Displaying BERT Status and Counters for CESoPSN Bundles (CTP Menu)
To display BERT status and counters with the CTP Menu:
- From the CTP Main Menu, select 1) Bundle Operations.
- Select the type of bundle.
- Select a bundle from the list.
- Select 8) Runtime Diags.
- Select 6) BERT counts.
- Table 25 describes the BERT status and counters.
Field Name | Description |
BERT Running time | Number of seconds the test has been running since BERT statistics were cleared. |
Sync Seconds | Number of seconds that the local CTP device has been in sync with the remote CTP device. |
Errored Seconds | Number of seconds during which there were errors. |
Error Count | Number of errors found since BERT statistics were cleared. |
Sync Loss Count | Number of times synchronization was lost. |
Currently in SYNC | Shows whether the local CTP device is currently in sync with the remote device.