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Edit / Delete Agent

You can edit individual agent details one at a time, or (as of Apstra version 4.1.0) you can edit details that are common to multiple agents at the same time.

Edit One Agent

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Devices >Managed Devices to go to devices and agents.
  2. Click the three dots in the Actions column (right side) for the device that you want to edit, then click the Edit button in the Agent menu.
  3. Make your changes (device addresses, operation mode, agent profile, packages, open-options, as applicable).

    Changing a user requires completely re-onboarding the device. Changing the password involves several steps that are not straightforward (changing the password on the device, device agents, and pristine config). If you need to change a password, we recommend contacting Juniper Support.

  4. Click Update to update the agent and return to the list view.

Edit Multiple Agents

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Devices >Managed Devices and select one or more check boxes for the device(s) to edit.
  2. Click the Assign Profile button (in the menu that appears above the table after making a selection).
  3. Make your changes (agent profile, clear existing packages, clear open options).
  4. Click Assign System Agent Profile to save your changes and return to the list view.

Delete Agent

If you want to remove a device from Apstra management, see Remove Device for the complete workflow. There are additional steps before and after deleting the agent (such as unassigning the device from the blueprint, setting the admin state, uninstalling the agent and deleting the device).

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Devices > Managed Devices, select the device(s) to delete, then click the Delete button in the Agent section.
  2. Click Delete to delete the agent(s) and return to the list view.