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Step 2: Up and Running

Add Sites to the Organization

A site identifies the location of the devices in an organization. The superuser can add, modify, or delete sites in an organization.

To add site:

  1. Click Organization > Site Configuration

    The Sites page appears.

  2. Click Create Site .
  3. Enter a unique name for the site, select the country and a valid location. Alternatively, you can select a location on the map. These are mandatory parameters for successfully creating a site.
  4. Click Save.

    The site you created is created is displayed on the Sites page. You can now onboard routers to the site in Juniper Mist Routing Assurance.

    For more information, see Manage Sites.

Onboard Routers

To monitor a router, you must ensure that the router is onboarded to Juniper Mist Routing Assurance and assigned to a site. You can onboard a router by logging into the router's CLI in configuration mode and committing the outbound SSH commands that Juniper Mist Routing Assurance provides. To onboard routers and to assign them to a site, you must be a user with Network Admin or Super User role in Juniper Mist Routing Assurance. For information on how to onboard a router and to add a router to a site, see Onboard Routers Using Juniper Mist Routing Assurance.


The onboarding process may take a few minutes to complete. The status of the router is initially displayed as Unassigned. After you assign the router to a site, the status of the router changes to Disconnected, and then to Connected, indicating that you can start monitoring the router.