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Configuring Adaptive Clocking for CTP Bundles (CTP Menu)


The adaptive clocking configuration allows you to modify attributes that affect the adaptive clocking algorithm. The default settings are acceptable for most applications. We recommend that you change these settings only with the assistance of JTAC.

Before you begin:

  • Disable the bundle before you modify the bundle options.

To configure adaptive clocking for CTP bundles using the CTP Menu:

  1. From the CTP Main Menu, select 1) Bundle Operations.
  2. Select 1) CTP.
  3. Select a bundle from the list.

    If you select an active bundle, you are prompted to disable the bundle before configuring it.

  4. Select 3) Port Config.
  5. Select 3) Clock Config.
  6. Select 1) Port Clock Config.
  7. Select Set Adaptive Parameters.
  8. Configure the options as described in Table 51.

Table 51: CTP Bundle Adaptive Clocking Settings in the CTP Menu

FieldFunctionYour Action

Set to Defaults

Sets the adaptive clocking configuration to the default settings.

Select Set to Defaults.

AGGR Seconds/Calc

Specifies the time period during initial start of adaptive clocking during which packet samples that are experiencing the least delay through the network are collected. These samples are used for aggressive state calculations.

Enter a number from 3 through 200 seconds.

MNTN Seconds/Calc

Specifies the time period during normal adaptive clocking during which packet samples that are experiencing the least delay through the network are collected. These samples are used for maintenance state calculations.

Enter a number from 3 through 300 seconds.

Slope for MNTN in ppm

Specifies the number of packets per minute, which when reached, causes the adaptive clocking algorithm to change from aggressive state to maintenance state. Lower values result in longer switchover times with a clock value closer to the remote clock.

Enter a number from 1 through 100 packets per minute.

Maintenance Decay in calcs

Specifies how quickly the clocking corrects to the buffer set point while in maintenance state.

Enter a number from 2 through 120 seconds.

Max Clock Adjust in ppb

Specifies a cap for frequency acceleration, which constrains the frequency adjustments to the adaptive clock.

Enter a number from 1 through 1000 parts per billion.

Max Clock Offset in ppm

Specifies a cap for frequency velocity, which constrains the frequency velocity of the adaptive clock.

Enter a number from 1 through 400 packets per minute.

Max Buffer Error in usec

Specifies the buffer error rate required to change the adaptive clocking algorithm state from maintenance to aggressive.

Enter a number from 100 through 1,000,000 ų seconds.