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在 SRX 系列设备上配置 LTE Mini-PIM

配置 LTE Mini-PIM

要配置小型 PIM,请执行以下操作:


如果在插槽 1 中安装了 LTE Mini-PIM 的情况下打开了具有出厂默认设置的服务网关,则会触发拨号器接口自动拨号。仅当小型 PIM 安装在插槽 1 中时,此功能才适用。如果 Mini-PIM 安装在任何其他插槽中,则需要手动配置要与拨号器接口关联的 cl-slot-number/0/0 接口。

  1. 配置拨号器池:

    user@host# set interfaces cl-slot-number/0/0 dialer-options pool number priority number

  2. 配置配置文件:

    user@host# request modem wireless create-profile profile-id profile-id access-point-name l3vpn.corp authentication-method chap sip-user-id sip-password password

  3. 激活 SIM 卡:

    user@host# set interfaces cl-slot-number/0/0 act-sim sim-slot-number


    一次只能激活一张 SIM 卡。如果您安装了辅助SIM卡,则当主SIM卡的信号强度较低时,它将自动激活。

  4. 选择配置文件并配置 SIM 卡的无线电接入类型:

    user@host# set interfaces cl-slot-number/0/0 cellular-options sim sim-slot-number select-profile profile-id profile-id

    user@host# set interfaces cl-slot-number/0/0 cellular-options sim sim-slot-number radio-access automatic


    如果第二个插槽中安装了 SIM 卡,请选择配置文件并同时配置辅助 SIM 卡的无线电接入类型。

  5. 配置拨号器接口:
    • 始终开启模式:

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 family inet negotiate-address

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 family inet6 negotiate-address

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 dialer-options pool dialer-pool-number

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 dialer-options dial-string dial-number

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 dialer-options always-on

    • 按需拨号模式:

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 family inet negotiate-address

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 family inet filter dialer dialer-filter-name

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 dialer-options pool dialer-pool-number

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 dialer-options dial-string dial-number

    • 备份模式:

      user@host# set interfaces <interface-name> unit 0 backup-options interface dl0.0

      user@host# set interfaces dl0 unit 0 dialer-options dial-string dial-number

  6. 提交配置:
    user@host# commit


静态路由使拨号器接口能够将数据包转发到默认路由以外的特定目标。手动配置静态路由并将其输入到路由表中。您可以使用命令 set interfaces dl0 unit 0 dialer-options route destination-ip-address 在拨号器接口上配置静态路由。

配置静态路由后,请确保使用命令将路由显示在设备的 show route 路由表中。请注意,只有在 LTE Mini-PIM 连接到网络后,静态路由才会显示在路由表中。


验证 LTE Mini-PIM 的状态

表 1 列出了可用于验证和监控 LTE Mini-PIM 状态的命令。

表 1:用于验证和监控 LTE Mini-PIM 状态的命令



show modem wireless profiles cl-slot-number/0/0 slot sim-slot-number

显示在 LTE Mini-PIM 上配置的配置文件。


root@host> show modem wireless profiles cl-3/0/0 slot 1|no-more 
Profile details
  Max profiles: 16
  Default profile Id: 1
Profile 1: Inactive
  Valid: TRUE
  Access point name (APN):
  Authentication: None
  IP Version: IPV4V6
Profile 2: Invalid
Profile 3: Invalid
Profile 4: Invalid
Profile 5: Invalid
Profile 6: Invalid
Profile 7: Invalid
Profile 8: Invalid
Profile 9: Invalid
Profile 10: Invalid
Profile 11: Invalid
Profile 12: Invalid
Profile 13: Invalid
Profile 14: Invalid
Profile 15: ACTIVE
  Valid: TRUE
  Access point name (APN):
  Authentication: None
  IP Version: IPV4V6
Profile 16: Invalid

show modem wireless network cl-slot-number/0/0

显示调制解调器的状态和 LTE Mini-PIM 的网络连接状态。


root@host> show modem wireless network cl-4/0/0 
LTE Connection details 
  Connected time: 26640
  IPv6: 2401:4900:2502:7c9b:e2f6:2dff:fec4:6ae3
  Gatewayv6: 2401:4900:2502:7c9b:20dd:68ff:fe9d:e1ae
  DNSv6: 2401:4900:50:9::
  Input bps: 0
  Output bps: 0
  Bytes Received: 16226
  Bytes Transferred: 14556
  Packets Received: 146
  Packets Transferred: 154
Wireless Modem Network Info 
  Current Modem Status: Connected
  Current Service Status: Normal
  Current Service Type: PS
  Current Service Mode: LTE
  Current Band: B1
  Network: airtel
  Mobile Country Code (MCC): 404
  Mobile Network Code (MNC): 45
  Location Area Code (LAC): 65534
  Routing Area Code (RAC): 0
  Cell Identification: 181967135
  Access Point Name (APN):
  Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN): INDairtel
  Physical Cell ID (PCI): 157
  International Mobile Subscriber Identification (IMSI): 404450624363369
  International Mobile Equipment Identification (IMEI/MEID): 359074062523271
  Integrate Circuit Card Identity (ICCID): 8991000905691589263
  Reference Signal Receiving Power (RSRP): -83
  Reference Signal Receiving Quality (RSRQ): -6
  Signal to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SiNR): 0
  Signal Noise Ratio (SNR): 24
  Energy per Chip to Interference (ECIO): 0

show interfaces dl0.0



root@host> show interfaces dl0 |no-more 
Physical interface: dl0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 163, SNMP ifIndex: 539
  Type: 27, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1460
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: SNMP-Traps
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Link flags     : None
  Current address: e0:f6:2d:c4:6a:e3, Hardware address: e0:f6:2d:c4:6a:e3
  Last flapped   : Never
  Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
  Logical interface dl0.0 (Index 77) (SNMP ifIndex 540)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x0 Encapsulation: ENET2
      State: Active, Dial pool: 1
      Dial strings: 1234
      Subordinate interfaces: cl-3/0/0 (Index 162)
      Activation delay: 0, Deactivation delay: 0
      Initial route check delay: 120
      Redial delay: 120
      Callback wait period: 5
      Load threshold: 0, Load interval: 60
    Input packets : 31
    Output packets: 17
    Security: Zone: untrust
    Allowed host-inbound traffic : bootp bfd bgp dns dvmrp igmp ldp msdp nhrp ospf pgm pim rip router-discovery rsvp sap vrrp dhcp finger ftp tftp ident-reset http https ike netconf ping reverse-telnet reverse-ssh rlogin rpm rsh snmp snmp-trap ssh telnet
    traceroute xnm-clear-text xnm-ssl lsping lsselfping ntp sip r2cp webapi-clear-text webapi-ssl tcp-encap sdwan-appqoe high-availability
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1446
    Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re, Sample-input, Sample-output, Negotiate-Address
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
          Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:
show modem wireless rssi cl-slot-number/0/0



root@host> show modem wireless rssi cl-3/0/0 |no-more 
Radio statistics
  Current radio signal strength: -69 dB
show modem wireless firmware cl-slot-number/0/0



root@host> show modem wireless firmware cl-4/0/0 
LTE mPIM firmware details 
  Product name: Junos LTE mPIM
  Serial number: AM09024395
  Hardware version: AcceleratedConcepts/Juniper 09
  Firmware version: 17.5.520-58494e6016e
  MAC: e0:f6:2d:c4:6a:e3
  System uptime: 30098 seconds
Wireless modem firmware details 
  Modem firmware version: 9999999_9904609_SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00_00_GENERIC_002.072_001
  Modem Firmware build date: 28/08/2019
  Card type: MC7430
  Modem manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Inc
  Hardware version: 1.0
  Power & Temperature: Normal 3335 mV, Normal 29.00 C
OTA status 
  State: Disabled
  New firmware available: No
Number of SIM: 2
Slot of active: 1
Status of SIM 1
  SIM state: SIM present
  Modem PIN security status: Disabled
  SIM status: SIM Okay
  SIM user operation needed: No Op
  Retries remaining: 10
Status of SIM 2
  SIM state: SIM present
  Modem PIN security status: Disabled
  SIM status: SIM Okay
  SIM user operation needed: No Op
  Retries remaining: 3