Configuring NetRef Settings (CTPView)
NetRef primary backup operation involves a new packet flow from the primary node to all the backup nodes. These timing packets are sent at a rate of approximately 4.5 packets per second.
In this topic, the terms Primary and Backup refer to master and slave operations or nodes, respectively.
To configure network node reference with primary and backup operation using the Node Configuration page of CTPView:
- In the side pane, select Node > Node Config.
- Configure the parameters described in Table 53 and click Submit Configuration.
- (Optional) Click Node > Node Query to verify the NetRef master and backup node configuration details.
Table 53: Node Configuration Settings Page in CTPView
Field | Function | Your Action |
Port Providing Reference | Specifies whether you want to enable or disable the NetRef master node to function as the reference port providing frequency for clock synchronization. You need to specify this value for the 1st Priority Reference 0, 2nd Priority Reference 1, 3rd Priority Reference 2, 4th Priority Reference 3, and 5th Priority Reference 4 fields to specify the reference clocks for the master nodes with corresponding priorities. | Select Yes or No to enable or disable the master node to function as the reference clock. |
Reference Frequency | Specifies the frequency to be used for the reference clock or the master node. You need to specify this value for the 1st Priority Reference 0, 2nd Priority Reference 1, 3rd Priority Reference 2, 4th Priority Reference 3, and 5th Priority Reference 4 fields to specify the reference clocks for the master nodes with corresponding priorities. | Select a reference frequency in the range from 32 Khz through 4096 KHz. You can configure the CTP systems by using the menu interface to provide multiple prioritized node clock references. An external reference input and any of the serial interfaces may be used for the node reference clock. Reference frequencies must be 32 KHz, n x 64 KHz, or 1,544 KHz up to a maximum of 4096 KHz (2048 KHz maximum on the CTP1002). |
NetRef: Slave | Specifies the slave node for which multiple master nodes are associated for receiving clock synchronization information. | Select the slave node to be locked to the different master nodes. |
Master IP (Priority # 1) | Specifies the IP address of the master node with priority 1. | Enter the IP address of the master node with priority 1. |
Master IP (Priority # 2) | Specifies the IP address of the master node with priority 2. | Enter the IP address of the master node with priority 2. |
Master IP (Priority # 3) | Specifies the IP address of the master node with priority 3. | Enter the IP address of the master node with priority 3. |
Master IP (Priority # 4) | Specifies the IP address of the master node with priority 4. | Enter the IP address of the master node with priority 4. |
32 kHz Reference Output | Specifies whether you want to enable the reference output signal. | Select the Enable check box if it is already disabled. |
Clock Main RTM | Specifies the clock rear transition module (RTM) used to input a reference clock into the CTP2000 platform. | Select a value from the Port DB25 drop-down list to use clock module RTM. |