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平面图是定位服务的重要组成部分。您的平面图可为瞻博网络 Mist™ 提供有关站点和接入点 (AP) 的准确信息。




In this video, we're going to upload and scale our floor plan image . So to start, let's go to location, click Live View. Add floor plan, and let's give it a meaningful name. In this case, I'll give you guys a template called company name, floor, Let's call it n. Click okay. Upload image. And my image happens to be in downloads. It could be in any folder that you choose. Click upload. Okay.

So a couple of important points about the image itself. You want to make sure that it's either a PNG image a GIF image or a JPEG, and then also you want to make sure that you don't have a lot of white space around the image. In this case, I have large looking buffer right here. This is just part of what we show in the dash board. The actual image itself is contained to about this rectangle that I'm drawing out right there. So there's not a lot of white space .Okay.

So now let's scale the image. So let's click setup floor plan, click set scale, and drag and drop between two points. So now what I'm doing here is I'm selecting two points that I know the distance between in real life. And I have very high confidence that I know that the distance between these two points is twelve point one five meters. So now I'm gonna click right here and say enter a new length twelve point one five and click okay and click done.

And then once we've saved the image, that's all we need to do. You just need to know two points that you know the distance between and then entering that value like I just did. Now click save and that's it. Now we've uploaded and we have scaled our image.



表 1:平面图设置过程
步骤 操作 更多信息
1 向站点添加平面图 - 您可以从 Ekahau 或 iBwave 上传图像或导入完整的平面图。 手动上传您的平面图


2 缩放平面图。 缩放平面图





