Juniper Mist Wired Assurance with Sunalini Sankhavaram

Juniper Mist Wired Assurance with Sunalini Sankhavaram
Wired Assurance is the fastest way to deploy and the easiest way to scale and manage switching. Learn about the most recent SLE enhancements and Wired Dynamic Packet Capture.
You’ll learn
How Wired Dynamic Packet Capture will simplify issue identification and accelerate resolution
Key use cases for Dynamic Packet Capture, including identifying the source of DDoS attacks
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0:09 um so distinguished Engineers as you can
0:11 see in the office the wireless C our
0:13 wireless CTO is Matt mcferson so I'm
0:16 bling between you and your lunch so I'll
0:18 just take a few minutes but we thought
0:20 you know it could be interesting for you
0:21 to know about us and and what we do um
0:24 so in this office of the wiress CTO we
0:26 work you know with the engineering team
0:28 we work with the product management team
0:30 but also what you may not know that we
0:32 also work with the R&D Departments of of
0:34 the last the large players out there and
0:37 you know that's what we call the device
0:38 ecosystem partners and that's you know
0:40 your key client and device ecosystem
0:43 vendors you the chipset vendors the
0:44 solution vendors um and what we do is
0:47 that we look at this Horizon you know
0:48 five to eight years we try to understand
0:50 what the problems will be in five to
0:52 eight years um and we try to find
0:54 solutions for for those problems so
0:56 somebody was joking about Wi-Fi 8 um so
0:59 that's what we're talking about you know
1:00 I've been talking about that all week I
1:01 don't have the access point yet but I
1:04 have you know about 600 pages of notes
1:06 so I'm sure if I concatenate this this
1:08 well enough will have an access point
1:10 out of it very good um so what we do
1:12 that we work in three different aess um
1:15 standards of course that is to say we we
1:17 design new Solutions um you know either
1:20 by ourselves or again with this device
1:22 ecosystem partners and we bring them to
1:24 these standard bodies um so of course we
1:26 are fairly active there um we have um
1:29 leadership position Triple E in the 11
1:31 bhbi Cox JTC the working group itself in
1:35 the wifi lines WBA and you know outside
1:38 of purely 11 we also look at you know BL
1:41 orb we are active in F which is the
1:44 Wi-Fi L equivalent for for White Band um
1:48 so we had um we contribute there I
1:50 counted before this meeting and we had
1:53 about 200 contributions just this year
1:55 in 2011 um so that's you know in the
1:58 standard but as you know in a 11 there's
2:00 a standard that describes the protocols
2:02 what the packets should be looking like
2:03 what the exchanges should be looking
2:05 like um but it don't tell you when it's
2:07 clever to use this Frame and when it's
2:09 dumb to use that frame so we we work
2:11 also with theem Partners to try to find
2:15 those you know Mis understanding that
2:16 can happen between the access point and
2:18 the client side engineering teams and we
2:20 try to fill these gaps um I was counting
2:23 against just this year we found about
2:26 147 gaps in the standard Wi-Fi you know
2:29 11be uh just for the implementation of
2:31 the different standard that we could
2:32 again um you know fill because we work
2:34 with these device ecosystem Partners so
2:36 you know that's the standard part we
2:38 also do what we call the standards plus
2:41 uh part which is where we work with the
2:44 device ecosystem Partners to go beyond
2:46 what is the standard today to try to you
2:49 know think of problems which may be a
2:50 bit specific a bit vertical specific um
2:53 and we try to develop Solutions together
2:55 for these problems uh sometimes we know
2:57 we do Prof of Concepts sometimes we
3:00 Implement those uh in in our products um
3:02 and then we proof case you know the
3:04 solution and we bring that back to the
3:06 next generation of the standards um so
3:08 many of us you know you know us well so
3:10 you know some of these names for example
3:12 fast lane you know you've heard about
3:13 that that's something we did a few years
3:15 back that became what we call in the W
3:18 Finance the oce Qs management R2 program
3:21 you also heard about the Spain plus uh a
3:24 program that we did for 11x case well
3:27 that was inserted then into 11be um as
3:30 the SCS QC Qs characteristic feature
3:34 that's now also in wifi 7 you know same
3:37 goes you know for open rooming you know
3:38 that we we brought that we build that in
3:40 house we gave it away to the WBA and
3:43 then we put in a 11 in the wifi Lin pass
3:46 Point program all the bricks you know
3:47 needed to make that work you know for
3:48 the entire industry so you know we we do
3:50 that a lot um and that allows us you
3:52 know to prove uh technology before we
3:55 bring it into the standards and then of
3:57 course you know in some cases as you see
3:59 the bottom some sometimes you know there
4:00 is no real need for industrywide
4:02 standards that's um what we call the
4:06 part specific standards where the
4:08 challenges are specific to a vertical or
4:11 to a type of device so much so that we
4:13 want to find solutions that work for
4:15 that type of device but that do not
4:16 necessarily require um a full blow Neo
4:19 integration into the standard for
4:21 example you know you have your Barcode
4:23 Scanner that thing can go to sleep and
4:25 then wake up and then it may lose its
4:27 connection quite often because it sleep
4:29 for well uh so there may need to be a
4:31 solution where we work with a a special
4:33 messaging to these devices so that they
4:34 maintain the connection you know for
4:36 hours or for days you know that that
4:37 kind of things so what we do is that we
4:39 design all these things we design we
4:41 bring into standards we do the proof of
4:42 Concepts we proof case the solution um
4:45 and then we bring the solution back to
4:46 the or the PM team and that's where you
4:49 know they they talk with you um to
4:51 determine which of these possibilities
4:53 have the most um uh benefit for the
4:55 industry and for our customers and then
4:57 that's how we integrate these uh these
4:59 features into our product all right
5:01 that's what we do roughly um you know I
5:03 don't have time to to go to all these
5:05 the details of what we do but we thought
5:07 could be interesting to give you you
5:08 know two quick examples of where what
5:10 we're working on now so that you have a
5:12 glance of where we're going um one of
5:14 them is what you see here which is
5:15 roaming again roaming yeah roaming you
5:17 know sadly has not been entirely solved
5:20 um yet you know there are plenty of
5:22 cases where roaming within a domain you
5:24 know Wi-Fi to Wi-Fi doesn't work well or
5:27 between domains which is a bit newer uh
5:29 between LT and Wi-Fi doesn't work well
5:31 you know you move from LT to Wi-Fi your
5:34 device you know turns to the Wi-Fi uh
5:36 path and then as you move away because
5:39 your mobile uh you don't get the right
5:41 connection to the AP and then you drop
5:43 the connection to the Wi-Fi before you
5:44 could establish fully the data paths and
5:46 that doesn't give you you know a good
5:48 quality of experience and also for you
5:50 know service providers on the LTE who
5:52 would like to switch the data path to
5:54 Wi-Fi in high density environments like
5:56 inside buildings it doesn't give them
5:57 this carrier quality so we're working
6:00 with a a bunch of device ecosystem
6:02 Partners you and device vendors um to
6:05 try to work on exchanges uh to be able
6:08 to provide information to each other and
6:10 guide this roaming experience though you
6:12 heard of FTM FTM is one uh technology we
6:16 have a um possibility now to have
6:19 location information to and from that
6:21 device so what we do is that we we
6:23 Define what we call this Vector based
6:25 roaming where we can establish a
6:27 displacement Vector for this device
6:29 which is you know the position and then
6:31 the derivative of that the movements and
6:34 then the derivative of that which is the
6:35 acceleration so we get that data and we
6:39 understand how the device is moving
6:41 compared to the position of the access
6:42 phones and then that allows us to you
6:44 know provide recommendations to this
6:46 device so for example you see the car at
6:47 the bottom that thing is moving fast
6:49 past the building so it may get in range
6:52 of the building access point but the AP
6:54 is going to tell that device you know
6:55 there's no point for you to join this
6:56 wi-fi because you're you passing too
6:58 fast to be able to work to be worth
7:00 using it uh the lady you see on on the
7:02 left side you know she's moving toward
7:03 the building for now she's on LTE there
7:06 will be a point where we'll be able to
7:07 say you're getting to the point where
7:08 you could be using the Wi-Fi in the
7:10 building she'll you know the AP will
7:12 help her connect that is to say find the
7:15 right time in the in the packet exchange
7:17 where she can switch a data path so that
7:19 there is zero interruption in in her
7:21 communication and then as she moves away
7:23 from the building she can also get from
7:25 the AP a time where it's it's the best
7:27 to switch back to the LT and of course
7:29 if you are inside the building we can
7:31 detect if you're moving or not moving so
7:33 this doesn't seem like much but this is
7:35 something we want to solve where we want
7:37 to get rid of this you know five to
7:39 eight second glitch that you have when
7:40 you move between the LTE and the and the
7:42 Wi-Fi next slide please um so that's a
7:45 small example but you know everybody
7:47 today is talking about new exciting
7:49 stuff like LM so of course in we looking
7:52 five years in the future we know that in
7:54 Five Years everybody will have LMS
7:56 everywhere not you know really probably
7:57 llms but probably slms you know small
8:00 language models that will be hypert
8:02 trained for some devices so we'll know
8:04 you have that in your network
8:05 infrastructures we know you'll have that
8:07 also on your our CL device um so what
8:10 we're experimenting right now with these
8:12 guys is to see how we can use these llms
8:16 to you know build the next generation of
8:18 what you're you're working on with with
8:19 Tony and M which is troubleshooting
8:22 where we want to be able to have these
8:23 LMS talk to each other dynamically and
8:26 automatically in the background Network
8:28 so that you know instead of pulling all
8:30 the kpis from those devices to get all
8:33 the information you need will be able to
8:35 detect first know withl um at one point
8:38 there is a d deviation from normal
8:40 behavior and when that point happens the
8:43 LM in the infrastructure on or the
8:45 client will be able to query the other
8:47 side and say can you give me the kpis
8:49 you know that are needed to troot this
8:52 symptom and this device will be able to
8:54 say okay you need this this this this
8:55 and that and we be returning the kpis
8:57 you need to exactly see what the problem
8:59 is without having to filter and get all
9:01 the packets so you know that's um that's
9:03 a couple of examples of course you know
9:05 I I should say none of that is committed
9:07 right we're looking into experiments
9:09 there are a few dozens of programs we
9:11 have running right now um you know some
9:13 of them will conclude successfully that
9:14 they don't go anywhere um several of
9:16 them will you know become slowly a part
9:19 of the of the protocol um and you know
9:21 some others will will get into our
9:22 products into this five or or 10 year
9:25 program and of course you know there are
9:26 plenty of other things like you know
9:27 we're talking location um FTM is here
9:30 there's a new generation called 11 a and
9:32 another one called 11 BK um we're
9:34 starting to see Fusion of location
9:37 information between um then ble um and
9:41 and and Wi-Fi so we're working all these
9:43 access to try to understand how you know
9:45 your Wi-Fi experience will be looking
9:47 like in in five years so this is you
9:49 know super exciting and of course you
9:51 know you know where to find me so if you
9:52 want to know more or exchange about
9:54 ideas about where where we could be
9:55 going please feel free to reach out but
9:57 I'm going to stop there so that I'm not
9:59 your L um the vector stuff was that
10:02 standard or standard plus I standard
10:05 plus standard plus yes for now yeah does
10:08 it account well I guess it probably
10:10 doesn't let's say we're leaving the
10:12 office and going to the car and parking
10:15 lot and we're on our teams call or WebEx
10:17 call excuse me yep is it gonna account
10:20 for that Weir trans absolutely
10:23 yes yeah even if you spin around the
10:26 building we'll be able to detect that
10:27 trajectory you understand that in in
10:29 fact you're sticking to the access point
10:30 domain so yeah it accounts for that too
10:32 yeah yeah so solve
10:36 that work unit