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Contrail Insights MultiCluster Proxy


With the MultiCluster Proxy feature, the primary Contrail Insights Platform is capable of redirecting requests through a proxy container so that requests to different clusters in the MultiCluster environment can be made through the primary cluster.

The use case for this MultiCluster Proxy mode is when not all clusters in the MultiCluster environment can be accessed by the user directly. This mode can be enabled so that all requests go through a proxy container exposed on the primary appformix_controller node. This proxy container will then reroute the request to the appropriate cluster and deliver back the response to the client.

The default MultiCluster View does not support this proxy behavior and can only be used in situations where the client/browser have access to all clusters in the MultiCluster environment. MultiCluster Proxy is a second mode of MultiCluster that allows this limited connectivity to work where the client only needs access to the primary cluster.


  • Contrail Insights installed on all of the clusters.

  • Deploy Primary Contrail Insights Platform node(s) with a MultiClusterProxy enabled license.

  • Primary Contrail Insights Platform node(s) must have connectivity to all of the clusters that are a part of the MultiCluster environment.

  • If the primary cluster is a high availability (HA) setup then port 27000 must be open on all of the Platform nodes.



Configuring MultiClusterProxy on an HA setup through Ansible is deprecated starting with AppFormix version 3.2. Use the Contrail Insights Dashboard to configure clusters by selecting Settings > AppFormix Settings > Add Clusters.

Ansible Playbooks


Playbook to add cluster to the MultiCluster Proxy enabled Contrail Insights.

  • Gets the appformix_master_auth token to POST to /cluster_definition. This role takes the setup from the inventory/group_vars/all for the new cluster that is being added. See “MultiCluster Proxy Deployment Workflow.”

  • Executes appformix_docker_images role to load haproxy container for the first time.

  • Runs scripts to add required entries into haproxy.cfg for each cluster that is added.


If the primary cluster is an HA setup then use the playbook appformix_proxy_add_cluster_ha.yml.


Playbook to delete cluster from the MultiCluster Proxy enabled Contrail Insights.

  • Does DELETE to /cluster_definition using master_auth_token.

  • Runs scripts to remove entries from haproxy.cfg for each cluster that is removed.

  • When primary cluster is removed, haproxy container is also deleted.


If the primary cluster is an HA setup then use the playbook appformix_proxy_delete_cluster_ha.yml.

Ansible Roles


Role to add or remove clusters from appformix_controller.

  • Does POST/DELETE to /cluster_definition end point depending on whether the action is add or delete.

  • The cluster_username and cluster_password can not be set concurrently with cluster_token. If the license for a cluster supports authentication with username and password, then cluster_username and cluster_password can be set.

  • If cluster_username and cluster_password are set, set cluster_token to empty string (“”).

  • If cluster_token is set, set both cluster_username and cluster_password to empty string (“”).

The appformix_multicluster_config requires the following variables be defined:

  • cluster_name

  • cluster_controller_host

  • cluster_controller_port

  • cluster_auth_type

  • cluster_username

  • cluster_password

  • cluster_token

  • is_master_cluster


MultiCluster Proxy Deployment Workflow

Deploying the MultiCluster Proxy feature consists of the following steps:

  1. Install Contrail Insights on all the clusters.

    1. We recommend installing the same Contrail Insights version on all clusters.

    2. Primary cluster is required to be deployed with a MultiClusterProxy enabled software license.

  2. In inventory/group_vars/all, provide the information for primary node first. Refer to Ansible Roles for the sample inventory entry. Confirm that is_master_cluster is set to True.

  3. Run the playbook appformix_proxy_add_cluster.yml to add this cluster as primary cluster. Refer to Ansible Playbooks.

  4. For adding other clusters, make an inventory entry as shown in Ansible Roles (with is_master_cluster set to False). After each entry, run the playbook appformix_proxy_add_cluster.yml to add this cluster. Refer to Ansible Playbooks.

  5. Open the Dashboard for the MultiCluster setup in a Web browser. For example:



Note that after AppFormix release 3.2.0, in HA setups, the Dashboard should be accessed on port 9000 and clusters should be added through the UI.

To delete a cluster:

  1. Keep the inventory entry of the cluster that needs to be deleted, having the other clusters’ inventory entry commented out.

  2. Run the playbook appformix_proxy_delete_cluster.yml to delete the cluster. See Ansible Playbooks.


    Removing the primary cluster, removes the proxy container as well, if the primary cluster is a single node installation.

    Use the playbooks appformix_proxy_add_cluster_ha.yml or appformix_proxy_delete_cluster_ha.yml if the primary cluster is an HA setup.

Overview of v2 API URLS

GET /appformix/analytics/v2.0/cluster_stats

Returns cluster statistics for the cluster.

GET /appformix/controller/v2.0/clusters

Returns a list of all clusters added to the Contrail Insights primary cluster.

GET /appformix/controller/v2.0/clusters/<cluster_id>

Returns information of a cluster added to Contrail Insights primary cluster with cluster_id.

Make GET Query with Contrail Insights MultiCluster Proxy

Call GET /appformix/controller/v2.0/clusters to identify which cluster you would like to query. Take note of the ClusterId.

Make the GET queries by entering the following commands:

URL format:

Then run the following command to get the response with appropriate headers:


Above port 18081 should be replaced with 9000 in HA deployments starting with AppFormix release 3.2.


To get hosts from a cluster with ID b50adf04-4c07-11e9-b016-0242ac120005, whose Contrail Insights master_auth_token is d90f9d18-4c07-11e9-9545-0242ac120005, with a MultiCluster primary IP as, run the following:


Verify that you use the correct Contrail Insights token for corresponding clusters. The Contrail Insights token can be found at /opt/appformix/etc/appformix_token.rst in the Contrail Insights Platform node of that cluster.

Testing the MultiCluster Proxy

To test the MultiClusterProxy feature:

  1. Select Settings > API Documentation > Link to AppFormix Documentation.

  2. Use the following API:

  3. Provide the following arguments:




    Id of the cluster.


    Authentication Type for Contrail Insights of cluster with id.


    Authentication Token for Contrail Insights of cluster with id.


    API component.


    GET Endpoint to forward.


    The cluster id can be obtained by these commands:

    • GET /appformix/controller/v2.0/clusters

      Returns a list of all clusters added to the Contrail Insights primary cluster.

    • GET /appformix/controller/v2.0/clusters/<cluster_id>

      Returns information of a cluster added to Contrail Insights primary cluster with cluster_id.

    X-Auth-Type, X-Auth-Token

    Authentication type and token of Contrail Insights Platform on the cluster to forward to.


    Either controller or analytics, depending on the endpoint you want to forward to.


    Any available v2 GET endpoint.


    For endpoints that require query or string arguments, for example controller/data/metrics, you need to construct the argument in the endpoint with standard format: