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您需要申请接入点 (AP) 才能从瞻博网络 Mist 云对其进行管理。您需要申请代码或激活码才能申请接入点。对于其中之一,您可以使用以下方法之一声明 AP:

  • Mist AI 移动应用

  • 网络浏览器


您可以使用声明代码声明单个 AP,也可以使用激活码声明多个 AP。您可以使用以下任一方法来声明接入点:
  • 要声明单个 AP,请使用位于 AP 背面的声明/二维码。
  • 要声明多个 AP,您需要使用激活码。当您购买多个接入点时,我们会为您提供激活码以及您的采购订单信息。

使用 Web 浏览器声明接入点

您可以使用 Web 浏览器载入单个接入点或多个接入点。如果您要载入单个接入点,请使用位于接入点背面的索赔代码或二维码。如果要载入多个接入点,请使用采购订单中列出的激活码。


您可以使用激活码同时申请多个 AP 并激活 PO 中列出的订阅。请参阅 激活订阅

要使用 Web 浏览器声明接入点:

  1. 在 登录您的帐户。

    如果您没有帐户,请参阅 创建 Mist 帐户和组织 ,了解有关创建帐户的详细信息。

  2. 转至组织>清单>接入点,然后单击声明接入点
  3. 输入激活码或申请码。
  4. (可选)选择要为其分配 AP 的站点。
    您可以选择将 AP 分配给主站点(默认)或任何其他站点。如果要稍后将 AP 分配给站点,请清除 “已将已申请的 AP 分配给站点 ”复选框。
  5. (可选)选中“为 AP 生成名称,格式:”复选框,然后输入 AP 的名称格式。
    仅当将 AP 分配给站点时,才能使用此选项。

    您还可以选择在声明 AP 后重命名 AP 并将其分配给站点。

  6. (可选)选中将已申请的接入点分配给设备配置文件复选框,然后从下拉列表中选择设备配置文件。有关设备配置文件的信息,请参阅设备配置文件
  7. 单击“声明”。

使用 Mist AI 移动应用程序声明接入点

要使用手机中的 Mist AI 移动应用程序载入单个接入点:

  1. 从 Google Play Store 或 Apple App Store 下载并安装 Mist AI 应用程序。
  2. 打开 Mist AI 应用程序并使用您的帐户凭据登录。
    如果您没有帐户,请参阅 创建 Mist 帐户和组织 ,了解有关创建帐户和组织的详细信息。
  3. 选择您的组织。
  4. 点击要为其分配 AP 的站点。
  5. 确保已选择接入点选项卡,然后点击 +
  6. 在 AP 上找到二维码。QR 码位于 AP 的后面板上。
  7. 将相机对准二维码。
  8. 点击接入点以查看其详细信息。

    您可以从 AP 详细信息屏幕执行各种任务,例如重命名 AP、将其设置在平面图上、释放 AP,甚至添加照片。只需点击该选项,您就可以更新详细信息。要重命名 AP,请点击 AP 名称并输入新名称。

    要将接入点放置在平面图上,请点击 在地图上放置。您需要在瞻博网络 Mist™ 门户的位置 >实时取景 中上传平面图才能使用此选项。请参见 添加和缩放平面图。将 AP 放置在平面图上后,您将看到更多详细信息,例如 AP 的位置和 AP 的安装高度(您可以修改的默认值)。

    以下视频还描述了使用 Mist AI 移动应用声明 Mist 接入点的过程。 请在 4:00 开始观看视频以查看此过程

    Hello, my name is Keir Asher from Juniper University Education Services, and today I'm going to show you the simplicity and ease it is to onboard a Mist access point on your network. This truly has done an excellent job taking out the complexity of the onboard process. Before we get into it, let's look at this obviously very simple installation we'll be using.

    I have a switch that basically connects to a firewall to get out to the internet. Now in order for a smooth implementation, we need to make sure of a few requirements that are met. First things first, there needs to be some device to provide the AP with power.

    In this case, I'm using an EX2200C with PoE+. The switch port it connects to needs to be either a trunk port with a defined native VLAN or an untagged VLAN assigned to it. We'll be using the latter.

    Next, the network that the AP connects to must have a DHCP server associated to it and have internet access that includes outbound port TCP 443 to be open. Finally, all subdomains for the domain name need to be resolvable. As you can also see, I've listed the port configuration that we'll be using.

    However, before you can add an AP to your network, you need to be able to manage it. Because the MIST wireless solutions are managed from the cloud, we need to browse to and create an account and an organization. Here you can see I've already created an account and logged in.

    My particular account has many organizations associated with it and for the sake of demonstration, I'll create a new one bearing in mind these are easily deleted once completed. From my account, I go to the Utilities tab and click Create Organization. Give your organization a name and click OK.

    This will open a new tab allowing you to now manage your organization. All organizations by default will come with a primary site already set up. From the Sites page, you are allowed to add additional sites.

    Again, for this example, I'll add a site. One thing you may notice is that you have certain configuration options available that will apply to any access points bound to that particular site. Next, I'm going to show you a wireless LAN that I've created for a different organization that has been configured. It just needs to be added to our AP once it's been onboarded.

    Now that my on-premise site is ready to go, I'm ready to onboard the access point. This slide depicts the process using the MIST AI mobile application.

    In this case, I'm using my Android phone for this demonstration. However, the Apple version is much the same. We start by logging into the application with your account information and selecting our organization as seen in Step 2. Once selected, we want to claim the access point to our organization in Step 3. Clicking on the Claim AP to Org will open my camera and prompt me to take a picture of the QR claim code on the other underside of my access point.

    Once focused, it will automatically populate the AP information to the app as seen in Step 5. Now click Edit and select the unassigned AP to display a check mark seen in Step 6. If you have predefined or existing sites associated with this organization, you'll be prompted to select the site in Step 7. The access point has now been added as shown in Step 8. Clicking the AP will display a very high level information of the AP. With the AP added, we are now ready to go back to the MIST user interface to complete our onboard process. From the interface, we return to the access point section.

    Under the unassigned section, you can see I have an EX2300 switch attached to this organization. Right above it is our newly added AP. Select the AP and assign it to our lab site.

    This step will take a minute or two to add the AP and assign it to the site. Eventually, it will show a status of Connected. Click the AP and create a name.

    In this portion, you can see what items are configurable for the specific AP as well as informational items like upstream switchport. Since we've already added a WLAN, it'll automatically add that WLAN to this AP unless otherwise specified. That being said, let's connect to our network and test it out.

    Hey, great success! Let's go check and see our newly connected client. Now let's go back and recap with another slide. Back to our super simple basic diagram now showing our AP is onboarded.

    MIST has truly simplified Wi-Fi engineering by removing much of the difficulty associated with adding new devices. The process for adding multiple devices at scale is additionally simplified through flexible onboarding options like automating it via REST API. You can also config RF templates as well as configuration templates and bulk AP naming are just a few things available to you.

    Additionally, MIST has 100% feature parity between the GUI and the API to suit any operator's management needs. Hungry for more? Head over to documentation for comprehensive and thorough collection of documentation. Thanks for watching.

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