Creating and Handling a Service Recovery Request
The Service Recovery feature functions within the pre-staging operation of the Network Activate application. Service Recovery has two parts.
First, Service Recovery parses each device’s configuration searching for service configurations and existing Network Activate service elements (E-Line services, Layer 2 circuits, routing instances, firewalls, policy options, routing options, and OAM interface branches of Junos Space configurations that are being processed).
Second, Service Recovery stitches the service elements by identifying related service attributes across devices, such as VCIDs for Martini services and route targets for Kompella (L2VPN) services, to form Network Activate services.
When you attempt to recover E-LAN and IP services using the Service Recovery feature, you must not select any service templates that are attached with such services for recovery. The basic configuration of services is recovered in such a scenario. This is an expected behavior with performing a service recovery for E-LAN and IP services. For E-Line services, you can recover QoS templates that are attached with such services.
A wizard is available to create a Service Recovery request in an intuitive and easily-navigable format. The settings that you can configure in the service order are organized in separate pages of the wizard, which you can launch by clicking the appropriate buttons at the top of the Create Service Recovery Request page. Alternatively, you can proceed to the corresponding setting-related pages by clicking the Back and Next buttons at any point in the wizard during the creation of the Service Recovery request.
To perform Service Recovery, in the Network Services > Connectivity task pane, select Service Recovery > Recover Services. Initially, Service Recovery generates the following Alert message, which describes the process you are about to start and recommends saving previously recovered services.
To create a service recovery request: