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Ansible Configuration Variables

The following variables configure aspects of the Contrail Insights installation. We recommend these variables be defined in the inventory/group_vars/all file of your inventory. Refer to Ansible inventory documentation for more information about Ansible variables.

Network Configuration

Table 1 describes Ansible configuration variables for network configuration.

Table 1: Ansible Configuration Variables




Contrail Insights services on the Contrail Insights Platform host run in Docker containers. The Docker containers communicate over a private Docker network named AppFormixNetwork. The appformix_network_ipv4_subnet variable specifies the subnet in CIDR notation. For example, Use this variable to specify a subnet in case the default subnet conflicts with an existing network subnet.


Port on which appformix-controller container listens for HTTP requests.


Port on which appformix-controller container listens for HTTPS requests.


Port on which appformix-dashboard container listens for HTTP requests.


Port on which appformix-dashboard container listens for HTTPS requests.


Port on which appformix-datamanager container listens for HTTP requests.


Port on which appformix-datamanager container listens for HTTPS requests.


Port on which appformix-openstack-adapter container listens for HTTP requests.


Port on which appformix-openstack-adapter container listens for HTTPS requests.

Proxy Configuration

Contrail Insights Platform services execute inside of Docker containers. Proxy environment variables on the host will not be set inside of the container. If a proxy is required (for example, to contact external notification services, such as PagerDuty or Service Now), then proxy configuration can be defined in the following variables to configure the environment inside of the container.

The appformix_controller uses HTTP/HTTPS for communication with other Contrail Insights components (for example, Contrail Insights Agent) and platform integrations (for example, OpenStack, Kubernetes). If http_proxy or https_proxy is configured, then an appropriate value for no_proxy should be set. The no_proxy variable can contain a comma-separated list of IP addresses, hostnames, and subnets in CIDR notation (for example, Table 2 describes Ansible configuration variables for proxy configuration.

Table 2: Ansible Configuration Variables for Proxy Configuration




Value for http_proxy environment variable inside of appformix_controller container.


Value for https_proxy environment variable inside of appformix_controller container.


Value for no_proxy environment variable inside of appformix_controller container.

Log File Configuration

Contrail Insights maintains multiple log files for services on the Contrail Insights Platform. Each log file is rotated independently according to size and time. Rotated files have a numeric suffix appended to the filename, starting at 1. A configurable number of rotated files are stored for each log file.

Log files are rotated when the size of the files exceeds a configurable limit. Optionally, log files can be rotated at the start of each day. When daily rotation is configured, a log file can still be rotated more than once per day if the size limit is exceeded. Table 3 describes Ansible configuration variables for log file configuration.

Table 3: Ansible Configuration Variables for Log File Configuration




If set to 1, log files are rotated daily. Default is 0.


Size in megabytes (MB) at which a log file is rotated. Default is 10 MB.


Number of times a log file is rotated before being removed. Default is 5.

Timeout Configuration

Table 4 describes the Ansible configuration variable to specify timeouts for connections between Contrail Insights services.

Table 4: Ansible Variables for Timeout Configuration




Timeout for connections between the appformix_controller and openstack_adapter.