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Step 3: Keep Going

What's Next

Now that you've onboarded the device, here are some things you might want to do next.

If you want to Then
Use Paragon Automation to manage and monitor your devices. See User Guide

General Information

If you want to Then
Find out more about the device life cycle management use case See Device Life Cycle Management Overview
Find out more about the observability use case See Observability Overview
Find out more about the trust and compliance use case See Trust and Compliance Overview

Find out how to use active, synthetic traffic to monitor your network.

See Active Assurance

Find out how to provision and monitor a network service See Service Orchestration

Learn With Videos

Our video library continues to grow! Here are some great video and training resources that will help you expand your knowledge of Juniper Network Products.

If you want to Then
Get short and concise tips and instructions that provide quick answers, clarity, and insight into specific features and functions of Juniper technologies. See Learning with Juniper on Juniper Networks main YouTube page.
View a list of the many free technical trainings we offer at Juniper. Visit the Getting Started page on the Juniper Learning Portal.