Juniper Beyond Labs & Quantum Bridge Partnership Fireside Chat 2: Introducing our Joint Solution

Juniper Beyond Labs and Quantum Bridge Partnership Fireside Chat 2: Introducing our Joint Solution
In the second episode of our fireside chat with Mattia Montagna, Co-Founder and CEO of Quantum Bridge, we discuss the joint solution presented at the G7 Workshop in September 2024 and key use cases.
You’ll learn
The development of a joint solution between Juniper and Quantum Bridge to protect networks from quantum threats
How the joint solution guarantees information-critical security in response to risks of quantum computing
Why industries including telecommunications, financial services, governments, and intelligence agencies are considering quantum security
Who is this for?
0:01 [Music]
0:07 hello and thanks for joining I'm Shila
0:10 Nesh marketing lead for Juniper Beyond
0:12 Labs Juniper's Quantum save VPN solution
0:16 enables Network operators to secure IPC
0:19 and maxc vpns against quantum computer
0:22 aided attacks it does this by combining
0:25 VPN protocol enhancements which can be
0:28 deployed on nearly all our Juniper
0:30 platforms with complimentary key
0:33 material provided by all of our
0:35 thirdparty partners this ensures that
0:38 your network traffic is safe and secure
0:41 from inevitable Quantum threats without
0:43 looking into proprietary Hardware based
0:46 Solutions which may become obsolete with
0:48 future regulatory changes I'm here today
0:51 with Matia Montagna co-founder and CEO
0:54 of quantum bridge to share more of how
0:56 he's leveraged Juniper's platforms with
0:58 his distributed sem key establishment
1:01 solution dsk Matia thanks for joining us
1:05 today to share more about the joint
1:07 solution thank you very much for
1:08 inviting me here sh so I know that you
1:10 recently were at the G7 Workshop in Rome
1:13 and you talked a little bit about um our
1:16 solution and Quantum Bridges so can you
1:18 tell us a little bit more about um what
1:20 this solution is and what types of
1:23 customers typically use it yes for sure
1:26 um the the use case that we are seeing
1:29 uh right now in the in the market is the
1:31 combination of ipac solution like the
1:34 Juniper vsrx or the Juniper SRX series
1:37 together with the key distribution
1:39 system that allow for Quantum secure
1:42 communication um Juniper was one of the
1:44 first adopter of the RFC 8784 that allow
1:48 for the integration of external
1:50 cryptographic materials into ipac uh
1:53 into the IPC protocol and uh the vsrx
1:57 and the SRX here is a great example of
1:59 that and also Juniper was one of the
2:01 first adopter of the standard produced
2:03 by hety that allowed the integration of
2:05 external key distribution system for the
2:08 delivery of quantum safe key material um
2:11 so the demonstration that we had in the
2:13 context of the um of the G7 Workshop was
2:16 the use of our um symmetric key
2:19 distribution solution which is indeed
2:21 based on the dsk protocol together with
2:24 the um routers ipx routers and and
2:27 firewall um like Juniper vs
2:30 to allow for layer three Quantum safe um
2:34 communication and one of the main
2:36 advantages of dsk is that it guarantees
2:40 what is called information thetical
2:41 security meaning that you can uh
2:44 mathematically prove that you cannot
2:46 break the key distribution with a
2:48 quantum computer um differently for
2:50 example than Quantum key distribution
2:52 solution or pqc solution and so the
2:55 integration of the two allow to build a
2:57 global platform that uh are provably
3:00 safe against Quantum computational
3:02 attack so there was a demonstration
3:04 there um in the context of the of the
3:07 workshop in Rome where we used the um
3:11 Juniper vsrx um appliances together with
3:14 the dsk protocol to provide a layer
3:17 three Quantum safe IPC uh Channel
3:20 between multiple countries so thanks for
3:22 sharing a little bit about the solution
3:25 that you demoed at the G7 Workshop I'm
3:28 curious if you've had had customers
3:30 express interest in the solution or
3:33 trying it out surely um there are there
3:36 are a few vertical which are
3:38 particularly interested in having a
3:41 migration start to planning for a
3:42 migration into Quantum security and
3:45 understand exactly um how a migration
3:47 would work for them and uh and a
3:50 relatively good number of them already
3:52 started to test or to deploy solution
3:54 like a Quantum bra solution the main the
3:56 main vertical we see where there is a
3:58 strong interest are the
3:59 telecommunication
4:00 um sectors or telecommunication
4:02 companies especially uh ones involved in
4:06 5G 6G infrastructure which have a very
4:08 long lifespan right so they need to look
4:10 into the future of the security for
4:12 those type of infrastructure um
4:15 governments and intelligence agencies
4:17 there is definitely a strong interest
4:18 there I think the reason is there u in
4:21 their case the data that they need to
4:24 they deal with is a very long lifespan
4:26 data so it's data that in 20 years 30
4:28 years is still very important for
4:30 Nations so National Security System
4:32 intelligence defense and then critical
4:35 infrastructure as well so anything that
4:38 deals with um either very long-term umle
4:43 very longterm um infrastructure
4:46 like uh power grid uh nuclear plants any
4:49 sort of critical system for a nation
4:52 that needs to stay in place for very
4:54 long long term so uh telecommunication
4:56 company government critical
4:58 infrastructure those are sector which
5:00 are starting to experimenting with the
5:02 quantum security some are planning some
5:04 are already deploying this type of
5:06 solutions I want to touch a little bit
5:08 more about go back to the workshop that
5:10 we talked about earlier um you had
5:12 mentioned to me that there was a
5:14 financial services company that you were
5:15 actually working with for this solution
5:18 can you tell a little bit more about how
5:19 they've implemented it um surely the the
5:22 idea there is that uh um those financial
5:26 institution they uh regularly upgrade
5:28 the network uh and when the time comes
5:32 they look at the major thread that they
5:33 foresee for the next five to 10 years
5:36 because those are the timeline that they
5:38 use for implementing and for upgrading
5:41 their their infrastructure um and so
5:43 we're working with a group of financial
5:45 institutions that are upgrading their
5:47 networks and they have a forward-looking
5:49 vision of how this infrastructure should
5:52 look like and they are very aware of the
5:55 quantum threat and so we're working with
5:57 companies like Juniper to provide the
5:59 best solution for companies who has a
6:01 forward-looking view and they want to
6:03 stay ahead of the thread um and make
6:06 sure that the investment they do today
6:07 for upgrading their infrastructure keep
6:10 maintaining value for the next decade I
6:12 love hearing that there customers who
6:14 are expressing interest on combating the
6:16 quantum threat and I look forward to
6:18 hearing more around their progress with
6:20 your Solutions thank you for sharing
6:22 more about their experience thank you
6:24 very mucha for asking for those of you
6:26 who are curious to learn more about
6:28 Quantum Bridge junor Beyond labs and
6:30 Juniper Networks take a look at the
6:33 links in the description below thank you
6:35 so much for joining us today