Now that you’ve now seen ways of exposing a service to clients outside the cluster, another method is Ingress. In the service section, service works in transport layer. In reality, you access all services via URLs.
Ingress, or ing for short, is another core concept of Kubernetes that allows HTTP/HTTPS routing that does not exist in service. Ingress is built on top of service. With ingress, you can define URL-based rules to distribute HTTP/HTTPS routes to multiple different backend services, therefore, ingress exposes services via HTTP/HTTPS routes. After that the requests will be forwarded to each service’s corresponding backend pods.
Ingress Versus Service
There are similarities between load balancer service and ingress. Both can expose service outside of the cluster, but there are some significant differences.
Operation Layer
Ingress operates at the application layer of the OSI network model, while service only operates at the transport layer. Ingress understands the HTTP/HTTPS protocol, service only enacts forwarding based on the IP and the port, which means it does not care about the application layer protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) details. Ingress can operate at the transport layer, but service does the same thing, so it doesn’t make sense for ingress to do it as well, unless there is a special reason to do so.
Forwarding Mode
Ingress does the application layer proxy pretty much in the same way a traditional web load balancer does. A typical web load balancer proxy sitting between machine A (client) and B (server), works at the application layer. It is aware of the application layer protocols (HTTP/HTTPS) so the client-server interaction does not look transparent to the load balancer. Basically it creates two connections each with the source, (A), and the destination, (B), machine. Machine A does not even know about the existence of machine B. For machine A, the proxy is the only thing it talks to and it does not care how and where the proxy gets its data.
Number of Public IPs.
Each service of the ingress needs a public IP if it is exposed directly to the outside of the cluster. When ingress is a frontend to all these services, one public IP is sufficient, which makes life easy for cloud administrators.
Ingress Object
Before going into detail about the ingress object, the best way to get a feel for it is to look at the YAML definition:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-sf spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - path: /dev backend: serviceName: webservice-1 servicePort: 8888 - path: /qa backend: serviceName: webservice-2 servicePort: 8888
You can see it looks pretty simple. The spec defines only one item – that is the rules. The rules say a host, which is the Juniper URL here, may have two possible paths in the URL string. The path is whatever follows the host in the URL, in this case they are /dev and /qa. Each path is then associated to a different service. When ingress sees HTTP requests arrive, it proxies the traffic to each URL path associated backend service. Each service, as we’ve learned in this service section, will deliver the request to its corresponding backend path. That’s it. Actually this is one of the three types of ingress that Kubernetes supports today – simple fan-out ingress. The other two types of ingress will be discussed later in this chapter.
About URL, Host, and Path
The terms host and path are used frequently in Kubernetes Ingress documentation. The host is a fully qualified domain name of the server. The path, or url-path is the rest of the string part after the host in a URL. If the case is one of having a port in the URL, then it is the stringafter the port.
Take a look at the following URL: host port path host path
The host is, whatever follows port 1234 is called path, my/resource in this example. If a URL has no port, then the strings following host are the path. For more details you can read RFC 1738, but for the purpose of this book, understanding what is introduced here will suffice.
If you now think Kubernetes Ingress just defines some rules and the rules are just to instruct the system to direct incoming request to different services, based on the URLs, you are basically right at a high level. Figure 1 illustrates the interdependency between the three Kubernetes objects: ingress, service, and pod.

In practice there are other things you need to understand, to handle the ingress rules, you need at least one more component called the ingress controller.
Ingress Controller
An ingress controller is responsible for reading the ingress rules and then programming the rules into the proxy, which does the real work – dispatching traffic based on the host / URL.
Ingress controllers are typically implemented by third-party vendors. Different Kubernetes environments have different ingress controllers based on the need of the cluster. Each ingress controller has its own implementations to program the ingress rules. The bottom line is, there has to be an ingress controller running in the cluster.
Some ingress controller providers are:
You may deploy any number of ingress controllers within a cluster. When you create an ingress, you should annotate each ingress with the appropriate ingress.class to indicate which ingress controller should be used (if more than one exists within your cluster).
The annotation used in ingress objects will be explained in the annotation section.
Ingress Examples
There are three types of ingresses:
Single Service ingress
Simple Fanout ingress
Name-based Virtual Hosting ingress
We’ve looked at the simple fanout ingress, so now let’s look at a YAML file example for the other two types of ingress.
Single Service Ingress
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-single-service spec: backend: serviceName: webservice servicePort: 80
This is the simplest form of ingress. The ingress will get an external IP so the service can be exposed to the public, however, it has no rules defined, so it does not parse host or path in the URLs. All requests go to the same service.
Simple Fanout Ingress
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-sf spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - path: /dev backend: serviceName: webservice-1 servicePort: 8888 - path: /qa backend: serviceName: webservice-2 servicePort: 8888
We checked this out at the beginning of this section. Compared to single service ingress, simple fanout ingress is more practical. It’s not only able to expose service via a public IP, but it is also able to do URL routing or fan out based on the path. This is a very common usage scenario when a company wants to direct traffic to each of its department’s dedicated servers based on the suffix of URL after the domain name.
Virtual Host Ingress
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-virutal-host spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - backend: serviceName: webservice-1 servicePort: 80 - host: http: paths: - backend: serviceName: webservice-2 servicePort: 80
The name-based virtual host is similar to simple fanout ingress in that it is able to do rule-based URL routing. The unique power of this type of ingress is that it supports routing HTTP traffic to multiple host names at the same IP address. The example here may not be practical (unless one day the two domains merge!) but it is good enough to showcase the idea. In the YAML file two hosts are defined, the “juniperhr” and “junipersales” URL respectively. Even though ingress will be allocated with only one public IP, based on the host in the URL, requests toward that same public IP will still be routed to different backend services. That’s why it is called a virtual hosting ingress and there’s a very detailed case study in Chapter 4 for you to explore.
It is also possible to merge a simple fanout ingress and a virtual host ingress into one, but the details are not covered here.
Multiple Ingress Controller
You can have multiple ingress controllers in one cluster but the cluster needs to know which one to choose. For example, in Chapter 4 we’ll talk about Contrail’s built-in ingress controller, which does not stop us from installing another third-party ingress controller like the nginx ingress controller. Instead you end up having two ingress controllers in the same cluster with the names:
opencontrail (default)
Contrail’s implementation is the default one, so you don’t have to specifically select it. To select nginx as ingress controller, use this annotation.
metadata: name: foo annotations: "nginx"
This will tell Contrail’s ingress controller opencontrail to ignore the ingress configuration.