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Kubernetes Metric List

Table 1: Kubernetes Metric List
Metric Name Type Description
apiextensions_openapi_v2_regeneration_count counter [ALPHA] Counter of OpenAPI v2 spec regeneration count broken down by causing CRD name and reason.
apiserver_admission_controller_admission_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Admission controller latency histogram in seconds, identified by name and broken out for each operation and API resource and type (validate or admit).
apiserver_admission_step_admission_duration_seconds_summary summary [ALPHA] Admission sub-step latency summary in seconds, broken out for each operation and API resource and step type (validate or admit).
apiserver_admission_webhook_admission_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Admission webhook latency histogram in seconds, identified by name and broken out for each operation and API resource and type (validate or admit).
apiserver_admission_webhook_rejection_count counter [ALPHA] Admission webhook rejection count, identified by name and broken out for each admission type (validating or admit) and operation. Additional labels specify an error type (calling_webhook_error or apiserver_internal_error if an error occurred; no_error otherwise) and optionally a non-zero rejection code if the webhook rejects the request with an HTTP status code (honored by the apiserver when the code is greater than or equal to 400). Codes greater than 600 are truncated to 600, to keep the metrics bounded by cardinality.
apiserver_audit_event_total counter [ALPHA] Counter of audit events generated and sent to the audit backend.
apiserver_audit_requests_rejected_total counter [ALPHA] Counter of apiserver requests rejected due to an error in the audit logging backend.
apiserver_client_certificate_expiration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Distribution of the remaining lifetime on the certificate used to authenticate a request.
apiserver_current_inflight_requests gauge [ALPHA] Maximal number of currently used inflight requests limit of this apiserver per request kind in the last second.
apiserver_current_inqueue_requests gauge [ALPHA] Maximal number of queued requests in this apiserver per request kind in the last second.
apiserver_envelope_encryption_dek_cache_fill_percent gauge [ALPHA] Percent of the cache slots currently occupied by cached data encryption keys (DEK)s.
apiserver_flowcontrol_current_executing_requests gauge [ALPHA] Number of requests currently executing in the API Priority and Fairness system.
apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_requests gauge [ALPHA] Number of requests currently pending in queues of the API Priority and Fairness system.
apiserver_flowcontrol_dispatched_requests_total counter [ALPHA] Number of requests released by the API Priority and Fairness system for service.
apiserver_flowcontrol_priority_level_request_count_samples histogram [ALPHA] Periodic observations of the number of requests.
apiserver_flowcontrol_priority_level_request_count_watermarks histogram [ALPHA] Watermarks of the number of requests.
apiserver_flowcontrol_read_vs_write_request_count_samples histogram [ALPHA] Periodic observations of the number of requests.
apiserver_flowcontrol_read_vs_write_request_count_watermarks histogram [ALPHA] Watermarks of the number of requests.
apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_limit gauge [ALPHA] Shared concurrency limit in the API Priority and Fairness system.
apiserver_flowcontrol_request_execution_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration of request execution in the API Priority and Fairness system.
apiserver_flowcontrol_request_queue_length_after_enqueue histogram [ALPHA] Length of queue in the API Priority and Fairness system, as seen by each request after it is enqueued.
apiserver_flowcontrol_request_wait_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Length of time a request spent waiting in its queue.
apiserver_init_events_total counter [ALPHA] Counter of init events processed in watchcache broken by resource type.
apiserver_longrunning_gauge gauge [ALPHA] Gauge of all active long-running apiserver requests broken out by verb, group, version, resource, scope and component. Not all requests are tracked this way.
apiserver_registered_watchers gauge [ALPHA] Number of currently registered watchers for a given resources.
apiserver_request_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Response latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, subresource, scope, and component.
apiserver_request_filter_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Request filter latency distribution in seconds, for each filter type.
apiserver_request_total counter [ALPHA] Counter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, scope, component, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver_requested_deprecated_apis gauge [ALPHA] Gauge of deprecated APIs that have been requested, broken out by API group, version, resource, subresource, and removed_release.
apiserver_response_sizes histogram [ALPHA] Response size distribution in bytes for each group, version, verb, resource, subresource, scope, and component.
apiserver_selfrequest_total counter [ALPHA] Counter of apiserver self-requests broken out for each verb, API resource, and subresource.
apiserver_storage_data_key_generation_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Latencies in seconds of DEK generation operations.
apiserver_storage_data_key_generation_failures_total counter [ALPHA] Total number of failed DEK generation operations.
apiserver_storage_envelope_transformation_cache_misses_total counter [ALPHA] Total number of cache misses while accessing key decryption key (KDK).
apiserver_tls_handshake_errors_total counter [ALPHA] Number of requests dropped with 'TLS handshake error from' error.
apiserver_watch_events_sizes histogram [ALPHA] Watch event size distribution in bytes.
apiserver_watch_events_total counter [ALPHA] Number of events sent in watch clients.
authenticated_user_requests counter [ALPHA] Counter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
authentication_attempts counter [ALPHA] Counter of authenticated attempts.
authentication_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Authentication duration in seconds broken out by result.
authentication_token_cache_active_fetch_count gauge [ALPHA]
authentication_token_cache_fetch_total counter [ALPHA]
authentication_token_cache_request_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA]
authentication_token_cache_request_total counter [ALPHA]
cadvisor_version_info gauge A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by kernel version, OS version, docker version, cadvisor version, and cadvisor revision.
container_cpu_cfs_periods_total counter Number of elapsed enforcement period intervals.
container_cpu_cfs_throttled_periods_total counter Number of throttled period intervals.
container_cpu_cfs_throttled_seconds_total counter Total time duration the container has been throttled.
container_cpu_load_average_10s gauge Value of container CPU load average over the last 10 seconds.
container_cpu_system_seconds_total counter Cumulative system CPU time consumed in seconds.
container_cpu_usage_seconds_total counter Cumulative CPU time consumed in seconds.
container_cpu_user_seconds_total counter Cumulative user CPU time consumed in seconds.
container_file_descriptors gauge Number of open file descriptors for the container.
container_fs_inodes_free gauge Number of available Inodes.
container_fs_inodes_total gauge Number of Inodes.
container_fs_io_current gauge Number of I/Os currently in progress.
container_fs_io_time_seconds_total counter Cumulative count of seconds spent doing I/Os.
container_fs_io_time_weighted_seconds_total counter Cumulative weighted I/O time in seconds.
container_fs_limit_bytes gauge Number of bytes that the container on this filesystem can consume.
container_fs_read_seconds_total counter Cumulative count of seconds spent reading.
container_fs_reads_bytes_total counter Cumulative count of bytes read.
container_fs_reads_merged_total counter Cumulative count of reads merged.
container_fs_reads_total counter Cumulative count of reads completed.
container_fs_sector_reads_total counter Cumulative count of sector reads completed.
container_fs_sector_writes_total counter Cumulative count of sector writes completed.
container_fs_usage_bytes gauge Number of bytes that the container on this filesystem can consume.
container_fs_write_seconds_total counter Cumulative count of seconds spent writing.
container_fs_writes_bytes_total counter Cumulative count of bytes written.
container_fs_writes_merged_total counter Cumulative count of writes merged.
container_fs_writes_total counter Cumulative count of writes completed.
container_last_seen gauge Last time the exporter recognized a container.
container_memory_cache gauge Number of bytes of page cache memory.
container_memory_failcnt counter Number of memory usage hit limits.
container_memory_failures_total counter Cumulative count of memory allocation failures.
container_memory_mapped_file gauge Size of memory mapped files in bytes.
container_memory_max_usage_bytes gauge Maximum memory usage recorded in bytes.
container_memory_rss gauge Size of RSS in bytes.
container_memory_swap gauge Container swap usage in bytes.
container_memory_usage_bytes gauge Current memory usage in bytes, including all memory regardless of when it was accessed.
container_memory_working_set_bytes gauge Current working set in bytes.
container_network_receive_bytes_total counter Cumulative count of bytes received.
container_network_receive_errors_total counter Cumulative count of errors encountered while receiving.
container_network_receive_packets_dropped_total counter Cumulative count of packets dropped while receiving.
container_network_receive_packets_total counter Cumulative count of packets received.
container_network_transmit_bytes_total counter Cumulative count of bytes transmitted.
container_network_transmit_errors_total counter Cumulative count of errors encountered while transmitting.
container_network_transmit_packets_dropped_total counter Cumulative count of packets dropped while transmitting.
container_network_transmit_packets_total counter Cumulative count of packets transmitted.
container_processes gauge Number of processes running inside the container.
container_scrape_error gauge 1 if there was an error while getting container metrics, 0 otherwise.
container_sockets gauge Number of open sockets for the container.
container_spec_cpu_period gauge CPU period of the container.
container_spec_cpu_quota gauge CPU quota of the container.
container_spec_cpu_shares gauge CPU share of the container.
container_spec_memory_limit_bytes gauge Memory limit for the container.
container_spec_memory_reservation_limit_bytes gauge Memory reservation limit for the container.
container_spec_memory_swap_limit_bytes gauge Memory swap limit for the container.
container_start_time_seconds gauge Start time of the container since Unix epoch in seconds.
container_tasks_state gauge Number of tasks in a given state.
container_threads gauge Number of threads running inside the container.
container_threads_max gauge Maximum number of threads allowed inside the container; infinity if value is zero.
container_ulimits_soft gauge Soft ulimit values for the container root process. Unlimited if -1, except priority and nice.
coredns_build_info gauge A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, and goversion from which CoreDNS was built.
coredns_cache_entries gauge The number of elements in the cache.
coredns_cache_hits_total counter The count of cache hits.
coredns_cache_misses_total counter The count of cache misses.
coredns_dns_request_duration_seconds histogram Histogram of the time (in seconds) each request took.
coredns_dns_request_size_bytes histogram Size of the EDNS0 UDP buffer in bytes (64K for TCP).
coredns_dns_requests_total counter Counter of DNS requests made per zone, protocol, and family.
coredns_dns_response_size_bytes histogram Size of the returned response in bytes.
coredns_dns_responses_total counter Counter of response status codes.
coredns_forward_healthcheck_failures_total counter Counter of the number of failed healthchecks.
coredns_forward_max_concurrent_rejects_total counter Counter of the number of queries rejected because the concurrent queries were at maximum.
coredns_forward_request_duration_seconds histogram Histogram of the time each request took.
coredns_forward_requests_total counter Counter of requests made per upstream.
coredns_forward_responses_total counter Counter of requests made per upstream.
coredns_health_request_duration_seconds histogram Histogram of the time (in seconds) each request took.
coredns_panics_total counter A metric that counts the number of panics.
coredns_plugin_enabled gauge A metric that indicates whether a plugin is enabled on a per-server and zone basis.
etcd_db_total_size_in_bytes gauge [ALPHA] Total size of the etcd database file physically allocated in bytes.
etcd_object_counts gauge [ALPHA] Number of stored objects at the time of last check, split by kind.
etcd_request_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Etcd request latency in seconds for each operation and object type.
kube_certificatesigningrequest_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_certificatesigningrequest_cert_length gauge Length of the issued certificate.
kube_certificatesigningrequest_condition gauge The number of each certificatesigningrequest condition.
kube_certificatesigningrequest_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_certificatesigningrequest_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_configmap_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_configmap_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_configmap_info gauge Information about configmap.
kube_configmap_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_configmap_metadata_resource_version gauge Resource version representing a specific version of the configmap.
kube_cronjob_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_cronjob_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_cronjob_info gauge Info about cronjob.
kube_cronjob_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_cronjob_metadata_resource_version gauge Resource version representing a specific version of the cronjob.
kube_cronjob_next_schedule_time gauge Next time the cronjob should be scheduled. The time after lastScheduleTime, or after the cron job's creation time if it has never been scheduled. Use this to determine if the job is delayed.
kube_cronjob_spec_failed_job_history_limit gauge Failed job history limit tells the controller how many failed jobs should be preserved.
kube_cronjob_spec_starting_deadline_seconds gauge Deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses scheduled time for any reason.
kube_cronjob_spec_successful_job_history_limit gauge Successful job history limit tells the controller how many completed jobs should be preserved.
kube_cronjob_spec_suspend gauge Suspend flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent executions.
kube_cronjob_status_active gauge Active holds pointers to currently running jobs.
kube_cronjob_status_last_schedule_time gauge LastScheduleTime keeps information about the last time the job was successfully scheduled.
kube_daemonset_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_daemonset_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_daemonset_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_daemonset_metadata_generation gauge Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state.
kube_daemonset_status_current_number_scheduled gauge The number of nodes running at least one daemon pod.
kube_daemonset_status_desired_number_scheduled gauge The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod.
kube_daemonset_status_number_available gauge The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pods running and available.
kube_daemonset_status_number_misscheduled gauge The number of nodes running a daemon pod that should not be running a daemon pod.
kube_daemonset_status_number_ready gauge The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pods running and ready.
kube_daemonset_status_number_unavailable gauge The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod but have none of the daemon pods running and available.
kube_daemonset_status_observed_generation gauge The most recent generation observed by the daemon set controller.
kube_daemonset_status_updated_number_scheduled gauge The total number of nodes that are running an updated daemon pod.
kube_deployment_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_deployment_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_deployment_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_deployment_metadata_generation gauge Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state.
kube_deployment_spec_paused gauge Whether the deployment is paused and will not be processed by the deployment controller.
kube_deployment_spec_replicas gauge Number of desired pods for a deployment.
kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_surge gauge Maximum number of replicas that can be scheduled above the desired number of replicas during a rolling update of a deployment.
kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_unavailable gauge Maximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment.
kube_deployment_status_condition gauge The current status conditions of a deployment.
kube_deployment_status_observed_generation gauge The generation observed by the deployment controller.
kube_deployment_status_replicas gauge The number of replicas per deployment.
kube_deployment_status_replicas_available gauge The number of available replicas per deployment.
kube_deployment_status_replicas_ready gauge The number of ready replicas per deployment.
kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable gauge The number of unavailable replicas per deployment.
kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated gauge The number of updated replicas per deployment.
kube_endpoint_address_available gauge Number of addresses available in the endpoint.
kube_endpoint_address_not_ready gauge Number of addresses not ready in the endpoint.
kube_endpoint_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_endpoint_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_endpoint_info gauge Information about the endpoint.
kube_endpoint_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_endpoint_ports gauge Information about the endpoint ports.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_info gauge Information about this autoscaler.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_metadata_generation gauge The generation observed by the HorizontalPodAutoscaler controller.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_spec_max_replicas gauge Upper limit for the number of pods that is set by the autoscaler; cannot be smaller number than MinReplicas.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_spec_min_replicas gauge Lower limit for the number of pods that is set by the autoscaler, default 1.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_spec_target_metric gauge The metric specifications used by this autoscaler when calculating the desired replica count.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_status_condition gauge The condition of this autoscaler.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_status_current_replicas gauge Current number of replicas of pods managed by this autoscaler.
kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_status_desired_replicas gauge Desired number of replicas of pods managed by this autoscaler.
kube_ingress_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_ingress_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_ingress_info gauge Information about ingress.
kube_ingress_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_ingress_metadata_resource_version gauge Resource version representing a specific version of ingress.
kube_ingress_path gauge Ingress host, paths, and backend service information.
kube_ingress_tls gauge Ingress TLS host and secret information.
kube_job_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_job_complete gauge The job has completed its execution.
kube_job_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_job_failed gauge The job has failed its execution.
kube_job_info gauge Information about the job.
kube_job_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_job_owner gauge Information about the job's owner.
kube_job_spec_active_deadline_seconds gauge How long (in seconds) the job can be active after the startTime before the system tries to terminate it.
kube_job_spec_completions gauge The desired number of successfully finished pods the job should be run with.
kube_job_spec_parallelism gauge The maximum desired number of pods the job should run at any given time.
kube_job_status_active gauge The number of actively running pods.
kube_job_status_completion_time gauge The completionTime represents time when the job was completed.
kube_job_status_failed gauge The number of pods that reached Phase Failed, and the reason for failure.
kube_job_status_start_time gauge The startTime represents the time when the job was acknowledged by the Job Manager.
kube_job_status_succeeded gauge The number of pods that reached Phase Succeeded.
kube_limitrange gauge Information about limit range.
kube_limitrange_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_mutatingwebhookconfiguration_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_mutatingwebhookconfiguration_info gauge Information about the MutatingWebhookConfiguration.
kube_mutatingwebhookconfiguration_metadata_resource_version gauge Resource version representing a specific version of the MutatingWebhookConfiguration.
kube_namespace_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_namespace_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_namespace_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_namespace_status_condition gauge The condition of a namespace.
kube_namespace_status_phase gauge Kubernetes namespace status phase.
kube_networkpolicy_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_networkpolicy_created gauge Unix creation timestamp of a network policy.
kube_networkpolicy_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_networkpolicy_spec_egress_rules gauge Number of egress rules on the networkpolicy.
kube_networkpolicy_spec_ingress_rules gauge Number of ingress rules on the networkpolicy.
kube_node_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_node_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_node_info gauge Information about a cluster node.
kube_node_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_node_role gauge The role of a cluster node.
kube_node_spec_taint gauge The taint of a cluster node.
kube_node_spec_unschedulable gauge Whether a node can schedule new pods.
kube_node_status_allocatable gauge The allocatable for different resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kube_node_status_capacity gauge The capacity for different resources of a node.
kube_node_status_condition gauge The condition of a cluster node.
kube_persistentvolume_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_persistentvolume_capacity_bytes gauge Persistentvolume capacity in bytes.
kube_persistentvolume_claim_ref gauge Information about the Persistent Volume Claim Reference.
kube_persistentvolume_info gauge Information about persistentvolume.
kube_persistentvolume_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_persistentvolume_status_phase gauge The phase indicates if a volume is available, bound to a claim, or released by a claim.
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_access_mode gauge The access mode(s) specified by the persistent volume claim.
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_info gauge Information about persistent volume claim.
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_resource_requests_storage_bytes gauge The capacity of storage requested by the persistent volume claim.
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_status_condition gauge Information about status of different conditions of persistent volume claim.
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_status_phase gauge The phase the persistent volume claim is currently in.
kube_pod_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_pod_completion_time gauge Completion time in Unix timestamp for a pod.
kube_pod_container_info gauge Information about a container in a pod.
kube_pod_container_resource_limits gauge The number of resource limits requested by a container.
kube_pod_container_resource_requests gauge The number of resources requested by a container.
kube_pod_container_state_started gauge Start time in Unix timestamp for a pod container.
kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason gauge Describes the last reason the container was in a terminated state.
kube_pod_container_status_ready gauge Describes whether the container's readiness check succeeded.
kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total counter The number of restarts per container.
kube_pod_container_status_running gauge Describes whether the container is currently in running state.
kube_pod_container_status_terminated gauge Describes whether the container is currently in a terminated state.
kube_pod_container_status_terminated_reason gauge Describes the reason the container is currently in a terminated state.
kube_pod_container_status_waiting gauge Describes whether the container is currently in a waiting state.
kube_pod_container_status_waiting_reason gauge Describes the reason the container is currently in a waiting state.
kube_pod_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_pod_deletion_timestamp gauge Unix deletion timestamp.
kube_pod_info gauge Information about the pod.
kube_pod_init_container_info gauge Information about an init container in a pod.
kube_pod_init_container_resource_limits gauge The number of requested resource limits by an init container.
kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests gauge The number of resource requests by an init container.
kube_pod_init_container_status_last_terminated_reason gauge Describes the last reason the init container was in a terminated state.
kube_pod_init_container_status_ready gauge Describes whether the init container's readiness check succeeded.
kube_pod_init_container_status_restarts_total counter The number of restarts for the init container.
kube_pod_init_container_status_running gauge Describes whether the init container is currently in a running state.
kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated gauge Describes whether the init container is currently in a terminated state.
kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated_reason gauge Describes the last reason the init container was in a terminated state.
kube_pod_init_container_status_ready gauge Describes whether the init container's readiness check succeeded.
kube_pod_init_container_status_restarts_total counter The number of restarts for the init container.
kube_pod_init_container_status_running gauge Describes whether the init container is currently in a running state.
kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated gauge Describes whether the init container is currently in a terminated state.
kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated_reason gauge Describes the reason the init container is currently in a terminated state.
kube_pod_init_container_status_waiting gauge Describes whether the init container is currently in a waiting state.
kube_pod_init_container_status_waiting_reason gauge Describes the reason the init container is currently in a waiting state.
kube_pod_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_pod_overhead_cpu_cores gauge The pod overhead in regard to CPU cores associated with running a pod.
kube_pod_overhead_memory_bytes gauge The pod overhead in regard to memory associated with running a pod.
kube_pod_owner gauge Information about the pod's owner.
kube_pod_restart_policy gauge Describes the restart policy in use by this pod.
kube_pod_runtimeclass_name_info gauge The runtimeclass associated with the pod.
kube_pod_spec_volumes_persistentvolumeclaims_info gauge Information about persistentvolumeclaim volumes in a pod.
kube_pod_spec_volumes_persistentvolumeclaims_readonly gauge Describes whether a persistentvolumeclaim is mounted as read only.
kube_pod_start_time gauge Start time in the Unix timestamp for a pod.
kube_pod_status_phase gauge The pod's current phase.
kube_pod_status_ready gauge Describes whether the pod is ready to serve requests.
kube_pod_status_reason gauge The pod status reasons.
kube_pod_status_scheduled gauge Describes the status of the scheduling process for the pod.
kube_pod_status_scheduled_time gauge Unix timestamp when a pod moved into scheduled status.
kube_pod_status_unschedulable gauge Describes the unschedulable status for the pod.
kube_poddisruptionbudget_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_poddisruptionbudget_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_poddisruptionbudget_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_current_healthy gauge Current number of healthy pods.
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_desired_healthy gauge Minimum desired number of healthy pods.
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_expected_pods gauge Total number of pods counted by this disruption budget.
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_observed_generation gauge Most recent generation observed when updating this disruption budget status.
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_pod_disruptions_allowed gauge Number of pod disruptions that are currently allowed.
kube_replicaset_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_replicaset_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_replicaset_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_replicaset_metadata_generation gauge Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state.
kube_replicaset_owner gauge Information about the ReplicaSet's owner.
kube_replicaset_spec_replicas gauge Number of desired pods for a ReplicaSet.
kube_replicaset_status_fully_labeled_replicas gauge The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet.
kube_replicaset_status_observed_generation gauge The generation observed by the ReplicaSet controller.
kube_replicaset_status_ready_replicas gauge The number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet.
kube_replicaset_status_replicas gauge The number of replicas per ReplicaSet.
kube_replicationcontroller_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_replicationcontroller_metadata_generation gauge Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state.
kube_replicationcontroller_owner gauge Information about the ReplicationController's owner.
kube_replicationcontroller_spec_replicas gauge Number of desired pods for a ReplicationController.
kube_replicationcontroller_status_available_replicas gauge The number of available replicas per ReplicationController.
kube_replicationcontroller_status_fully_labeled_replicas gauge The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicationController.
kube_replicationcontroller_status_observed_generation gauge The generation observed by the ReplicationController controller.
kube_replicationcontroller_status_ready_replicas gauge The number of ready replicas per ReplicationController.
kube_replicationcontroller_status_replicas gauge The number of replicas per ReplicationController.
kube_resourcequota gauge Information about resource quota.
kube_resourcequota_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_secret_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_secret_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_secret_info gauge Information about secret.
kube_secret_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_secret_metadata_resource_version gauge Resource version representing a specific version of secret.
kube_secret_type gauge Type about secret.
kube_service_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_service_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_service_info gauge Information about service.
kube_service_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_service_spec_external_ip gauge One series for each service external IP.
kube_service_spec_type gauge Specifies the service type.
kube_service_status_load_balancer_ingress gauge Service load balancer ingress status.
kube_statefulset_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_statefulset_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_statefulset_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_statefulset_metadata_generation gauge Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state for the StatefulSet.
kube_statefulset_replicas gauge Number of desired pods for a StatefulSet.
kube_statefulset_status_current_revision gauge Indicates the version of the StatefulSet used to generate pods in the sequence (0,currentReplicas).
kube_statefulset_status_observed_generation gauge The generation observed by the StatefulSet controller.
kube_statefulset_status_replicas gauge The number of replicas per StatefulSet.
kube_statefulset_status_replicas_available gauge The number of available replicas per StatefulSet.
kube_statefulset_status_replicas_current gauge The number of current replicas per StatefulSet.
kube_statefulset_status_replicas_ready gauge The number of ready replicas per StatefulSet.
kube_statefulset_status_replicas_updated gauge The number of updated replicas per StatefulSet.
kube_statefulset_status_update_revision gauge Indicates the version of the StatefulSet used to generate pods in the sequence (replicas-updatedReplicas,replicas).
kube_storageclass_annotations gauge Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_storageclass_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_storageclass_info gauge Information about storageclass.
kube_storageclass_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_validatingwebhookconfiguration_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_validatingwebhookconfiguration_info gauge Information about the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
kube_validatingwebhookconfiguration_metadata_resource_version gauge Resource version representing a specific version of the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
kube_volumeattachment_created gauge Unix creation timestamp.
kube_volumeattachment_info gauge Information about volumeattachment.
kube_volumeattachment_labels gauge Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels.
kube_volumeattachment_spec_source_persistentvolume gauge PersistentVolume source reference.
kube_volumeattachment_status_attached gauge Information about volumeattachment.
kube_volumeattachment_status_attachment_metadata gauge The volumeattachment metadata.
kubelet_certificate_manager_client_expiration_renew_errors counter [ALPHA] Counter of certificate renewal errors.
kubelet_certificate_manager_client_ttl_seconds gauge [ALPHA] Gauge of the time-to-live (TTL) of the Kubelet's client certificate. The value is in seconds until certificate expiry (negative if already expired). If the client certificate is invalid or unused, the value will be +INF.
kubelet_cgroup_manager_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration in seconds for cgroup manager operations. Broken down by method.
kubelet_container_log_filesystem_used_bytes gauge [ALPHA] Bytes used by the container's logs on the filesystem.
kubelet_containers_per_pod_count histogram [ALPHA] The number of containers per pod.
kubelet_docker_operations_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Latency in seconds of Docker operations. Broken down by operation type.
kubelet_docker_operations_errors_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative number of Docker operation errors by operation type.
kubelet_docker_operations_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative number of Docker operations by operation type.
kubelet_http_inflight_requests gauge [ALPHA] Number of the inflight http requests.
kubelet_http_requests_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration in seconds to serve http requests.
kubelet_http_requests_total counter [ALPHA] Number of the http requests received since the server started.
kubelet_network_plugin_operations_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Latency in seconds of network plugin operations, broken down by operation type.
kubelet_network_plugin_operations_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative number of network plugin operations by operation type.
kubelet_node_config_error gauge [ALPHA] This metric is true (1) if the node is experiencing a configuration-related error, false (0) otherwise.
kubelet_node_name gauge [ALPHA] The node's name. The count is always 1.
kubelet_pleg_discard_events counter [ALPHA] The number of discard events in PLEG.
kubelet_pleg_last_seen_seconds gauge [ALPHA] Timestamp in seconds when PLEG was last seen active.
kubelet_pleg_relist_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration in seconds for relisting pods in PLEG.
kubelet_pleg_relist_interval_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Interval in seconds between relisting in PLEG.
kubelet_pod_start_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration in seconds for a single pod to go from pending to running.
kubelet_pod_worker_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration in seconds to sync a single pod. Broken down by operation type: create, update, or sync.
kubelet_pod_worker_start_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration in seconds from seeing a pod to starting a worker.
kubelet_run_podsandbox_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration in seconds of the run_podsandbox operations. Broken down by RuntimeClass.Handler.
kubelet_running_containers gauge [ALPHA] Number of containers currently running.
kubelet_running_pods gauge [ALPHA] Number of pods currently running.
kubelet_runtime_operations_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Duration in seconds of runtime operations. Broken down by operation type.
kubelet_runtime_operations_errors_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative number of runtime operation errors by operation type.
kubelet_runtime_operations_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative number of runtime operations by operation type.
kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes gauge [ALPHA] Number of available bytes in the volume.
kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes gauge [ALPHA] Capacity in bytes of the volume.
kubelet_volume_stats_inodes gauge [ALPHA] Maximum number of inodes in the volume.
kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_free gauge [ALPHA] Number of free inodes in the volume.
kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_used gauge [ALPHA] Number of used inodes in the volume.
kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes gauge [ALPHA] Number of used bytes in the volume.
kubeproxy_network_programming_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] In Cluster Network Programming Latency in seconds.
kubeproxy_sync_proxy_rules_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] SyncProxyRules latency in seconds.
kubeproxy_sync_proxy_rules_endpoint_changes_pending gauge [ALPHA] Pending proxy rules Endpoint changes.
kubeproxy_sync_proxy_rules_endpoint_changes_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative proxy rules Endpoint changes.
kubeproxy_sync_proxy_rules_iptables_restore_failures_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative proxy iptables restore failures.
kubeproxy_sync_proxy_rules_last_queued_timestamp_seconds gauge [ALPHA] The last time a sync of proxy rules was queued.
kubeproxy_sync_proxy_rules_last_timestamp_seconds gauge [ALPHA] The last time proxy rules were successfully synced.
kubeproxy_sync_proxy_rules_service_changes_pending gauge [ALPHA] Pending proxy rules Service changes.
kubeproxy_sync_proxy_rules_service_changes_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative proxy rules Service changes.
kubernetes_build_info gauge [ALPHA] A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by major, minor, git version, git commit, git tree state, build date, Go version, and compiler from which Kubernetes was built, and platform on which it is running.
prober_probe_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative number of a liveness, readiness, or startup probe for a container by result.
process_cpu_seconds_total counter Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
process_max_fds gauge Maximum number of open file descriptors.
process_open_fds gauge Number of open file descriptors.
process_resident_memory_bytes gauge Resident memory size in bytes.
process_start_time_seconds gauge Start time of the process since Unix epoch in seconds.
process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge Virtual memory size in bytes.
process_virtual_memory_max_bytes gauge Maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes.
rest_client_exec_plugin_certificate_rotation_age histogram [ALPHA] Histogram of the number of seconds the last auth exec plugin client certificate lived before being rotated. If auth exec plugin client certificates are unused, histogram will contain no data.
rest_client_exec_plugin_ttl_seconds gauge [ALPHA] Gauge of the shortest TTL of the client certificate or certificates managed by the auth exec plugin. The value is in seconds until certificate expiry (negative if already expired). If auth exec plugins are unused or manage no TLS certificates, the value will be +INF.
rest_client_request_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Request latency in seconds. Broken down by verb and URL.
rest_client_requests_total counter [ALPHA] Number of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
serviceaccount_legacy_tokens_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative legacy service account tokens used.
serviceaccount_stale_tokens_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative stale projected service account tokens used.
serviceaccount_valid_tokens_total counter [ALPHA] Cumulative valid projected service account tokens used.
ssh_tunnel_open_count counter [ALPHA] Counter of ssh tunnel total open attempts.
ssh_tunnel_open_fail_count counter [ALPHA] Counter of ssh tunnel failed open attempts.
storage_operation_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] Storage operation duration.
storage_operation_errors_total counter [ALPHA] Storage operation errors.
storage_operation_status_count counter [ALPHA] Storage operation return statuses count.
volume_manager_total_volumes gauge [ALPHA] Number of volumes in Volume Manager.
workqueue_adds_total counter [ALPHA] Total number of adds handled by workqueue.
workqueue_depth gauge [ALPHA] Current depth of workqueue.
workqueue_longest_running_processor_seconds gauge [ALPHA] Number of seconds the longest-running processor for the workqueue has been running.
workqueue_queue_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] How long in seconds an item stays in the workqueue before being requested.
workqueue_retries_total counter [ALPHA] Total number of retries handled by the workqueue.
workqueue_unfinished_work_seconds gauge [ALPHA] Number of seconds of work that have been done but haven't been observed by work_duration. Large values indicate stuck threads. You can deduce the number of stuck threads by observing the rate at which this value increases.
workqueue_work_duration_seconds histogram [ALPHA] How long in seconds it takes to process an item from the workqueue.