Top 5 Features of Juniper Cloud Workload Protection

We’ve got security features you have to see to believe.
What are the top 5 features of Juniper Cloud Workload Protection? Watch this short video to find out and learn how Juniper Cloud Workload Protection can keep your business-critical services connected and resilient.
You’ll learn
How the Run-time Application Protection catches sophisticated attacks
How vulnerabilities are detected in a short period of time
Where Juniper Cloud Workload Protection can be deployed
Who is this for?
0:00 [Music]
0:07 what are the top five features of
0:09 juniper cloud workload protection
0:13 signature lists and serverless runtime
0:16 application protection juniper cloud
0:18 workload protection provides real-time
0:20 protection against attacks it protects
0:22 the application from malicious actions
0:24 such as exploitation and data theft
0:27 without manual intervention catching
0:29 sophisticated attacks that endpoint
0:31 detection and web application firewall
0:33 solutions cannot it provides real-time
0:36 protection against critical security
0:38 risks such as owasp top 10 and memory
0:41 based attacks including file lists
0:43 return oriented programming and buffer
0:46 overflow attacks
0:49 vulnerability detection juniper cloud
0:52 workload protection provides a unified
0:54 solution for vulnerability detection
0:56 security teams have a narrow time frame
0:58 to find vulnerabilities in applications
1:01 containers and custom code the
1:03 continuous deployment model shortens the
1:05 testing window and too often vulnerable
1:08 components make it to production juniper
1:11 cloud workload protection is deployed
1:12 alongside penetration testing and
1:14 scanning tools or in the qa environment
1:17 and provides a unified solution for
1:19 vulnerability detection
1:21 [Music]
1:23 xero trust micro segmentation juniper
1:25 cloud workload protection shields
1:27 application resources from lateral
1:29 threat propagation through
1:31 microsegmentation and integration with
1:33 juniper's vsrx virtualized firewall to
1:36 restrict access based on risk even as
1:39 workloads and virtual environments
1:40 change
1:41 automated threat response with built-in
1:43 real-time telemetry helps security teams
1:46 detect once and black across the network
1:51 container and workload security across
1:53 on-prem public and private clouds
1:55 juniper cloud workload protection can be
1:57 deployed in public clouds on-premises or
2:00 in hybrid environments and it protects
2:02 web applications container workloads and
2:05 kubernetes whether applications are in
2:07 production or pre-production
2:09 [Music]
2:11 comprehensive telemetry
2:13 devsecops teams gain insight to threat
2:15 activity from rich application level
2:17 security event generation and reporting
2:20 including application connectivity
2:22 topology and detailed information about
2:25 the attempted attack
2:28 [Music]
2:35 for more information follow the links
2:37 provided below