此过程说明如何在层次结构级别使用 [edit unified-edge gateways tdf gateway-name system session-pics interface]
维护模式删除服务 PIC。服务 PIC 可以是聚合多服务 (AMS) 接口。服务 PIC 在宽带网关上执行与数据包相关的服务。
要配置维护模式和服务 PIC 删除,请执行以下操作:
- 验证此服务 PIC 的维护模式的当前状态。
user@host> show unified-edge tdf gateway-name system interfaces service-mode
该 service-mode
Maintenance Mode
MM Active Phase - System is ready to accept configuration changes for all
attributes of this object and its sub-hierarchies.
MM In/Out Phase - System is ready to accept configuration changes only for
non-maintenance mode attributes of this object and
its sub-hierarchies.
Interface Name Gateway Name Service Mode
ms-1/0/0 SCG1 Operational
ms-1/1/0 SCG1 Operational
ms-2/0/0 SCG1 Operational
ms-2/1/0 SCG1 Operational
pfe-0/0/0 SCG1 Operational
pfe-0/1/0 SCG1 Operational
pfe-0/2/0 SCG1 Operational
pfe-0/3/0 SCG1 Operational
ams1 SCG1 Operational
- 在配置模式下,将接口置于维护模式。
user@host# set unified-edge gateways tdf gateway-name system session-pics interface interface-name service-mode maintenance
user@host# commit
- 验证服务 PIC 是否处于活动维护模式,在该模式下,接受此对象及其所有子层次结构的配置更改。
user@host> show unified-edge tdf gateway-name system interfaces service-mode
Maintenance Mode
MM Active Phase - System is ready to accept configuration changes for all
attributes of this object and its sub-hierarchies.
MM In/Out Phase - System is ready to accept configuration changes only for
non-maintenance mode attributes of this object and
its sub-hierarchies.
Interface Name Gateway Name Service Mode
ms-1/0/0 SCG1 Operational
ms-1/1/0 SCG1 Operational
ms-2/0/0 SCG1 Maintenance - Active Phase
ms-2/1/0 SCG1 Operational
pfe-0/0/0 SCG1 Operational
pfe-0/1/0 SCG1 Operational
pfe-0/2/0 SCG1 Operational
pfe-0/3/0 SCG1 Operational
ams1 SCG1 Operational
服务 PIC 服务的所有订阅者都必须变为零。您可以等待满足这些条件,也可以使用 clear
- 删除服务 PIC,退出维护模式,然后提交更改。
删除服务 PIC 会自动退出已删除 PIC 的维护模式。
user@host# delete unified-edge gateways tdf gateway-name system interface interface-name
user@host# commit