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Configuring T1 and E1 Port Parameters for SAToP Bundles (CTPView)


This topic describes how to configure port parameters for T1/E1 interfaces.

Before you begin:

  • Log in to the CTPView software at least at the Net_Admin level.

  • Connect the CTPView server to the CTP device for which you want to configure bundles.

To configure T1 and E1 port parameters for SATop Bundles using CTPView:

  1. In the side pane, select Bundle > Configuration.
  2. Run your mouse over the Display and Select an Existing Bundle bar.
  3. In the table of bundles, select the bundle that you want to modify.
  4. Under Bundle Options, configure the parameters described in Table 12, and click Click to Submit Bundle AND Port Changes.

Table 12: SAToP Bundle T1 and E1 Port Parameter Settings in CTPView

FieldFunctionYour Action

Port Description

Specifies a description for the port.

Enter a description of up to 62 alphanumeric characters. Do not use the following characters:

( ; ' " ) ]

T1/E1 Choice

Specifies the type of interface.

Select one:

  • T1

  • E1

T1 Line Coding

For T1 interfaces, specifies the T1 encoding method used on this bundle.

Select one:

  • B8ZS

  • AMI

E1 Connector Type

For E1 interfaces, configures the termination to work with either coax or RJ-48.

Select one:

  • RJ48

  • COAX

Line Buildout

For T1 interfaces, specifies the line buildout.

This option is supported only on IM-8P-T1/E1interface modules.

Select one:

  • ~133 ft

  • ~266 ft

  • ~399 ft

  • ~533 ft

  • ~655 ft

  • -7.5dB CSU

  • -15dB CSU

  • -22.5dB CSU

Clock Cfg

Specifies the type of clocking for the port.

Select one:

  • CTP is Clock Source—PBX either returns the clock received from the CTP device, or it returns a clock that is traceable to the same source as the CTP node clock reference. You typically use this configuration when you configure the CTP device with a clock reference input.

  • CTP is Looped Timed—PBX provides the clock, and the CTP device returns the same clock to the PBX. You typically use this configuration when the PBX has the more accurate clock source. You can configure the far end of the circuit with adaptive clocking to recover this clock if necessary.

  • CTP is Clock Source – Adap—PBX returns the clock received from the CTP device , and the CTP device uses the adaptive recovered clock. You typically use this configuration when the CTP device does not have a reference input and the PBX typically requires a clock from the distant PBX.