Juniper Paragon Automation: Executive Interview

Service experience is paramount.
Juniper Paragon Automation is a portfolio of cloud-native software applications that delivers closed-loop automation to translate business intent into service performance. The result? Customers receive an assured service experience from start to finish. Tune in as Juniper executives Sally Bament and Brendan Gibbs discuss how the Paragon portfolio can help improve your customers’ service experience.
You’ll learn
Why service experience has become a top strategic priority
How Paragon improves the experience for network operators
The role automation plays in Experience-First Networking
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00:00 [Music]
00:06 hello everyone and thanks for
00:08 uh joining us today my name is sally
00:10 baymond and i am vice president of
00:12 marketing at juniper networks
00:14 and joining me today is brendan gibbs
00:17 brendan heads up
00:18 our automated one solutions business
00:21 brendan great to see you today
00:23 hi sally how are you doing very good
00:25 thank you so brandon let's start
00:27 with service experience so service
00:30 experience has become
00:32 a top strategic priority for network
00:35 operators globally
00:36 and actually not just service providers
00:38 but also
00:40 enterprise i.t organizations and even
00:42 cloud providers
00:44 why has service experience become so
00:46 important
00:47 and why now more than ever before you
00:50 know i'm
00:51 talking to you now from my house and the
00:54 reason for that is of course the global
00:55 coveted pandemic and i think covet has
00:58 really
00:59 shifted everything in our lives online
01:01 it's made the network
01:02 the focus of everything everything we do
01:05 for work play
01:06 you know family everything for life is
01:09 done on networks now
01:10 and so i think demands on networks are
01:12 even more critical than ever because
01:13 it's the only way that we communicate
01:15 it's the only way that we can connect
01:17 and as a result the services that we
01:19 utilize
01:20 just are under constant scrutiny and
01:23 it's our only way that we can actually
01:25 like i said to communicate with each
01:26 other so
01:28 i think service experience is paramount
01:30 for service providers it's paramount for
01:32 end users and it's something that
01:34 we really need to put at the center
01:36 instead of networks it really needs to
01:38 be around the services on top of the
01:39 networks
01:40 yeah i love it thank you brandon and um
01:42 so obviously you know at juniper
01:44 we we believe that delivering an assured
01:46 experience is one of the top
01:48 you know requirements or most important
01:50 requirements for network operators
01:52 that are delivering services and
01:53 applications to end users
01:55 and and that includes an assured
01:57 experience
01:59 an assured operations experience for
02:01 network operators
02:02 as well as an assured service experience
02:04 for those end users
02:06 um we're referring to that now as
02:08 experience first networking
02:11 can you connect the dots for us between
02:13 automation and how that ties into
02:16 experience first networking
02:18 you know the the question that always
02:20 comes to my mind is how do you know
02:22 if you're a service provider how do you
02:23 know that your server your end users
02:26 are actually able to use your service
02:28 you know and what you
02:29 don't want to do is have a bunch of
02:31 pissed off customers or people flooding
02:33 your helpline
02:34 if you don't know about it first so the
02:36 fundamental question is how do you know
02:38 that the service is up
02:39 how do you know that your customers are
02:41 having just a delightful
02:44 service experience if you don't have an
02:47 ability to
02:48 monitor the service to assure that the
02:50 service is up
02:51 with active checking then you really
02:54 don't know and you're at the
02:55 the you know vagaries of chance you're
02:58 left to
02:59 you know whatever might happen so i
03:01 fundamentally think that
03:02 if service experience is critical and we
03:05 believe it is and it's more critical
03:06 than ever and if the quality of that
03:09 experience is critical so their
03:10 customers stick with you
03:12 because the network is even more
03:14 important to their lives than ever
03:16 then assuring that service availability
03:19 and quality
03:20 is paramount and that means assuring the
03:22 service end-to-end
03:24 that means having linkage of the service
03:26 to the underlying
03:27 network infrastructure and assuring all
03:29 of that networking
03:30 uh yourself so i think without
03:33 service assurance frankly active service
03:36 assurance
03:37 you can't guarantee and you don't have
03:39 any sort of ability to answer that
03:41 fundamental question of
03:42 how do you know and if you don't know
03:44 you you can't ensure
03:46 your customers are happy i love it thank
03:49 you
03:49 thanks brian so so let's talk now about
03:52 juniper's new
03:52 paragon automation portfolio um
03:56 how does it you know help network
03:58 operators not only just differentiate
04:00 themselves
04:01 but also drive some efficiencies in
04:03 terms of operational efficiencies
04:06 absolutely sally you know peregrine has
04:08 a number of components
04:09 we've crafted it around the operator
04:12 life cycle
04:13 for their end-to-end workflow from
04:15 planning and design to online
04:17 configuration
04:18 to active service assurance and
04:20 ultimately to
04:21 operating and analyzing the network
04:23 infrastructure
04:24 so we've got a number of specific
04:26 automation tools some of which include
04:28 paragon planner and pathfinder which
04:31 offer
04:32 a cloud-based mechanism for providers to
04:34 have an
04:35 offline source of truth and planning and
04:37 design function
04:38 as well as an offline control function
04:41 for say segment routing control
04:44 for path finding of lsps and other mpls
04:47 paths through the network
04:49 we also offer an ability to offer end to
04:51 end service provisioning from the cloud
04:53 so this is a great model where uh
04:56 customers can dramatically ease
04:58 their their their costs by simply
05:01 seriously reducing the
05:03 prospect of human error with the ability
05:05 to
05:06 templatize their entire network in data
05:08 models
05:09 multi-vendor open standard based
05:12 yang data models based on open config
05:15 what they can do is they can
05:16 craft a visual workflow of how a service
05:19 model should be deployed where you can
05:21 have
05:22 pre-checks deployment post checks and
05:25 you know updating service ticketing
05:27 systems etc
05:28 it really can give operators a
05:30 significant
05:31 acceleration of how rapidly they're able
05:33 to roll out software upgrades
05:35 how much they're able to improve the
05:37 accuracy
05:38 um and ultimately treat their network
05:41 as code by by you know instantiating all
05:44 that in a very easy to use multi-vendor
05:47 config model
05:48 our third thing we've done is we've
05:49 introduced paragon active assurance
05:52 which came from our acquisition of net
05:54 rounds
05:55 and what active assurance does is it it
05:57 operates
05:59 at the service layer and it monitors the
06:01 end-to-end
06:02 service characteristics whether it be
06:05 jitter
06:06 whether it be latency whether it be
06:08 basic availability
06:10 and it can zoom in to pinpoint any
06:11 particular problems whether it be
06:13 at an end point whether it be a failed
06:16 you know transit path
06:17 whether it be some you know extra
06:18 latency in a public cloud
06:21 giving that extra insights to service
06:23 characteristics and service quality
06:26 is so important for operators because it
06:28 fundamentally helps them identify
06:30 first of all as the service is up at all
06:33 or and if the service is up is are there
06:36 end users actually having good quality
06:38 or not
06:38 so active assurance really speaks to
06:41 helping operators
06:42 first of all deliver a delightful
06:45 quality of experience to their own
06:46 customers but ultimately reduce their
06:48 own costs to operate that service as
06:50 well
06:51 and then another aspect of the the
06:53 peregrine portfolio is frankly paragon
06:55 insights
06:56 where we're able to take the reams of
06:59 data that we're ingesting from the
07:00 network whether it be from streaming
07:02 telemetry
07:03 off of all of a routed infrastructure or
07:05 the service layer data insights from
07:07 paragon active assurance
07:09 and pass that into an analytics engine
07:11 for an ai and ml
07:12 parsing of the data to glean insights
07:15 and once you've actually
07:16 extracted useful data from the massive
07:19 influx of data
07:21 you're able to then take actions upon it
07:23 and so now you start having
07:24 that 360 degree feedback loop where
07:27 operators are
07:28 able to better remediate problems when
07:31 they arise
07:32 they've got accelerated route time to
07:35 resolve those problems
07:36 and you have a means by which you can
07:38 now optimize your network infrastructure
07:40 based upon that analyzed data
07:41 and the ai and ml insights so paragon
07:45 really represents a means by ultimately
07:47 customers can
07:48 deliver that end-to-end assured service
07:51 reducing their costs reducing the the
07:53 impact of human
07:54 error and you know ultimately you know
07:57 making the the network far more easy to
07:59 operate for themselves
08:00 yeah exciting stuff so so tell me um how
08:04 um what differentiates paragon
08:07 automation from some of the other
08:09 automated one solutions that are on the
08:11 market today
08:12 well you know i think a lot of the
08:14 alternates that
08:16 really exist in the market are old so
08:18 one of the things that i said about
08:19 paragon is it's cloud first
08:21 it's cloud delivered some of the
08:24 automation technologies that exist
08:26 from alternate suppliers were delivered
08:28 before the iphone ever shipped
08:30 i mean we're talking not cloud-based
08:32 like these things didn't even
08:34 know what 3g 4g 5g networks were when
08:38 they were delivered
08:39 so what we've done with paragon is
08:41 delivered a fundamentally net new
08:44 architecture that is microservice based
08:46 and it's cloud delivered and what that
08:48 allows
08:48 operators to do is to have very rapid
08:51 introduction
08:52 of these new services the new automation
08:53 tools it delivers in a very
08:56 scalable fashion because it's cloud
08:58 hosted so now you're able to leverage
08:59 the the base kubernetes based scaling
09:02 infrastructure
09:03 um and it's very easy to use so that is
09:06 a key differentiator for us where we
09:08 have the ability to to
09:09 seamlessly scale as operators need and
09:11 deploy as
09:13 they might require whether it's in a
09:14 public cloud offered as a sas offer or
09:16 software as a service
09:18 or it's on their own private cloud on
09:19 their own premise or a combination
09:22 we offer that flexibility and alternate
09:24 options from
09:25 you know alternate suppliers don't even
09:27 have that as a choice
09:29 so that's one option i think another
09:31 option is
09:32 frankly we're unique in the market to
09:34 have the ability to offer active
09:36 service assurance we got this with our
09:38 friends from netron's which is a company
09:40 that we acquired recently
09:42 netron's is the global leader in active
09:44 service assurance and the reason i'm
09:46 focusing so much on the word
09:47 active is it because netron's with its
09:51 cloud-hosted control center and test
09:53 agents distributed throughout the
09:55 networking infrastructure
09:56 operates at the service layer and it
09:59 essentially mimics
10:00 an experience of an end user and so
10:03 without
10:04 actively testing to see whether a
10:06 service is available
10:07 it's analogous to to say like a a phone
10:10 call
10:11 if you're passively you know trying to
10:13 monitor a phone number phone network for
10:15 voice services
10:16 that's looking like looking at a
10:18 telephone sitting on your desk and
10:19 saying
10:20 i think it works that's my phone service
10:22 the difference is an active service
10:24 would be picking up the phone
10:25 making a call and that's what net rounds
10:27 with the uh you know the acquisition
10:29 that our friends from that company
10:30 brings to us with paragon active
10:32 assurance
10:33 it gives us that ability to actively
10:35 interrogate and mimic
10:36 a service to deliver you know constant
10:39 uh knowledge of what that um what that
10:42 service is in
10:43 and the third thing i would highlight is
10:45 service provisioning this is another key
10:47 area for us
10:48 where alternate companies have solutions
10:51 that again are not cloud-based
10:53 um and they don't have an integrated
10:55 workflow to be able to build an
10:57 end-to-end service provisioning model
10:59 for services and the networks
11:00 what you have is from alternate
11:02 suppliers requirements to take multiple
11:04 software tools
11:05 to have some things fundamentally on
11:07 premise something that's fundamentally
11:09 highly manual and difficult to configure
11:12 and that's contrasted with our paragon
11:15 software architecture and software tools
11:17 where we have the ability to deliver a
11:20 visual workflow build
11:22 a end-to-end service construct that's
11:24 very easy to craft
11:25 with a visual workflow builder and
11:27 service provisioning template builder
11:29 and deploy all that from the cloud so
11:31 you could not have a larger difference
11:33 between what juniper is offering whether
11:35 it's paragon
11:36 cloud delivered suite and the offline
11:38 old world
11:39 network management tools recast as
11:41 so-called automation
11:43 that's fantastic well listen thank you
11:45 brandon thanks for your time
11:47 uh thanks for thank you to everyone
11:49 who's uh
11:50 viewing today i do want to just uh say a
11:53 couple of quick things if you want to
11:55 learn more
11:56 about paragon automation and juniper's
11:59 automation solutions
12:01 i definitely want to encourage you to go
12:02 to
12:04 backslash paragon automation
12:07 register there and you can access demos
12:10 you can get
12:11 product updates and a wealth of more
12:14 wealth more information on the paragon
12:17 automation suite
12:18 so thank you and thanks everyone for
12:20 your time today thank you
12:24 [Music]
12:33 you