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Using Buffer Sampling to Monitor Packet Delay for CTP Bundles (CTP Menu)


The CTP device uses buffer sampling to monitor packet delay. Buffer samples are based on the amount of time that packets are in the buffer. The time is measured from when a packet arrives from the Ethernet interface to when it is transmitted out the serial interface.

You cannot display buffer sampling in CTPView.

To display buffer for a CTP bundle using the CTP Menu:

  1. From the CTP Main Menu, select 1) Bundle Operations.
  2. Select the type of bundle.
  3. Select a bundle from the list.
  4. Select 8) Runtime Diags.
  5. Select 8) Buffer Query.

    A list of buffer counts appears. Table 59 describes the fields in the buffer counts.

Table 59: Buffer Counts for CTP Bundles in the CTP Menu

Field NameDescription

Total Samples

Number of packets measured since the last time the count was cleared.

Smallest Sample

Within the total number of samples, the smallest sample measured in milliseconds. Packets in this sample experienced the most delay.

Average Sample

Within the total number of samples, the average buffer fill, in milliseconds.

Largest Sample

Within the total number of samples, the largest sample measured in milliseconds. Packets in this sample experienced the least delay.

Largest Buffer Jitter

Difference between the largest sample measured and the smallest sample measured, in milliseconds. This number corresponds to system packet delay jitter.