User / Role Management Introduction
You need a user (profile) to work in the Apstra GUI environment. The areas in the environment that you can access and/or change are determined by the roles assigned to you as a user. Apstra ships with one predefined user called admin that's assigned the administrator role. The administrator role is one of the five predefined roles as shown in the table below:
Role |
Permissions |
administrator |
Includes all permissions. |
device_ztp |
Includes one permission, to edit ZTP. For setting up Apstra ZTP server, We recommend creating a dedicated user and assigning only this role. |
License_reader |
Includes one permission, to read Juniper Apstra Licenses. |
user |
Includes permission to view and edit various elements including permission to create users. |
viewer |
Includes permission to only view various elements. |
You can't modify predefined roles, but if you have Write/Read Roles permission you can create custom roles. The admin user has this permission; you can also create a user and assign it with the Write/Read Roles permission.
You can't modify the predefined admin user, but if you have Read/Write Users permission you can create custom users. The admin and user users have this permission; you can also create a user and assign it with the Read/Write Users permission
Each role applies to one of three different permission types, as shown in the table below.
Permission Type |
Permissions |
Global |
Pertains to Apstra details other than blueprint details. They include general blueprint read, write, commit and delete permissions as well as permissions for platform, external systems, resources, design, devices, and more. |
Granular |
Includes blueprint-related permissions for all blueprints or for selected blueprints. |
Tenant |
Includes permissions based on routing zones. |
For more details about the permissions included in each type, see the sections below.
Global Permissions
Includes permissions for the following:
Allow overriding other users staged changes and unlocking the blueprint (write only)
Blueprints (read, write, commit, delete)
Connectivity Templates (read only)
Show information about user who locked blueprint (read only)
Includes permissions for the following:
Agents (read, write)
Chassis Profiles (read, write)
Device Profiles (read, write)
Devices (read, write)
Linecard Profiles (read, write)
ZTP (read, write)
Includes permissions for the following:
Config Templates (read, write)
Configlets (read, write)
Interface Maps (read, write)
Logical Devices (read, write)
Port Aliases (read, write)
Property Sets (read, write)
Rack Types (read, write)
Tags (read, write)
Templates (read, write)
Includes permissions for the following:
ASN Pools (read, write)
Integer Pools (read, write)
IP Pools (read, write)
IPv6 Pools (read, write)
VNI Pools (read, write)
Includes permissions for the following:
Audit Config (read, write)
Audit Events (read only)
Roles (read, write)
Security Config (read, write)
Users (read, write)
Includes permissions for the following:
Flow Data Collectors (read, write)
Juniper Apstra Query Based Analytics (read only)
Telemetry Service Registry (read, write)
External Systems
Includes permissions for the following:
AAA Providers (read, write)
Virtual Infra Manager (read, write)
Includes permissions for the following:
Exempt Juniper Apstra Cluster Management read-only mode (write only)
Juniper Apstra Cluster Management (read, write)
Juniper Apstra Licenses (read, write)
Juniper Apstra Metric Logs (read only)
Streaming (read, write)
Sysdb Data (read, write)
Includes permissions for the following:
Connector Types (read only)
Graph Queries (read, write)
Juniper Apstra Software Support Reference Number (read, write)
Login Message (write only) (New in Apstra version 5.1.0)
Port Setting Schema (read only)
Product Usage (read, write)
Telemetry RPC Schema Registry (read only)
Tenants (read only)
Granular Permissions
You can apply granular permissions to all blueprints or to selected blueprints.
Common Permissions
Includes permissions for the following:
Read blueprint
Make any change to staging blueprint
Allow overriding other users staged changes and unlocking the blueprint
Commit changes
Show information about user who locked blueprint
Datacenter-specific Permissions
Includes permissions for the following:
Manage tenants
Manage racks and links (permission to create/delete to-generic racks, bring interface up/down, and more)
Manage resource groups
Manage routing zones
Manage generic systems (controls various generic-related FFE operations like adding/removing to-generic links, changing port-channels to generic, creating/deleting external generics, changing generic type, bringing interfaces up/down, and more)
Manage virtual networks (includes managing VN endpoints)
Manage virtual network endpoints
Freeform-specific Permissions
Includes permissions for the following:
Manage property sets
Manage resources
Tenant Permissions
You can apply tenants permissions to tenants.
Tenant-specific Permissions
Includes permissions for the following:
Manage resource groups
Manage routing zones
Manage virtual networks
Manage virtual network endpoints