconds; change if needed.

    BGP Port

    The default is 179; change if needed.

    Authentication Mode

    Enable MD5 authentication if desired.

    Authentication key

    Enter the Authentication Key value.

    Physical Router

    The type of the physical router.

    Available Peers

    Displays peers currently available.

    Configured Peers

    Displays peers currently configured.

  5. Click Save to add each node that you create.
  6. To configure an existing node as a peer, select it from the list in the Available Peers box, then click >> to move it into the Configured Peers box.

    Click << to remove a node from the Configured Peers box.

  7. You can check for peers by selecting Monitor > Infrastructure > Control Nodes; see Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Control NodesControl Nodes

    In the Control Nodes window, click any hostname in the memory map to view its details; see Figure 5.

    Figure 5: Control Node DetailsControl Node Details
  8. Click the Peers tab to view the peers of a control node; see Figure 6.
    Figure 6: Control Node Peers TabControl Node Peers Tab

Configuring the Control Node with BGP from Contrail Command

To configure BGP peering in the control node:

  1. From Contrail Command UI select Infrastructure > Cluster > Advanced page.

    Click the BGP Routers tab. A list of control nodes and BGP routers is displayed. See Figure 7.

    Figure 7: Infrastructure > Cluster > Advanced > BGP RoutersInfrastructure > Cluster > Advanced > BGP Routers
  2. (Optional) The global AS number is 64512 by default. You can change the AS number according to your requirement on the BGP Router tab, by clicking the Edit icon. In the Edit BGP Router tab enter AS number in the range of 1-65,535. You can also enter the AS number in the range of 1-4,294,967,295, when 4 Byte ASN is enabled in Global Config.
  3. Click the Create button on the BGP Routers tab. The Create BGP Router window is displayed. See Figure 8.

    Figure 8: Create BGP RouterCreate BGP Router
  4. In the Create BGP Router page, populate the fields with values to create your system. See Table 2.
    Table 2: Create BGP Router



    Router Type

    Select the type of router you want create


    Enter a name for the node being added.

    Vendor ID

    Required for external peers. Populate with a text identifier, for example, “MX-0”. (BGP peer only)

    IP Address

    The IP address of the node.

    Router ID

    Enter the router ID.

    Autonomous System (AS)

    Enter autonomous system (AS) number in the range of 1-65,535.

    If you enable 4 Byte ASN in Global Config, you can enter 4-byte AS number in the range of 1-4,294,967,295.

    BGP Router ASN

    Enter the Local-AS number, specific to the associated peers.

    Address Families

    Select the Internet Address Family from the list, for example, inet-vpn, inet6-vpn, and so on.

    Cluster ID

    Enter the cluster ID, for example,

    Associate Peers



    Select the configured peers from the list.

    Hold Time

    Enter the maximum time a BGP session remains active if no Keepalives are received.

    Loop Count

    Enter the number of times the same ASN can be seen in a route-update. The route is discarded when the loop count is exceeded.

    MD5 Auth Key

    Enter the MD5 authentication key value.


    Select the state box when you are associating BGP peers.


    Select the passive box to disable the BGP router from advertising any routes. The BGP router can only receive updates from other peers in this state.

    Advanced Options


    BGP Port

    Enter BGP Port number. The default is 179; change if needed.

    Source Port

    Enter source port number for client side connection.

    Hold Time (seconds)

    BGP session hold time. The default is 90 seconds; change if needed.

    Admin State

    Select the Admin state box to enable the state as UP and deselect the box to disable the state to DOWN.

    Authentication Mode

    Select MD5 from list if required.

    Authentication key

    Enter the Authentication Key value.

    Control Node Zone

    Select the required control node zone from the list.

    Physical Router

    Select the the physical router from the list.

  5. Click Create to complete add each node.
  6. You can check for peers and details about the control nodes by selecting Infrastructure > Cluster > Control Nodes. Click the desired node to check the details on Summary and Detailed Stats page.