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使用 Marvis 进行故障排除

Marvis® 虚拟网络助手 是一款人工智能驱动的交互式虚拟网络助手,可简化网络运维、简化故障排除并提供增强的用户体验。借助实时网络可见性,Marvis 可以全面了解从组织级别到客户端级别的网络,并提供详细的洞察。Marvis 利用 Mist AI 主动识别问题并提供解决问题的建议。

要将 Marvis 用于交换机,您必须拥有与 Wired Assurance 基本许可证关联的 Marvis for Wired 订阅。

Marvis 可以自动解决问题(自动驾驶模式)或推荐需要用户干预的操作(驾驶员辅助模式)。Marvis Actions 页面列出了 Marvis 检测到的高影响网络问题。Marvis Actions 还会显示针对贵组织网络的建议操作。

有关交换机的 Marvis 操作的更多信息,请参阅 交换机的 Marvis 操作

Marvis Actions is a cup-of-morning, coffee-site view spanning WLAN, LAN, WAN, and security that transforms IT operations to go from reactive troubleshooting to proactive remediation. For wired switches, Marvis adds missing VLAN tags, identifies bad cables, and fixes negotiation mismatches. As sites get added, Marvis Actions scales with ease without additional requirements from the user.

Marvis identifies the missing VLANs as well as the specific ports impacted. This feature helped one of our large retail customers find 19 out of 40,000 APs that were missing VLANs. Another action is bad cables.

Not the most interesting or exciting part of networking, but one of the most critical. Marvis can identify bad cables with high efficacy. Marvis Actions can either automatically resolve issues referred to as self-driving or recommends an action that requires user intervention, driver assist, for external systems.

Once an action is taken, Mist AI closes the feedback loop by validating that the action was properly executed and the issue is resolved. It bubbles up all the high-impact network issues that matter to an IT administrator, helping them prioritize and focus on what matters. It's a powerful game-changer for how things get done and truly a key component of the self-driving network.