Enter a name for the Logical Router.
Admin State
Select the administrative state that you want the device
to be in when the router is activated.
Up is selected by default.
Extend to Physical Router
Select the physical router(s) to which you want to extend
virtual networks or routed virtual networks to, from the Extend to
Physical Router list.
A physical router provides routing capability to the logical
Logical Router Type
Select SNAT Routing or VXLAN Routing from the list.
Connected Networks
Select the networks that you want to connect this logical
router to.
Public Logical Router
(Optional) Select this check box if you want the logical
router to function as a public logical router.
VxLAN Network Identifier
Enter VXLAN network identifier in the range from 1 through
This field is disabled by default.
Route Target(s)
Click +Add to add route targets.
Enter Autonomous System (AS) number in the ASN field.
Enter ASN in the range of 1-4,294,967,295, when 4
Byte ASN is enabled in Global Config.
Enter ASN in the range of 1-65,535, when 4 Byte ASN is disabled.
You can also add suffix L or l (lower-case L) at the end of a value in the ASN field to assign an AS number in 4-byte range. Even if the value
provided in the ASN field is in the range of 1-65,535,
adding L or l (lower-case L) at the end of the value assigns the AS number in 4-byte range. If
you assign the ASN field a value in the 4-byte range, you
must enter a value in the range of 0-65,535 in the Target field.
Enter route target in the Target field.
Enter route target in the range of 0-65,535, when 4 Byte ASN is enabled and ASN field is assigned
a 4-byte value.
Enter route target in the range of 0-4,294,967,295, when
the ASN field is assigned a 2-byte value.