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Enabling Ethernet Interface Failover (CTPView)


This topic describes how to enable the use of Ethernet failover. You can configure this feature only in CTPView.

Before you begin:

  • Log in to the CTPView software at least at the Net_Admin level.

  • Connect the CTPView server to the CTP device for which you want to configure this feature.

To enable Ethernet failover using CTPView:

  1. In the side pane, select System > Configuration.
  2. Set the AutoSwitch Daemon parameter to Enabled.
  3. Click AutoSwitch.
  4. Under AutoSwitch Ethernet Failover Settings, configure the parameters described in Table 3, and click Submit Settings.

Table 3: AutoSwitch Ethernet Failover Settings in CTPView

FieldFunctionYour Action


Specifies whether or not Ethernet failover is enabled for an Ethernet interface.

If this feature is enabled and the active Ethernet interface goes down, the CTP device switches to an alternate Ethernet interface.

Select one:

  • Yes—Ethernet failover is enabled.

  • No—Ethernet failover is not enabled.