Transforming the B2B Buyer Journey

Yes, you can capitalize on the blended buyer journey. Here’s how.
In this episode of the Modern Customer Podcast, host Blake Morgan speaks with Juniper’s CMO Mike Marcellin about the modern B2B buying experience and journey, and how it frequently consists of digital self-service as well as direct contact with a sales person. Listen as they discuss the changing B2B buyer journey, and how your company can succeed by matching changing B2B demands with technology, a personal touch, and flexibility.
You’ll learn
How the Juniper marketing strategy has changed over the last three years
What the blended buyer journey means to Mike (and his advice to other B2B CMOs)
The latest Juniper sales strategies, and what trends Mike is interested in as CMO
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:00 hello and welcome back to the modern
0:02 customer podcast i am your host blake
0:05 morgan
0:06 my guest today on the show is mike
0:09 Marcellin he is the senior vice president
0:12 and cmo at juniper
0:15 mike leads the global marketing team
0:17 responsible for marketing juniper's
0:19 product and services portfolio and
0:22 stewarding the brand driving preference
0:24 for juniper in the market training its
0:27 partners and sales teams
0:29 and developing a differentiated digital
0:31 experience for its customers prior to
0:34 joining juniper in 2010 mike served as a
0:38 vice president of global managed
0:39 solutions for verizon today mike and i
0:42 are talking about a guided b2b buying
0:45 experience a blend of digital
0:48 self-service and sales supported i know
0:51 you will enjoy our conversation let's go
0:55 [Music]
1:03 mike welcome to the modern customer
1:06 podcast how is your day going in los
1:08 gatos california
1:10 going great blake it's good to see you
1:12 i'm doing well doing well
1:14 so good to see you
1:16 it's been an interesting three years for
1:18 everybody in the business world it's
1:20 been a good time for customer experience
1:22 and it's been a really good time for
1:24 companies that are comfortable with
1:26 digital customer experiences can you
1:29 just talk about
1:30 what you've been up to in the last three
1:32 years
1:34 leading marketing strategy for juniper
1:36 and what's changed as opposed to when
1:39 you were leading pre-coven
1:42 absolutely yeah i mean obviously yeah
1:44 the world has changed for sure in so
1:46 many different ways and you know i think
1:48 probably
1:49 accelerated a journey that we were
1:51 already on to to be honest um i think at
1:54 juniper you know we have uh some very
1:58 large competitors
1:59 who in some ways will always be able to
2:01 outspend us so we have to have uh you
2:04 know better engagement approach and
2:06 ultimately i think we need to outsmart
2:08 them um and how we approach uh working
2:11 with our customers
2:13 um and so uh you know really our journey
2:15 has been about creating
2:18 a variety of different digital touch
2:20 points you know the the term i like to
2:22 use is that experience is the new
2:23 product
2:24 um
2:25 and you know basically coming from a
2:27 technology company a product based
2:29 company um that's a big revelation uh
2:32 for us to say wait a second you know
2:33 products are great you have to have
2:35 great products but really how you engage
2:38 with customers how they perceive you as
2:40 a company the people that they work with
2:42 and how they even perceive and the
2:44 experience from the products
2:46 becomes the most important thing
2:48 and so that's really what we've been
2:50 investing in uh over the last few years
2:52 uh we actually our company tagline is
2:55 driven by experience so we've really
2:56 taken it to heart it truly is our true
2:59 north to provide that differentiated
3:01 experience to our customers
3:02 so mike your company and i worked
3:05 together during covid to do a virtual
3:07 event i remember
3:08 interviewing people like the cto of
3:11 british telecom and hearing about what
3:14 the role is of your product
3:16 my understanding is that you help
3:18 provide the network from these major
3:20 telecoms which is a really critical
3:22 product but for our audience listening
3:24 and watching can you describe what it is
3:27 that you sell and who you sell to
3:30 yeah absolutely um and you're right
3:32 probably so juniper's about 25 years old
3:35 we first started when the worldwide web
3:38 is just getting off the ground and it
3:39 was buckling under the growth of traffic
3:42 and all the businesses coming onto the
3:43 web and all of that so our first set of
3:46 customers were those big telecom
3:47 operators the big isps and we were
3:50 essentially the the infrastructure that
3:52 is the internet backbone
3:54 so if you think about the little router
3:55 you have in your house to connect your
3:57 home internet think about that but much
3:59 much larger with much more scale and
4:01 since then we've broadened into kind of
4:04 powering the similar infrastructure for
4:06 big data centers and cloud environments
4:08 uh as well as security uh which is so
4:11 important now to everything we do from a
4:13 networking perspective so those are the
4:15 products that we sell and over the past
4:17 handful of years
4:19 as you said you know telecom operators
4:21 the network is their business so there's
4:22 no confusion among them
4:24 about how important we are to them but
4:27 what you've seen interestingly over the
4:28 last five six seven years is almost
4:31 every other enterprise in all industries
4:34 recognize the importance of digital they
4:37 are transforming their own operations
4:39 and their own way that they engage with
4:41 their customers so the products and
4:43 solutions that we have now are not just
4:45 the the purview of the big telcos and
4:48 cloud providers but every single
4:50 enterprise around the world who sees
4:51 that their network and securing that
4:53 network is of paramount importance to
4:55 their business
4:57 seems like this would be a hard product
4:59 to sell to say the least it's an
5:02 expensive product i would imagine it is
5:04 complicated how do you find those buyers
5:07 and again is your buyer the cto
5:10 yeah great question yeah it's usually
5:12 the cto or the cio depending on the
5:14 company and how they're kind of um
5:16 constructed um and so it's that it
5:19 organization and you know they're
5:21 they're looking to
5:23 scale they're looking to provide great
5:25 experiences to their employees you know
5:27 if the employees show up to work and the
5:28 network's not working that's kind of a
5:30 productivity killer
5:32 but increasingly also to their end users
5:35 you know their website needs to be up
5:37 because many companies conduct you know
5:40 millions or billions of dollars over
5:42 their website um you know how they
5:44 engage in customer service
5:45 which now you're seeing kind of omni
5:47 channel customer service the network is
5:49 at the heart of that and so it's really
5:51 become mission critical to every single
5:54 business but you're right you know the
5:55 it folks know us um some of the buying
5:58 centers are growing um so some of the
6:00 lines of business you know that
6:02 recognize that hey the network is
6:04 critical how we engage with our
6:05 customers
6:06 start to become more influential but
6:08 yeah the it organization is the core of
6:11 who we typically sell to
6:12 all right so let's talk about a blended
6:15 buyer journey what does that mean to you
6:19 well that's a great question and that's
6:20 something that we're seeing as
6:22 increasingly as an opportunity for us so
6:25 you know i think we've all heard in b2b
6:27 the stats about how you know people um
6:30 you know get 50 60 down the buying
6:32 journey before they ever engage a
6:34 salesperson and of course the truth is
6:36 it's not truly linear it's not as if
6:38 they go 60 and it's like okay now i'll
6:39 engage but they are absolutely getting
6:42 information from certainly the company's
6:44 website but from third-party websites
6:47 from their peers from industry analysts
6:49 from just a variety of different sources
6:51 so the notion that we can control that
6:53 buyer's journey you know as maybe we
6:55 used to 20 years ago
6:57 that's gone um and so what that means is
7:00 we need to be ready to engage with the
7:02 right kinds of information
7:04 through the right channels whenever
7:06 they're ready to engage with us so they
7:08 may come to our website before wanting
7:09 to really deal with the person or maybe
7:11 they have a relationship with one of our
7:13 salespeople and that's where they start
7:15 and so what we're in the process of
7:17 doing now is transforming that
7:19 experience on our website giving them a
7:22 variety of different content uh types
7:25 you know whether it's you know immersive
7:27 video for thought leadership to very
7:30 hard working you know data sheets about
7:32 our products if that's where they are in
7:34 the journey
7:35 and wanting to do that uh all throughout
7:38 the journey and if they
7:39 go you know offline and wanted to work
7:41 with the salesperson we need to know
7:43 what they did online and similarly if
7:45 they come online
7:46 and are expecting to engage with us it's
7:49 super helpful for us to know what
7:50 interactions they've had with juniper
7:52 people and so making sure that
7:54 hand-in-glove journey from digital to
7:57 people and back and forth is as seamless
8:00 as possible so we've architected that
8:02 that buying journey as best as we can
8:05 define it but we also know it's got to
8:07 be very very kind of
8:09 flexible with how they want to engage
8:11 with us at any moment in time
8:13 understood and when we think about the
8:15 blended buyer journey it seems to me the
8:17 first thing to understand is what you
8:19 just said mike that you are not in
8:21 control of the buyer's journey anymore
8:23 it is not linear it is a bit all over
8:25 the place so what advice would you have
8:28 for other b2b cmos listening that are at
8:31 the very beginning of realizing they're
8:34 not in control they have to create a
8:36 blended buyer journey and how do you
8:38 even
8:39 start to create a road map for that
8:42 yeah it's a great question and it's it's
8:44 certainly something i mean we certainly
8:45 haven't you know cracked the code
8:46 entirely but i would tell you that when
8:48 i when i started as the cmo here i made
8:51 two big bets
8:52 one was on data
8:55 and that includes you know hiring a team
8:56 a data scientist that means really
8:59 making sure that we understand as much
9:01 as we possibly can
9:02 about our buyer
9:04 about where they're getting influence
9:05 about where they are in the journey
9:06 about what they need from us
9:09 and again because everything's gone
9:11 digital that means there's data
9:13 everywhere as which we all know um but
9:15 the challenge is if you don't know how
9:16 to make sense of that and and harness
9:18 that then it's worthless to you so let's
9:20 get grounded in data
9:22 and then the second big bet was around
9:25 i'll call it martech marketing
9:27 technology kind of the tech stack that
9:29 we now use from our website to the tools
9:32 that we use to understand buyer intent
9:35 to how we engage with customers
9:37 individually and at an account level so
9:39 there's so many different tools out
9:41 there you really got to get your arms
9:42 around what tools are going to work for
9:44 you to give you that complete view of
9:46 the customer
9:48 and to allow you to quickly zig and zag
9:51 when they come in maybe in an unexpected
9:53 place um or take it take
9:55 their own journey in a different
9:57 direction uh again you need to be able
9:59 to support what they're looking for at
10:00 any moment in time
10:02 right so you're talking about leads
10:04 you're talking about data how closely do
10:06 you work with the other
10:08 leaders at juniper and would you just
10:10 describe how you share data and how you
10:13 collaborate with the other leaders that
10:15 impact what you do and you impact what
10:17 they do
10:18 absolutely uh and that's been an
10:20 essential i think element of what i
10:22 think is a successful customer
10:24 engagement strategy so we have a
10:26 corporate wide customer experience
10:28 initiative and when i say that what that
10:30 means is you know we do okrs lots of
10:32 companies do whatever kind of kpis or
10:34 okrs and we have three primary
10:36 objectives at the company level one of
10:39 those three is creating a differentiated
10:41 and remarkable customer experience so
10:43 that tells you the level of importance
10:45 that we place on that um and so
10:48 as part of that pretty much every single
10:50 function um has some skin in the game on
10:53 making that successful and we each have
10:56 our own okrs about our part of the
10:59 customer journey and the role we play in
11:01 creating that amazing customer
11:03 experience
11:04 and then how we manage that is through
11:07 i'd say you know pretty rigorous
11:09 governance um you know which sounds
11:11 super kind of corporate and bureaucratic
11:13 but really it just means we've got our
11:15 set of objectives we get together pretty
11:18 frequently
11:19 and look at all elements of the customer
11:21 experience
11:22 where we need to make progress what's
11:24 maybe not working how how we intended
11:26 and then also just making sure that we
11:28 all know what each is doing
11:30 because there are so many different
11:31 touch points that if we're all running
11:33 off in our own directions maybe even if
11:35 we're all doing good things if it's not
11:37 coordinated the customer is going to see
11:38 that it's not coordinated so i'd say
11:41 that's really been the key to our
11:42 success we don't have a chief customer
11:44 officer you know someone in name that is
11:47 just tasked with that so really it comes
11:49 down to our head of global customer
11:52 service and support
11:53 marketing
11:54 certainly our sales organization
11:56 and many of the support functions that
11:58 go along with all of those uh areas so
12:01 being super coordinated
12:02 looking at the data looking at that
12:04 experience and then you know making
12:06 adjustments when we need to
12:08 something i've been interested in lately
12:09 is just measurement how we measure
12:11 success
12:12 and i've had the pleasure of
12:14 interviewing the creator of net promoter
12:16 score a few times fred reichel and he
12:18 has this new metric out called earned
12:19 growth rate and basically what he says
12:22 is that the customers you get through
12:24 word of mouth are very much more
12:26 valuable than customers you would
12:28 acquire through traditional marketing
12:29 they spend more money all those
12:31 customers you acquire through like super
12:33 bowl ads and
12:35 billboards actually can cause damage to
12:38 the brand they spend less money they're
12:39 less loyal has that been your experience
12:42 um as far as the value of the customers
12:45 the more valuable ones being referrals
12:49 well i certainly you know it's an
12:51 interesting kind of juxtaposition you
12:52 know the is it are they less valuable if
12:55 you acquire them through other means i
12:56 will tell you
12:58 one thing's for sure that people trust
13:01 quote people they know people they trust
13:04 so that so that's referrals that means
13:06 you know i'm a cio in this company um i
13:10 am in a you know cio community and i
13:12 know other cios
13:14 you know their
13:15 opinions their direction their
13:17 experience with
13:18 juniper or anyone else is going to weigh
13:20 pretty heavily
13:22 on making that decision so i would say
13:24 that is absolutely at the top of the
13:26 list
13:27 and
13:28 you know certainly that's why we believe
13:31 it's so critical
13:32 to have you know customer communities we
13:35 have you know communities by industry
13:37 and we've really invested a lot in that
13:39 um as much for the benefit of those as
13:42 that are part of the community as it is
13:44 to us we love being a fly on the wall
13:45 when you know 10 healthcare cios get
13:48 together and start talking about their
13:50 big challenges because that's gold for
13:51 us but it's also gold for them to give
13:54 them a forum and a platform even if
13:55 they're not talking about juniper just
13:56 like to compare notes and to see what um
13:59 you know what's working for them and the
14:01 challenges that they face
14:03 so yeah creating those forums is another
14:05 way that we can provide value beyond
14:07 just hey we have great products go you
14:09 know buy our products it's we're giving
14:11 you a forum to engage with your industry
14:13 peers and to solve the challenges that
14:15 you're facing every day
14:17 yeah absolutely and i find with this
14:19 industry in particular they're so hungry
14:21 executives are so hungry to share
14:23 information because
14:24 it is hard to find good content at least
14:27 from a customer experience perspective
14:30 do you do a lot of
14:32 information seeking yourself
14:34 from other marketing
14:36 thought leadership firms or other cmos
14:39 on customer experience or how have you
14:41 acquired your wealth of knowledge yeah i
14:44 i am in i'm in actually one forum
14:47 specifically for cmos uh it's a global
14:49 forum of some you know top cmos so
14:52 that's just always a great calibration
14:53 you know when you think you're man i'm
14:55 facing this challenge you know can
14:57 anyone else be facing this and then you
14:58 find out that half the other people are
15:00 are um and can give you some good good
15:02 guidance and thoughts so that's one and
15:04 then i actually am involved in another
15:06 forum specifically around customer
15:08 experience with some other with some
15:10 cheap customer officers as i said we
15:12 don't have someone in that title per se
15:14 but i'm able to be a part of that
15:16 because of you know certainly the role
15:18 that marketing plays in creating a great
15:20 customer experience is huge so just
15:23 being able to see how some very large
15:26 companies and some smaller companies
15:28 think about uh how they do customer
15:30 experience think about how they measure
15:32 it to your point you know just getting
15:34 all those learnings again i don't know
15:35 that anyone has cracked the code but
15:36 there's some really good work going on
15:38 so learning from other leaders
15:40 is is hugely valuable to me
15:43 i imagine that a lot of our listeners
15:45 and viewers are tuning in because
15:46 they're interested in what it's like to
15:48 be a marketing leader at a complicated
15:51 tech company it's not an easy product
15:53 that you sell
15:55 you have to create the language for it
15:56 you have to be at the right place at the
15:58 right time how do you even begin to
16:00 sketch out the vision for the
16:03 communication communicating the value of
16:05 the product doing it in the right
16:07 channels what tools have you used to be
16:10 successful in
16:12 drawing that whole vision and image for
16:14 how the product can
16:16 change the world
16:17 for these customers
16:19 yeah what a great question blake um and
16:22 it is a challenge i will tell you um
16:24 because the interesting thing is you
16:26 know for us our experience has been that
16:28 when we get engaged with someone and
16:29 when they start to use our technology
16:31 then we have a i'd say if you will a
16:33 lower level conversation a more detailed
16:35 like here's all the great bits and bobs
16:37 of the technology but to get to that
16:39 point
16:40 you were probably many years in the
16:42 journey
16:43 because when we show up on the doorstep
16:45 of a fortune 500 company that maybe
16:47 we're not working with
16:49 they first want to know why should i
16:50 even be talking to you i have typically
16:53 what we have you know the the solutions
16:55 that we have
16:56 they already have something in place
16:57 today they have a wi-fi network they
16:59 have a security infrastructure they have
17:00 a data center you know they have those
17:02 things rarely sometimes you'll get a
17:04 green field but generally they have
17:06 something and so really it's first why
17:08 should i even be working with juniper um
17:11 and that's where i talked about
17:13 this maniacal focus on customer
17:15 experience because i think that actually
17:17 cuts above
17:18 the um you know here's what my
17:21 you know device does or my software can
17:23 do for you we'll get to that
17:24 conversation hopefully um but really
17:27 it's about we have a different approach
17:29 we're thinking about um you know your
17:31 experience of both the people that run
17:33 the network as well as the end users uh
17:36 who who are leveraging the network
17:38 and that's actually a really interesting
17:40 starting point because when you come to
17:42 a cio and you say
17:43 you know we're able to reduce trouble
17:46 tickets on networks by over 90 with our
17:49 ai technology like oh well that's
17:51 interesting what if my team had 90 of
17:53 their time back and wasn't just chasing
17:55 wi-fi tickets but actually able to think
17:57 about what's around the corner or adding
17:59 more value to the business
18:00 that's a different level of conversation
18:02 um and and one that generally will get
18:05 the c-suite interested um and then
18:08 once you have them interested then you
18:09 start working with their teams and you
18:11 start doing your you know here's what
18:12 our products do versus other products
18:14 here so we have advantages and you have
18:16 to have the
18:17 technology team fall in love with your
18:18 product
18:19 so having those two altitudes has really
18:21 been fundamental to our success
18:24 mike as a leader do you think that
18:26 understanding and saying that your
18:29 product is a commodity i mean is that
18:31 something you guys talk about because i
18:32 know that requires like quite a bit of
18:34 humility to say hey our product there
18:36 are other people that make our product
18:37 how are we going to elevate the
18:38 experience to be different
18:41 yeah i mean look i i think if if you had
18:43 one of our engineers on on the line
18:45 today they would tell you the 10 reasons
18:47 why our products not a commodity and why
18:50 we do this better this is more unique
18:52 whatever and look there's some truth to
18:54 that i mean we have real proof points on
18:56 how we built a better mousetrap in many
18:58 cases but i think to your point like
19:01 because because everyone is using
19:04 something even if our something is 10
19:06 better um you still have to explain to
19:08 them why even that 10 or 20 percent
19:10 better
19:11 is worth the disruption of change
19:13 because there's no matter what changing
19:15 from one technology or one vendor to
19:17 another there's some level of disruption
19:19 there's some level of risk
19:21 so i have to believe that what's on the
19:22 other side is so much better that maybe
19:25 there's some technology differences
19:27 maybe the price is competitive or even
19:28 better but there has to be something
19:30 more and so i think if anything
19:32 that acknowledgement has pushed us
19:34 harder and to really come up and
19:37 crystallize what it means to work with
19:39 juniper beyond just our product details
19:42 what it means to work with us how we're
19:44 different than the competition how we're
19:45 going to surround our customers to make
19:47 sure they're successful
19:49 and so that i think it just pushes us uh
19:52 and then like i said hopefully we get to
19:53 the technology conversation we can give
19:55 you you know the deep dive into why it's
19:57 better and that's with the the
19:59 networking teams who are gonna run our
20:00 stuff through its paces but you're never
20:02 gonna get to that conversation if you
20:04 haven't you know kind of did the why
20:06 should i even be thinking about a
20:08 different different vendor a different
20:09 answer
20:11 so my part of a leader's job is to
20:13 obviously deliver the strategy that's
20:15 necessary now but it's also to keep your
20:18 eye on the future and the horizon
20:20 so i would be interested to hear what
20:22 some of the trends are that you're
20:23 interested in uh for the future of
20:26 marketing at juniper
20:28 yeah um well you know i touched on one
20:31 that i think is interesting it's
20:33 interesting because it's part of our
20:34 product portfolio but it's certainly
20:36 across many many more areas and that's
20:38 ai and ml where everyone's thinking
20:40 about okay how do i use this is it
20:42 really going to move the ball forward
20:44 do i have a concern about what it's
20:46 going to do to jobs i mean there's so
20:47 many different elements of that but make
20:50 no mistake i think you know
20:52 optimizing operations and optimizing in
20:55 our case end-user experiences through ai
20:57 is a way to provide a better solution
21:01 and one that again will free up teams to
21:04 focus on what they really want to focus
21:06 on so that's a big one and we're also
21:08 starting to leverage it within the
21:09 marketing discipline as well um you know
21:11 how do we really anticipate buyer needs
21:15 how do we coordinate uh and and
21:18 kind of cross cross hatch of the data
21:20 that we have to make some decisions or
21:23 at least to you know reach out to the
21:25 customer at the right time
21:27 so i think that's an an interesting um
21:29 space to watch
21:30 one of the other ones that i would say
21:32 is important to us from a marketing
21:34 perspective from a company perspective
21:36 and from a world perspective is
21:37 sustainability um and you know being in
21:40 the i.t industry
21:42 obviously we like so many others are
21:44 part of the problem i mean the good news
21:47 is our products have become so much more
21:49 power efficient over the years
21:51 the bad news if you want to look at it
21:52 this way is the demand for
21:55 data and bandwidth and all the things
21:57 that we facilitate continues to grow um
22:01 unabated
22:02 so the demand is there we're trying to
22:04 keep up with that by by creating more
22:06 sustainable solutions but i think as we
22:08 all know this is going to become a
22:10 conversation that is going to continue
22:12 to be
22:13 quite active and quite urgent over the
22:15 coming few years we actually just made
22:16 an announcement earlier this year that
22:18 we're going to be carbon neutral for our
22:19 own operations by 2025 which is a an
22:22 aggressive statement to make but one
22:24 that i feel really proud of that we're
22:27 able to to lead our industry uh along
22:29 those lines and i think ultimately our
22:32 customers we see this the number of rfps
22:34 that customers are coming to us every
22:36 single year
22:38 saying what are you doing around
22:40 sustainability give us your targets give
22:42 us your progress against those targets
22:44 if we think very broadly about your
22:46 passion around customer experience this
22:48 is going to become an element of that
22:50 and um we want to make sure that we're
22:52 in the right leadership position to do
22:55 the right things for the planet but also
22:57 to make sure we're helping our customers
22:59 meet their their climate goals
23:01 that's very exciting and actually after
23:03 the podcast we can talk about
23:05 a company i'm a part of now that is
23:08 helping to helping the utilities
23:09 industry transform um in light of this
23:12 and electrification
23:14 all right so now is time for the fun
23:16 part the rapid fire mike are you ready
23:18 to take these rapid fire questions
23:20 i don't know am i let's do it let's give
23:22 a we'll find out um all right you
23:24 are stuck on an island you have access
23:27 to water you can bring one other food
23:29 and one other drink what are they
23:31 okay
23:32 the food is pizza and you get it with
23:35 everything so that every day you could
23:37 pick some toppings off and you'd have
23:38 different variety every single day i've
23:40 thought about this one um
23:42 drink hmm so i have water so i'm good on
23:45 the hydration so then it's just
23:46 something uh maybe something light and
23:48 fruity because at least for the first
23:50 month it would be fun and then it would
23:52 get pretty bad
23:53 we'll go with that okay awesome if you
23:56 could have lunch with anybody dead or
23:58 alive who would it be
24:00 uh prince
24:02 okay cool my favorite artist gone too
24:05 soon but uh yeah yeah he was an amazing
24:08 amazing musician absolutely what is one
24:11 tool or resource you use to get through
24:14 during covit for self-development
24:17 oh self-development um as opposed to all
24:19 the hours wasted binging
24:21 um huh
24:23 good question i may have to
24:25 self-development
24:26 i mean i certainly found myself you know
24:29 more
24:30 engaged with an industry conversation
24:31 because you're staring at your computer
24:33 all the time
24:34 so engaging in we talked a little bit
24:36 about kind of cxo forums and stuff um
24:39 luckily a lot of them came with a
24:41 mixologist or a wine tasting but but
24:43 i'll tell you that worked because you
24:45 really got to have some great
24:45 conversations with people
24:47 that you might not otherwise see because
24:49 you had to trudge across town to go to a
24:51 dinner at 6 30 and fight traffic now you
24:53 just flip your laptop up in your kitchen
24:55 and you're talking to
24:57 industry peers so i'd say that kind of
24:59 engagement mechanism has been really
25:00 valuable for me personally and then for
25:02 us as a company and engaging with our
25:04 customers too
25:05 absolutely and you might have an easy
25:07 answer to this next one because you've
25:09 already sort of mentioned it but what is
25:10 the greatest musician or band of all
25:12 time
25:13 well yeah i had to say prince on that
25:16 one so prolific it's so varied over so
25:18 much time so yeah absolutely um what is
25:21 your most embarrassing work moment
25:26 man
25:27 um
25:31 well okay this is going way back this is
25:34 literally my first day
25:36 i started uh right out of college with
25:38 pricewaterhouseconsulting
25:40 now it's pwc it's price waterhouse then
25:42 and you know your first day you're
25:44 thinking about all these things you've
25:44 got all these things you have to go do
25:45 and blah blah and i and i left the house
25:47 with my fly down
25:49 um so i i think i caught it pretty
25:52 quickly um but that could have been
25:54 because you've got so much else in your
25:55 mind you're not doing the very basic
25:57 things yep happens to everybody you know
26:00 okay just does all right well mike this
26:02 has been really fun and i'm so glad we
26:04 got to chat
26:06 and uh if people want to learn more
26:08 about juniper or you where can they do
26:10 that
26:14 all right i'm on linkedin as well all
26:16 right great well
26:18 thank you for joining me uh all of you
26:20 have been tuning in to the modern
26:22 customer podcast if you have time leave
26:24 me a review on apple so more people can
26:26 find this growing show
26:28 and until next time thanks
26:30 [Music]
26:42 you