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Packet Flow Analysis


Earlier we used the curl tool to trigger HTTP requests for our test. It supports extensive options for various features. We’ve seen the -H option, which specifies the host field in a HTTP request. This time, for debugging purposes, we use another useful option, -v in the curl command:

This option displays more verbose information about the HTTP interaction:

  • The > lines are the messages content that curl sent out, and

  • The < lines are message content that it receives

from remote. From the interaction you can see

  • The curl sent a HTTP GET with path / to the FIP, and with Host filled with juniper URL.

  • It gets the response with code 200 OK, indicating the request has succeeded.

  • There are a bunch of other headers in the response that are not important for our test so we can skip them.

  • The rest of the response is the HTML source code of a returned web page.

  • The connection is immediately closed afterward.

Now you’ve seen the verbose interactions that curl performed under the hood, and you can understand the GET command and host header we sent in the telnet test. In that test we were just emulating what curl would do, but just now we did it manually!

Internet Host to Gateway Router

First let’s start from the client – the Internet host.

Figure 1: Internet Host: Send an HTTP Request
Host: Send an HTTP Request

As in any host, the routing table is pretty simple. The static route, or more typically, a default route, pointing to the gateway route is all that it needs:

The last entry is the static route that we’ve manually configured, pointing to our gateway router.


In this setup, we configured a VRF table in the gateway router to connect the host machine into the same MPLS/VPN so that it can communicate with the overlay networks in Contrail cluster. In practice, there are other ways to achieve the same goal. For example, the gateway router can also choose to leak routes with policies between VPNs and the Internet routing table, so that an Internet host that is not part of the VPNs can also access the overlay networks in Contrail.

Gateway Router to Ingress Public Floating IP: MPLS over GRE

We’ve seen gateway router’s routing table before. From the protocol next hop we can find out that the packet will be sent to active haproxy node cent222 via the MPLSoGRE tunnel.

Figure 2: Gateway Router: Forward to Ingress Public Floating IP
Gateway Router: Forward to Ingress Public Floating IP

Now with the flow table collected on both computes, we can find out the same information. Let’s take a look at the flow entries of active proxy compute:

This flow reflects the state of the TCP connection originating from the Internet host client to active haproxy. Let’s look at the first entry in the capture:

  • The first flow entry displays the source and destination of the HTTP request; it is coming from Internet host ( and lands the Ingress floating IP in current node cent222.

  • The S(nh):61 is the next hop to the source of the request – the Internet host. This is similar to reverse path forwarding(RPF). The vRouter always maintains the path toward the source of the packet in the flow.

  • The nh --get command resolves the nexthop 61 with more details. You can see a MPLSoGRE flag is set, Sip and Dip are the two ends of the GRE tunnel, and they are currently the node and the gateway router’s loopback, IP respectively.

  • The TCP:SSrEEr are TCP flags showing the state of this the TCP connection. The vRouter detects the SYN (S), SYN-ACK (Sr), so the bidirectional connection is established (EEr).

  • Proto(V) field indicate the VRF number and protocol type. two VRF is involved here in current (isolated) NS ns-user-1.

    • VRF 2: the VRF of default pod network

    • VRF 5: the VRF of the FIP-VN

    • protocol 6 means TCP (HTTP packets).


We’ll use VRF 2 later when we query the nexthop for a prefix in the VRF routing table.

Overall, the first flow entry confirms that the request packet from the Internet host traverses the gateway router, and via the MPLSoGRE tunnel it hits the ingress external VIP NAT will happen and we’ll look into that next.

Ingress Public Floating IP to Ingress Pod IP: FIP(NAT)

Figure 3: Active Haproxy Node: Ingress Public Floating IP to Ingress Pod IP
Active Haproxy Node: Ingress Public Floating IP to Ingress
Pod IP

To verify the NAT operation, you only need to dig a little bit more out of the previous flow output:

  • The Action flag, N(D), in the first entry indicates destination NAT or DNAT. Destination ingress external floating IP, which is the external ingress, will be translated to the ingress internal VIP.

  • The Action flag, N(S), in the second entry, indicates source NAT or SNAT. This indicates source NAT source IP, which is the internal ingress, and the VIP will be translated to the ingress external VIP.

In summary, what the flow table of active haproxy node cent222 tells us is that on receiving the packet destined to the ingress floating IP, vRouter on node cent222 performs NAT operation and translates destination floating IP ( to the ingress’s internal VIP ( After that the packet lands the ingress load balancer’s VRF table and forwards it to the active haproxy’s listening interface. The HTTP proxy operation will now happen, and we’ll talk about it next.


In vRouter flow, the second flow entry is also called a reverse flow of the first one. It is the flow entry vRouter that sends the returning packet towards the Internet host. From the ingress load balancer’s perspective it only uses, assigned from the default pod network as its source IP, it does not know anything about the floating IP. The same goes for the external Internet host, it only knows how to reach the floating IP and has no clues about the private ingress internal VIP. It is the vRouter that is doing the two-way NAT translations in between.

Ingress Pod IP to Service IP: MPLS over UDP

Now the packet lands in the ingress load balancer’s VRF table and it is in the frontend of the haproxy. What happens is:

  • The haproxy is listening in on the frontend IP (ingress internal podIP/VIP) and port 80 to see the packet.

  • The haproxy checks the ingress rule programmed in its configuration file, decides that the requests need to be proxied to the service IP of webservice-1.

  • The vRouter checks the ingress load balancer’s VRF table and sees the prefix of webservice-1 and the service IP is learned from a destination node cent333, which will be the next hop to forward the packet.

  • Between compute nodes the forwarding path is programmed with MPLSoUDP tunnel, so the vRouter sends it through MPLS over UDP tunnel with the right MPLS Label.

This process is illustrated next in Figure 4:

Figure 4: Active Haproxy Node: Ingress Pod IP to Service IP
Active Haproxy Node: Ingress Pod IP to Service IP

Let’s first take a look at the VRF routing table from UI. In UI, we can check the VRF routing table based on the VRF name, from any compute node.

Figure 5: Ingress Loadbalancer’s VRF Table
Ingress Loadbalancer’s
VRF Table

From the Ingress podIP’s VRF, which is the same VRF for the default pod network of current namespace, we can see that the next hop toward service IP prefix is the other compute node cent333 with IP through MPLSoUDP tunnel. The same result can also be found via vRouter rt/nh utilities:

Please note that all the traffic from ingress to service happens in the overlay between Contrail compute nodes, which means that all overlay packets should be encapsulated in MPLS over UDP tunnel. To verify the haproxy process packet processing details, let’s capture packets on the physical interface of node cent222, where the active haproxy process is running. The next screen capture, Figure 6, shows the results

Figure 6: Packet Capture on Fabric Interface of Active Haproxy Node cent222
Packet Capture on Fabric Interface of Active Haproxy Node cent222

From the Wireshark screenshot in Figure 6, you can see clearly that:

  • Frames 43-45, Ingress private podIP established a new TCP connection toward service IP and port, this happens in overlay.

  • Frame 46, on the new TCP connection, haproxy starts a HTTP request to the service IP.

  • Frame 50, the HTTP response returns back.

Frame 46 is also the one to use as an example to show the packet encapsulation. You’ll see this IP packet containing the HTTP request is MPLS-labeled, and it is embedded inside of a UDP datagram. The outer source and destination IP of the packet are (compute node cent222) and (compute node cent333), respectively.

Forward Versus Proxy

If you are observant enough, you should have noticed something weird in this capture. For example:

  • Shouldn’t the source IP address be the Internet host’s IP, instead of load balancer’s frontend IP?

  • Is the original HTTP request forwarded at all?

  • Is the transaction within the same TCP session sourcing from Internet host, crossing gateway router and load balancer node cent222, all the way down to the backend pod sitting in node cent333?

The answer to all of these questions is No. The haproxy in this test is doing Layer 7 (Application Layer) load balancing. What it does is:

  • Establishes TCP connection with the Internet host and keeps monitoring the HTTP request;

  • Whenever it sees a HTTP request coming in, it checks its rules and initiates a brand new TCP connection to the corresponding backend;

  • It copies the original HTTP request it receives from the Internet host and pastes into the new TCP connection with its backend. Precisely speaking, the HTTP request is proxied, not forwarded.

  • Extending the wireshark display filter to include both and

    Figure 7: Packet Capture On Active Haproxy Node Cent222 Fabric Interface: The “Whole Story”
    Packet Capture On Active Haproxy Node Cent222 Fabric Interface:
The “Whole Story”
  • Frame 39-41: Internet host established a TCP connection toward Ingress external public FIP.

  • Frame 42: Internet host sent HTTP request.

  • Frame 43-52: active haproxy established a new TCP connection toward service, sent the HTTP request, retrieved the HTTP response, and closed the connection.

  • Frame 53-54: active haproxy sent the HTTP response back to Internet host.

  • Frame 55-57: Internet host closed the HTTP connection.

Here we use frame 42 to display the MPLS over GRE encapsulation between active haproxy node cent222 and the gateway router. When comparing it with frame 46 in the previous screenshot, you will notice this is a different label. The MPLS label carried in the GRE tunnel will be stripped before the vRouter delivers the packet to the active haproxy. A new label will be assigned when active haproxy starts a new TCP session to the remote node.

At the moment we know the HTTP request is proxied to haproxy’s backend. According to the ingress configuration, that backend is a Kubernetes service. Now, in order to reach the service, the request is sent to a destination node cent333 where all backend pods are sitting. Next we’ll look at what will happen in destination node.

Service IP to Backend Pod IP: Floating IP(NAT)

Figure 8: Service IP to Backend Pod IP
Service IP to
Backend Pod IP

On destination node cent333, when the packet comes in from Ingress internal IP toward the service IP of webservice-1, the vRouter again does the NAT translation operations. It translates the service IP to the backend podIP, pretty much the same way as what you’ve seen in node cent222, where the vRouter translates between the ingress public floating IP with the ingress internal podIP.

Here is the flow table captured with the shell script. This flow shows the state of the second TCP connection between active haproxy and the backend pod:

You’ve seen something similar in the service section, so you shouldn’t have issues understanding it. Obviously the second entry is triggered by the incoming request from active haproxy IP (the Ingress podIP) towards the service IP. The vRouter knows the service IP is a floating IP that maps to the backend podIP, and service port maps to the container targetPort in the backend pod. It does DNAT+DPAT (DPd) in the incoming direction and SNAT+SPAT (SPs) in the outgoing direction.

The other easy way to trace this forwarding path is to look at the MPLS label. In previous step we've seen label 38 is used when the active haproxy computes cent222 sent packets into the MPLSoUDP tunnel to compute cent333. You can use the vrouter mpls utility to check the nexthop of this In-label:

Once the next hop is determined, you can find the outgoing interface (Oif) number, then with vif utility you can locate the pod interface. The corresponding podIP is the backend pod for the HTTP request, which looks consistent with what the flow table shows above.

Finally the pod sees the HTTP request and responds back with a web page. This returning traffic is reflected by the first flow entry in the capture, which shows:

  • The original source IP is a backend podIP of

  • The original source port is webserver port 80

  • The destination IP is Ingress internal podIP

Backend Pod: Analyze HTTP Request

Another tcpdump packet capture on the backend pod interface helps to reveal the packet interaction between the ingress internal IP and the backend podIP:

Return Traffic

On the reverse direction, podIP runs webserver and responds with its web page. The response follows the reverse path of the request:

  • The pod responds to load balancer frontend IP, across MPLSoUDP tunnel.

  • The vRouter on node cent333 performs SNAT+SPAT, translating podIP:podPort into serviceIP:servicePort.

  • The respond reaches to the active haproxy running on node cent222.

  • The haproxy copies the HTTP response from the backend pod, and pastes into its connection with the remote Internet host.

  • The vRouter on node cent222 performs SNAT, translating load balancer frontend IP to floating IP

  • The response is sent to the gateway router, which forwards it to the Internet host.

  • The Internet host gets the response.