utm-policy policy-name { anti-spam { smtp-profile profile-name; } anti-virus { ftp { download-profile profile-name; upload-profile profile-name; } http-profile profile-name; imap-profile profile-name; pop3-profile profile-name; smtp-profile profile-name; } content-filtering { ftp { download-profile profile-name; upload-profile profile-name; } http-profile profile-name; imap-profile profile-name; pop3-profile profile-name; rule-set rule-set-name { rule rule-name { match { application any; /*http, pop3, impa, smtp, ftp */ direction any; /* upload or download */ file-type exe; /*predetect magic supported file types*/ } then { action { no-action; /* No action */ /* block Block and drop connection */ /* close-client Close client */ /* close-server Close server */ /* close-client-and-server Close client and server */ } notification { seclog; /* event logging */ endpoint { /* endpoint notification options */ type protocol-only; notify-mail-sender; custom-message "CF Blocks content"; } smtp-profile profile-name; } traffic-options { sessions-per-client { limit value; over-limit (block | log-and-permit); } } web-filtering { http-profile profile-name; } }
[edit security utm default-configuration] [edit security utm]
配置用于防病毒、反垃圾邮件、内容过滤、流量选项和 Web 过滤协议的 UTM 策略,并将此策略附加到安全配置文件以实施。
安全性 — 要在配置中查看此语句。
安全控制 — 要将此语句添加到配置中。
在 Junos OS 9.5 版中引入的语句。
在 [edit security utm default-configuration]
Junos OS 版本 18.2R1 中引入了层次结构级别。