Protect Your Organization's Assets and Build a Trustworthy Network

Watch: Chris Hale on how to best protect your organization’s assets and build a trustworthy network.
This video comes to you straight from the Juniper booth at the RSA Conference 2022. Watch as Juniper’s Chris Hale talks about “Defending the Castle: How the Zero Trust Data Center Keeps Data Safe & the Business Thriving.” He will share the many technologies Juniper harnesses to protect your organization and keep your data safe and secure. After all, the data center holds your organization’s crown jewels, your most sensitive data and applications. No matter the location –– on-premises or in the cloud –– it is essential to keep it protected.
You’ll learn
How you can protect your network, workloads, and apps wherever they are without sacrificing user experience
The components of Juniper’s Zero Trust data center
The benefits of Apstra and also of Juniper’s one-policy security framework
Who is this for?

0:06 good morning everybody
0:07 thanks for joining us this morning at
0:09 the juniper booth we're going to be
0:10 talking about our
0:12 zero trust data center and how we defend
0:15 the castle i'm going to
0:17 share with you a number of our
0:19 technologies that we use every day
0:22 in a full solution set across your data
0:25 center
0:27 obviously you've been hearing a lot
0:29 about our experience first networking
0:32 this is our strategy our concept
0:35 that we are focusing on the end user
0:38 experience
0:39 many folks talk about bits and bytes
0:41 they talk about
0:44 network management what we're really
0:46 focusing on is being able to operate a
0:48 network and deliver
0:50 a first experience to the customer so
0:53 everything that we're doing we're
0:54 focusing on the end user we want the end
0:57 users to be able to do what they need to
0:59 do every day do it in a safe and secure
1:02 fashion
1:03 protect your assets
1:04 but in an experienced
1:07 first manner
1:09 right
1:10 experience first means building a
1:12 trustworthy network how do you build a
1:15 trustworthy network you make sure it's
1:17 secure make sure it's safe
1:19 we focus on reliability there's a cia
1:22 methodology behind
1:24 security and we make sure that your
1:26 networks are not just available it's not
1:29 enough to have an available network you
1:31 need to make sure that you have a secure
1:34 available network without impacting the
1:36 end users and delivering your end user
1:39 experience
1:40 users and devices are protected
1:43 and they are still safeguarding your
1:46 data regardless of where it is
1:49 and we are focusing on accelerating your
1:52 business agility in a safe and secure
1:55 manner
1:58 so what should security do we should
2:00 protect our apps
2:02 we should be able to protect our
2:04 workloads in any environment our
2:06 workloads now are becoming distributed
2:09 whether they are in public clouds
2:11 private clouds
2:13 distributed edge networks
2:15 your data and your workloads can be
2:17 anywhere now with the
2:19 advances in container
2:21 apps and workloads we're able to easily
2:24 quickly scale and accelerate
2:27 uh your
2:29 performance through distributed
2:30 computing and that means your workloads
2:33 and your data are all over the place
2:37 we're able to protect access to the data
2:39 center this is something we've been
2:40 doing for
2:41 you know from day one uh this is
2:43 something we're very very good at
2:46 but with the advances in
2:49 your edge computing and distributed data
2:51 and workloads we need to think outside
2:55 of the typical data center
2:58 with the advances in campus and branch
3:01 literally a campus or actually more like
3:03 a branch could now mean a single user
3:06 out in a remote office or at their home
3:10 so we need to make the home
3:12 workplace look just like the office
3:14 workplace since the pandemic has hit now
3:17 our data is all over the place we need
3:20 to protect those workloads and those
3:21 apps
3:23 and then obviously
3:25 a fundamental to all of this is to be
3:27 able to deliver the visibility
3:29 and the insight from the client all the
3:33 way down to the workload so from the
3:35 remote branches from the remote offices
3:37 from the home users all the way back to
3:39 the data center wherever that data
3:41 center happens to be whether it's public
3:43 or private or distributed
3:48 so this is one slide i kind of want to
3:50 focus on here and this is our
3:52 zero trust data center architecture
3:55 this shows all of our different products
3:57 that you would want to consider in
3:59 building
4:00 your xero trust data center this focuses
4:04 obviously on the data center firewalls
4:06 whether they are physical in a public
4:08 cloud or private cloud we have a virtual
4:11 both container and virtual vms in
4:15 public clouds
4:16 we have our data center cloud connects
4:19 our intra data centers and your
4:21 workloads could be in any one of these
4:23 areas so
4:25 let me just kind of go through here
4:27 quick we've got our srx's our
4:29 traditional firewalls next-gen firewalls
4:32 uh they're running anything from appsec
4:34 idp 80 atp our advanced threat
4:38 protection our second intel and one
4:40 thing i want you to focus on here is
4:42 everywhere that our second tell is our
4:44 second tell is not just on firewalls
4:46 second tell is on our routers our second
4:48 tail can be on our switches our second
4:50 toe can be everywhere that's part of our
4:52 connected security strategy if you've
4:54 not heard that term or if you have any
4:56 questions about connected security
4:58 please let me know i'll be able to
5:00 happily uh show you and share with you
5:02 what that really means to you
5:04 we're able to
5:06 continue on we've got our mx routers
5:09 that also connect with an spc3 card
5:13 can be our your firewall on a very high
5:16 performance
5:17 router for your data center
5:19 interconnects or for your internet
5:20 gateways
5:21 we have our vsrx
5:23 again
5:24 full stack
5:26 capabilities here with appsec and idp
5:29 and ipsec
5:30 one thing i didn't want to point out on
5:31 the mx back here is our ability to run
5:34 carrera
5:35 we have carrero
5:37 defense detector
5:38 which is a very very highly advanced
5:41 ddos protection so on your internet
5:44 gateways you want to run a very advanced
5:47 capability for threat defense
5:50 for your anti-ddos
5:53 protections
5:54 you also see that we can run second tell
5:56 apsec and idp on the
5:59 mx there as well
6:02 in the intradc we have our vsrx our
6:05 containerized srx and next slide i'll
6:08 talk about
6:09 one of our other capabilities of
6:11 delivering micro segmentation down to
6:15 the workload down to the hypervisor
6:18 within our
6:19 data center with our appstra
6:22 intent-based networking tool
6:25 and then obviously above all of this is
6:28 it's like
6:29 cut out there management and
6:31 orchestration with astra and our
6:33 security director cloud
6:35 we also have our juniper security
6:37 analytics that provides the
6:41 visibility and the analytics
6:43 for everything whether it's security
6:46 network workload public private
6:49 everything gets dumped in there and
6:51 we're able to do machine learning and be
6:54 able to
6:55 drive
6:56 intent
6:58 and
7:00 the ability to
7:02 quickly correlate events uh throughout
7:05 your entire environment regardless of
7:07 the source of the event
7:10 [Music]
7:12 so i talked about our intent-based data
7:14 center fabric with our appstra
7:17 this is a new acquisition to juniper a
7:20 little over a year ago
7:22 and
7:23 it's been a great addition to our
7:26 platform it's the
7:28 industry's only
7:30 multi-vendor data center fabric
7:32 management tool
7:34 whether you're looking for segmentation
7:35 down to the workload segmentation down
7:37 to the bare metal server segmentation
7:39 down to the hypervisor
7:41 we can use appstra to manage your day
7:44 zero day one day two segmentation uh
7:48 continuous assured and repeatable
7:52 segmentation down to your workloads
7:54 right
7:55 integrates
7:56 with our srx talks with our
8:00 carrero tdd
8:02 handles your dci interconnects all in a
8:05 safe secure and reliable methodology
8:12 and then uh kind of start to close it
8:14 out here um you know any app anywhere
8:17 you know one great thing about juniper
8:19 security is we are driving everything
8:23 regardless of the location of the
8:24 workload with one policy single policy
8:28 framework
8:29 i don't care if that workload is at the
8:31 distributed edge if it's at the branch
8:33 if it's at the data center public
8:35 private
8:36 hybrid whatever
8:38 we can manage it with one policy many
8:41 many times customers come to us and they
8:44 talk to us about all the different
8:45 policies that they have to manage and
8:48 they literally have multiple teams that
8:51 are managing multiple policies depending
8:53 on where the workload depending on where
8:55 the assets are located we don't need to
8:58 have you do that that's not needed with
9:00 juniper policy frameworks right single
9:02 policy to manage your entire
9:04 infrastructure i don't care if you've
9:06 got 10 firewalls if you've got 400 or 4
9:09 000 firewalls
9:11 well you can do this with one
9:13 policy
9:14 all right super super powerful
9:18 what does that one policy give you
9:20 network wide visibility right regardless
9:22 of where
9:23 the data is coming where it's going
9:26 one
9:27 uh one single piece of network-wide
9:30 visibility right
9:32 dynamic and consistent policy one of the
9:34 big places where people get into trouble
9:36 when they're trying to do audits and
9:38 compliances
9:39 is
9:40 managing that policy sprawl where you
9:43 updated something on one policy but you
9:45 forgot to update it somewhere else
9:47 we don't have to worry about that we
9:48 have one policy to maintain across your
9:50 entire infrastructure
9:52 right
9:53 with that we're able to easily stop
9:56 and compromise and lateral movements
9:59 of your data
10:01 and
10:02 with that we also deliver very high
10:05 performance and very good security right
10:08 in other presentations we've talked
10:09 about our security efficacy if you have
10:12 any questions uh you want to know how we
10:14 do
10:15 our security efficacy please see me or
10:18 any of the rest of us after this
10:19 presentation we'll be happy to show you
10:21 our third-party results
10:24 from independent analysis
10:29 so this kind of goes to show our single
10:31 policy framework regardless of where the
10:33 users are located whether we've got
10:35 campus and branch with the next-gen
10:37 firewalls pushed out there secure remote
10:40 work
10:40 force with secure web gateways
10:43 we've got the internet sas applications
10:47 and then we've got our public and
10:48 private
10:49 data center
10:50 clouds
10:54 that's pretty much it
10:56 please don't hesitate to jump up here
10:58 this was
11:00 meant to be kind of a teaser
11:02 of all the different uh areas in the
11:04 data center
11:05 that we are working to protect your data
11:09 and working to protect your users and
11:11 deliver an experience first networking
11:14 but we've got lots of demos anybody
11:16 that's walking around with an ipad
11:18 pretty could you hold up your ipad
11:20 there you go any of those folks there
11:22 will be able to
11:24 be happy to show you uh demos
11:26 anybody that wants t-shirt please come
11:29 on over
11:30 and thank you guys very much