Service Recovery Overview
The Service Recovery operation recovers services that are present on devices that Junos Space is not managing. The missing entity can be an entirely new service or the missing component of an existing service.
The Service Recovery operation has two parts. First, you select one or more devices for which services are to be recovered. Service Recovery recovers and identifies the missing services and displays the result. Second, you select a service to be managed, providing any missing information about the recovered service. When you provide missing information for a service, the recovered service is converted to a managed service.
The Connectivity Services Director application supports Service Recovery for E-Line services, E-LAN services, and IP services. You can perform Service Recovery only using the Services Activation Director GUI and nor using the Connectivity Services Director GUI.
Besides the supported capabilities of recovery of new services and new endpoints for existing services, recovery of CFM profiles attached to services is also supported. Also, the Service Recovery task enables you to recover modifications made to existing endpoints associated with services and recover deleted endpoints for services.
The Service Recovery task is displayed in the Connectivity tree node under Network Services root node of the View pane. Recovery of services is supported only for E-Line, IP, and E-LAN services. The following tasks are available under the Service Recovery section of the Tasks pane:
Recover Services—Enables you to create or modify a service recovery request. You can also initiate the recovery operation for a request that you created. The Create Service Recovery Request wizard is available to create a service recovery request. The Recover Services button enables you to initiate the recovery job. You can also view the recovered status of services.
Recover OutOfBand Changes—Enables you to recover out-of-band changes that are performed on previously deployed service. A network managed by Connectivity Services Director has three repositories of information about the configuration of a network device—the configuration stored on the device itself, the device configuration record maintained by Junos Space, and the Build mode configuration maintained by Connectivity Services Director. When the configuration contained in all three repositories match, the device configuration state is shown as In Sync in Connectivity Services Director. When the repositories do not match, the configuration state is shown as Out of Sync. A common cause for this state is out-of-band configuration changes—that is, configuration changes made to a device outside of Connectivity Services Director.
Rejected Services—Displays the services that were rejected during service recovery process with the reject reason.