Wireless Connectivity for Retail

0:00 [Music]
0:02 customers using brick and mortar stores
0:04 expect
0:04 excellent service including what they're
0:06 now used to online
0:08 such as rapid checkout easy collection
0:11 and ready access to information
0:13 intermittent or bad connectivity lets
0:16 down both customers
0:17 and staff with juniper driven by missed
0:20 ai
0:20 you know that everyone can stay
0:22 connected and you have virtual network
0:24 assistant
0:25 marvis to keep everything running
0:27 smoothly for you
0:28 an assured client to cloud service can
0:31 provide customers with accurate
0:33 information
0:33 based on live data and can be used to
0:36 power innovative services
0:38 that differentiate your brand all this
0:40 adds up to an enhanced in-store
0:42 experience for your customers
0:44 while making it possible for your
0:46 workers to consistently deliver
0:48 great service
1:01 you