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Create User Role

For details about different types of permissions used in roles, see User/Role Management.

To create a user role from the Apstra GUI:

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Platform > User Management > Roles and click Create Role (or to copy an existing user role and customize it, click the Clone button for the user role to copy).
    The Create Role dialog opens (or the Clone Role dialog opens, as applicable).
  2. Enter a unique role name and (optional) description, select a permission type, then select applicable permissions for the role.

    Roles are either global, granular (per-blueprint) or tenant (routing zone and their inherited elements). Only one type of permission can be included in a role. Be careful. If you select permissions in one type, then click the radio button for another type, you'll lose the permissions you already set. For detailed information about permissions, see User/Role Management.

  3. Click Create to create the role and return to the Roles view.
When you create or update a user profile, this new role will be available for selecting.