New and Changed Features
The features listed in this section are new or changed as of Contrail Networking Release 1909. A brief description of each new feature is included.
Enhanced VLAN ID Assignment for Virtual Networks
Starting with Contrail Networking Release 1909, you can assign one VLAN ID only to one virtual network in an enterprise style configuration. This is because of the VLAN-ID Fabric-Wide Significance field, which is enabled for enterprise style configuration and disabled for service provider style configuration.
For more information, see Virtual Port Groups.
Performing Maintenance Activity on Data Center Devices
Starting with Contrail Networking Release 1909, you can activate maintenance mode on spine and leaf devices in a data center fabric. In maintenance mode, traffic flowing through the device is drained out or rerouted to other devices so that you can perform maintenance activity on the device like replace line cards or fix any issue on the device. You can activate maintenance mode on a device from the Infrastructure > Fabrics > Fabric_Name page.
For more information, see Activating Maintenance Mode on Data Center Devices.
Support for Contrail with Kubernetes in Nested Mode by Using Juju Charms
Contrail Networking Release 1909 supports provisioning of a Kubernetes cluster inside an OpenStack cluster. Contrail Networking offers a nested control and data plane where a single control plane and a single network stack can manage and service both the OpenStack and Kubernetes clusters. In nested mode, a Kubernetes cluster is provisioned in virtual machines of an OpenStack cluster. The CNI plugin and the Contrail-Kubernetes manager of the Kubernetes cluster interface directly with Contrail components that manage the OpenStack cluster. All Kubernetes features, functions and specifications are supported in nested mode.
For more information, see Installing Contrail with Kubernetes in Nested Mode by Using Juju Charms.
Support for QFX10002-60C Device
Starting with Contrail Networking Release 1909, you can configure CRB-Access Role on a QFX10002-60C device running Junos OS Release 19.1R2 and later. QFX10002-60C device configured with CRB-Access role works only if enterprise style of configuration is enabled. To enable enterprise style of configuration, select the VLAN-ID Fabric Wide Significance check box when onboarding the QFX10002-60C device.
For more information on enterprise style of configuration, see Configuring EVPN VXLAN Fabric with Multitenant Networking Services. For more information on supported hardware platforms and associated roles, see Supported Hardware Platforms and Associated Node Profiles and Roles.
Support for QFX5120-32C Device
Contrail Networking Release 1909 supports QFX5120-32C device running Junos OS Release 19.1R2 and later.
For more information on supported hardware platforms and associated roles, see Supported Hardware Platforms and Associated Node Profiles and Roles.
Viewing the Hardware Inventory of Data Center Devices
Starting with Contrail Networking Release 1909, you can view
the hardware inventory of a data center device using Contrail Command
user interface (UI). The hardware inventory of a data center device
contains information about chassis, routing engine, power-supply,
FPC, and so on. To view the hardware inventory, navigate to the Hardware Inventory tab in the Infrastructure>Fabrics>Fabric_Name>Device_Name page. The details displayed in the Hardware Inventory tab correspond to the output of using the show chassis hardware
command on the data center device.
For more information, see Viewing Hardware Inventory of Data Center Devices.