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Upgrading Contrail Networking using In-Place Upgrade Procedure

This document provides steps to upgrade Contrail Networking using in-place upgrade procedure.

The procedure supports incremental model and you can use it to upgrade from Contrail Networking Release N-1 to N.

Best Practice:

You must take snapshots of your current system before proceeding with the upgrade process.

For a list of supported platforms for all Contrail Networking releases, see Contrail Networking Supported Platforms List.


This procedure can be used for Contrail Networking upgrades to Contrail Networking Release 2003 or earlier only.

If you are upgrading to Contrail Networking Release 2005 or later using an in-place upgrade procedure, see How to Perform a Zero Impact Contrail Networking Upgrade using the Ansible Deployer.

  1. Update kernel version on all the compute nodes.

    yum -y update kernel*


    You must not update kernel version if you are upgrading from Contrail Networking Release 1910 to Release 1911.

  2. Update CONTRAIL_VERSION and CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG to the desired version tag in this instances.yml file.

    Access CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG located at README Access to Contrail Networking Registry 20xx.

  3. Run the following commands from contrail-ansible-deployer directory.

    For Contrail with OpenStack deployment:

    cd contrail-ansible-deployeransible-playbook -i inventory/ -e orchestrator=openstack playbooks/configure_instances.ymlansible-playbook -e orchestrator=openstack -i inventory/ playbooks/install_contrail.yml

  4. Reboot the compute node.
  5. Check the status of Contrail service on the compute node.

    All services must be active .

    sudo contrail-status

The ansible playbook logs are available on the terminal during execution. You can also access it at /var/log/ansible.log.