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配置客户端设备以进行 EAP-TTLS 身份验证

本主题提供有关如何为客户端设备配置可扩展身份验证协议 – 隧道 TLS (EAP-TTLS) 身份验证的详细信息。该过程使用 Apple 客户端设备作为示例。

使用 Juniper Mist Access Assurance 时,在对 Apple 设备使用 EAP-TTLS/PAP(基于凭据)身份验证时,您需要进行其他配置。对于此任务,您必须使用免费的 Apple 配置器工具创建配置文件。

在登录提示符下通过单击 SSID 提供用户名和密码不适用于 Apple 设备。Apple 设备使用 PEAP-MSCHAPv2 或 EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2 身份验证方法,这些方法使用任何基于云的身份提供程序都不支持的密码哈希算法。
要创建 Wi-Fi 配置文件:
  1. 下载瞻博网络 Mist 服务器证书。

    为了使客户端设备信任 Mist Access Assurance 服务器证书,Mist 证书必须包含在 Wi-Fi 配置文件中。

    1. 在瞻博网络 Mist 门户上,转至组织>访问>证书。
      图1:查看并保存Mist服务器证书 View and Save Mist Server Certificate
    2. 单击查看 Mist 证书并复制证书详细信息。
      将证书本地保存为扩展名为 .crt 的文件。例如: mist-cert.crt

      如果您使用的是自己的自定义服务器证书,请在此步骤中下载证书颁发机构 (CA) 证书,而不是下载瞻博网络 Mist 证书。

  2. 在 Apple 客户端设备上创建新的配置文件。
    1. 在 Mac 电脑上,打开 Apple 配置器工具,然后单击“新建配置文件>文件”。
      图 2:Apple 客户端 Wi-Fi Profile Configuration for Apple Client的 Wi-Fi 配置文件配置


    2. 在 Apple 配置器工具的左侧导航栏上,单击证书>配置
      图 3:在 Apple 客户端的 Wi-Fi 配置文件配置中上传瞻博网络 Mist 服务器证书 Upload Juniper Mist Server Certificate in Wi-Fi Profile Configuration for Apple Client
      选择并上传在上一过程中下载的 Mist 证书。
    3. 从 Apple 配置器工具的左侧导航栏中,选择 Wi-Fi,然后单击配置
      图 4:Apple 客户端 Wi-Fi Profile Configuration for Apple ClientWireless Profile Configuration for Apple Client的 Wi-Fi 配置文件配置

      为 Wi-Fi 设置输入以下选项:

      图 5:Apple 客户端 Settings in Wi-Fi Profile Configuration for Apple Client Wi-Fi 配置文件配置中的设置
      • SSID — 您网络的 SSID。确保输入正确的 SSID,包括大写字母。
      • 安全类型WPA2/WPA 3 企业
      • 接受的 EAP 类型 - TTLS 并选择 每连接密码
      • 内部身份验证PAP
    4. 在同一页上的“企业设置”下,单击“信任”。该页面将显示已上传证书的列表。
      图 6:在 Apple 客户端的 Wi-Fi 配置文件配置中信任瞻博网络 Mist 服务器证书 Trust Juniper Mist Server Certificate in Wi-Fi Profile Configuration for Apple Client
      选择瞻博网络 Mist 证书。此步骤使客户端设备能够信任瞻博网络 Mist 服务器证书。


    5. 保存您的配置。
      图 7:保存 Wi-Fi 配置文件配置 Save Wi-Fi Profile Configuration
      要对配置文件进行签名,您需要一个 Apple 受信任的证书。生产使用需要此步骤。
    现在,您可以将证书分发给 Apple 客户端。

观看以下视频,了解如何为 EAP-TLS 创建网络配置文件以供测试或实验室使用:

But how do you configure your client devices based on different operating systems? So you use certificates to authenticate to a Wi-Fi network.

Note that this video is only useful if you're doing lab testing, if you' re actually using your test certificates. And this is not designed for production environments. But in production environments, clients are typically configured by MDMs or group policies or any other onboarding solutions. And none of these steps are required in production. We are just talking about simple lab tests so you could repeat these steps in your testing environment.

So first platform we'll talk about is iOS, or actually iOS, MacOS, and iPadOS. The steps are identical for all the three platforms. So what we will need to do to configure test clients that are running Apple operating systems is the Apple Configurator utility that you can download from Apple directly. It only works on MacOS, obviously. But that's how you configure profiles manually.

So go to Apple Configurator. You'll create a new profile. And we'll just say this is our mist secure net profile. What we are interested in here is Certificate section. We'll need to import the client certificate we've generated in the previous step. So we're going to click Configure. I have my test lab client PFX th at we've exported from a different video.

We'll need to provide a password that we used during the export. I think it's "1234." Great. So our client certificate has been importe d. The other certificate we will need is actually the server certificate that we will display from mist access assurance when client will try to connect. This server certificate is actually available here. So we'll copy this. Save it as a text file. And then save it in the same folder. And we'll call it mist-certificate .crt. So now we'll go back to our profile. We'll import one more cert. And we'll import the Mist certificate in here. Now, the next step is to configure the Wi-Fi profile. So we'll config ure Wi-Fi profile. This is where we'll put our SSID name. And our SSID name was mist-securenet. Just make sure you're using the one you've configured. Under Security Type, we'll use WPA3 Enterprise. Unless you're using an older device, WPA3 is supported on all the Apple - recent Apple products, I should say.

Under Protocols, we'll select TLS because we want to use certific ates to authenticate. We'll then select the client certificate that we' ve imported in the previous step. We'll then go to Trust section. And this is where we are saying client will trust the mist certificate when it will try to authenticate to th e network. So we are doing this mutual trust in here. So in this phase, the client trust the server. The server, in this case, is mist access assurance. In this section, client presents its client certificate. And mist access assurance will have to trust the client cert. We'll then go ahead and save this profile. And this will be saved as .mobileconfig file. And now, how do we distribute this? Obviously, if you're on a Mac , you could go and double-click and install it. But we can also distribute this to our clients using AirDrop, for instance. Now, I will distribute this to my iPad through AirDrop.