Juniper Mist Indoor Location Services and Premium Analytics

Juniper Mist Indoor Location Services and Premium Analytics
In this presentation, Sunalini Sankhavaram, VP of Product Management at Juniper, discusses recent innovations and features related to location services within the Marvis cloud architecture. Key points include access point placements, automatic zone creation, and enhanced analytics.
You’ll learn
How location services provide insights into network performance and user movement
About new access point and analytics enhancements
How automatic zone creation works
Who is this for?
Experience More
0:10 so now after hearing all about
0:13 Innovations and Marvis after hearing
0:15 about AFC and the best part Dynamic pack
0:18 uh R Spectrum capture so while we're
0:20 bringing the slides up I'll be talking
0:22 to you about the new things we've been
0:24 doing in location services just to give
0:27 you a primer on location services what
0:29 we offer as part of our same McLoud
0:31 architecture our same access points is a
0:35 lot of location-based use cases that we
0:38 can
0:39 enable um and that implies we can
0:42 deliver a blue dot on a wayfinding
0:45 application we can deliver asset
0:48 visibility be it Assets in hospitals be
0:51 it it Asset Management in higher ed or
0:53 even in uh corporate space Enterprises
0:57 along with that we also delivered an
0:59 analytics platform this analytics
1:00 platform and I'll be talking to you
1:01 about later today as well gives you
1:03 insights into how your network is doing
1:05 with respect to all the SLE but also
1:08 gives you insights into traffic analysis
1:12 in terms of how are people moving
1:15 through your premises right uh UC talked
1:19 about live view of how RF is doing what
1:21 we use analytics for is also a live view
1:24 of how people are navigating your spaces
1:27 um so yeah last but not least along with
1:29 enabling the blue dot on a mobile
1:31 application for wave finding essentially
1:33 delivering your indoor GPS experience
1:35 with our partners who bring the app to
1:37 the table we bring the most accurate
1:39 Blue Dot to the table uh that same
1:41 platform the same AP is leveraging our
1:44 Bluetooth low energy antenna arrays in
1:45 our Flagship APS deliver asset
1:48 visibility asset visibility is coming up
1:50 a lot in like I said I talked about
1:52 Healthcare already but also in recently
1:55 in higher ed it asset management or in
1:57 corporate spaces where are my devices
2:00 in terms of uh either locating loss
2:03 devices or just an audit of where my
2:04 inventory is of for my corporate manag
2:06 devices all of that comes together with
2:08 our analytics so the analytics we give
2:10 you a view into how traffic is Flowing
2:13 but most recently again a trend I've
2:15 been seeing is tell me how my space is
2:17 being utilized especially now with
2:19 people coming back into work everything
2:21 going online physically in premise again
2:24 people want to see how spaces are being
2:26 utilized now these are the capabilities
2:29 we've always had for the last many years
2:31 what I'll be talking to you about today
2:33 is how we've made it even easier to
2:36 consume these capabilities but if you
2:38 don't mind going to the next
2:40 slide so one of the biggest friction
2:43 points of deploying a network used to be
2:47 hey how do I make sure that my
2:49 installation actually matches my build
2:52 so what you see in rest earlier of
2:54 ingesting a floor plan ingesting the AP
2:56 placements well is the AP placed exactly
2:59 where it was supposed be placed when I
3:00 got the build plan last year Wes and I
3:03 spoke to you about Auto placement on a
3:04 single map right where we could range
3:06 against APS use machine learning use our
3:09 be arrays to get directionality and
3:11 place APS on the floor plan but then the
3:13 question came what do I do about multi
3:16 floor buildings because yes I can give
3:18 you a view of APs on a floor plan based
3:21 on what my location engine is saying
3:24 where the AP estimates are but you you
3:26 know M many deployments are multifloor
3:29 deployments what do you do in that
3:31 situation how do you build a multi floor
3:33 view of AP placements so previously we
3:36 would ask you to tell the system what
3:39 APS were on the map put them in a corner
3:41 and we'll automatically place them what
3:43 we have now worked on next slide please
3:46 is enabling what we call a clustering
3:49 mechanism so what we are doing and I'll
3:52 give you a demonstration of this shortly
3:53 is all we need now is a reference or two
3:57 on 2 APS on every floor and then we will
4:01 automatically form a cluster of what is
4:05 the AP grouping per floor and then place
4:08 them on that floor plan right this again
4:10 is using the same Foundation it's using
4:12 machine learning it's using our
4:14 directional BL array for knowing which
4:16 APS are in what direction from each
4:18 other it's also using 11p for the
4:22 initial ranging but once that is done
4:24 once all the information is gathered it
4:26 is now able to place APS on multiple
4:29 Maps so no longer longer do you need to
4:31 know all the aps per floor in a multi
4:34 floor deployment just give us two or
4:36 three APS per floor plan and we will do
4:38 the rest yes can this be interfaced with
4:42 if you have one that has a GPS in it and
4:44 lock on so you can use standard power
4:47 yes when we get that capability we will
4:49 be fusing that together right this is in
4:51 the case of when I don't have that that
4:53 ability what can I do now for my
4:55 deployments right and this can again
4:57 work for both Brown field and Green
4:59 Field because your build versus plan you
5:02 have issues all the time right you say
5:04 EAS mc
5:07 mc hold on so um so for this are you
5:11 using ble or are you using MC both both
5:14 both because when we did the when we
5:17 began you know a year and a half ago on
5:19 our single floor placement of APs
5:22 automatically on the floor plan based on
5:24 uh the ranging what we found was an
5:26 issue called flip ambiguity so even
5:29 though I'm ranging I would find APS that
5:32 are placed on opposite directions of
5:33 each other and that is where with the
5:36 directional Bluetooth antenna array that
5:37 we have I'm able to give you even a
5:39 higher level of efficacy to know no this
5:41 AP may be ranging against each other but
5:43 they're actually this way versus this
5:45 way and this you've seen I would say in
5:47 three out of five deployments or six out
5:49 of 10 we found this issue that the B
5:51 came to you know the rescue saying this
5:53 is where the actual place print is and
5:56 is this still service destruction as far
5:58 as the actual proc it it is yeah the AP
6:02 orientation is not that's using
6:03 primarily only Bluetooth that can run in
6:05 the background but when you're doing
6:06 Auto placement because I need to do
6:08 ranging from one AP to another it is
6:10 service disrup exactly have you have you
6:12 done uh some testing like on highly
6:14 reflective environments and we have run
6:17 this in warehouses we have run this in
6:19 in uh office spaces we have run this in
6:22 schools in schools we run into other
6:25 interesting uh scenarios where not only
6:27 are we talking about clustering on one
6:29 floor I mean on multiple floors you're
6:32 also talking about different clusters on
6:33 the same floor plan because you'll have
6:35 classrooms then you'll have an
6:37 auditorium or a or a basketball stadium
6:40 you have classrooms again so we were
6:41 able to solve that as well with this
6:43 grouping
6:44 mechanism
6:46 awesome so how this works essentially is
6:50 um but if you don't mind
6:54 starting yeah so you you're used to
6:56 seeing Auto placement per floor plan now
6:58 it goes at the site level all the floor
7:00 plans at that site you click Auto
7:02 placement we ask you this time for just
7:04 two or three reference APS not anchor AP
7:07 just reference APS because that is what
7:08 people then use to create the relative
7:10 cluster or what are the other APS that
7:12 are in the neighbor ship of of these APS
7:15 with that we then give you a view of all
7:18 the aps that we found on the floor plan
7:21 we also give you a confidence score
7:24 because that is what tells us that these
7:25 APS I placing with high confidence on
7:27 this floor plan that they are truly on
7:30 on this Solution that's also helped us
7:32 on the single floor mapping and that's
7:34 it you accept the aps we found you do
7:38 have the option to deselect if you think
7:39 certain AP should not be there uh and
7:41 the remaining AP that you selected will
7:43 automatically place on the floor plan
7:44 and this is the same process you would
7:46 do for every floor just give us two or
7:47 three reference APS that you know that
7:49 are on that floor plan the rest we will
7:51 automatically group and place so L is
7:54 there any um recommendations on which
7:57 couple you should set for references for
7:59 apart Corners see each other anywhere in
8:02 the center see each other yeah this is
8:05 um so this is available right um
8:07 currently per floor it is available this
8:09 is now doing multi floor at the same
8:11 time is what's coming out near this
8:14 quarter so again the key difference is
8:16 today you would have to tell us all the
8:19 aps that are on a map and then we would
8:21 place them for you now just give us two
8:23 or three reference APS we place the rest
8:24 you don't have to give us the entire
8:26 cluster of APs we will learn the
8:27 Clusters we will learn the groupings oh
8:29 so it will autom pull it from exactly
8:31 you don't have to give us the pool of
8:32 APs anymore on that floor plan so I just
8:35 wanted to clarify with Keith's question
8:37 you said APS in the center but you're
8:40 saying those reference APS need to hear
8:42 each
8:44 other those reference APS can be any
8:46 reference AP so there's a uh good
8:49 question there's a concept of anchor APS
8:51 and reference APS in the case of anchor
8:53 APS we typically suggest to you what
8:55 anchors to recommend because sometimes
8:57 we get anchor APS that are not quite
8:59 the most cohesive to give us the best uh
9:01 view the reference AP concept just for
9:03 us to say idly they should be able to
9:05 hear each other at least two should have
9:06 line of sight because then that is what
9:07 people use as they can hear each other
9:10 and what else can they hear and then the
9:11 ranging starts for each a okay so it's
9:14 again just one reference point for us to
9:16 build the view right yeah now idly would
9:19 when when the GPS comes into play I
9:21 won't even need that because then I'll
9:23 have GPS as an anchor per floor so I can
9:25 actually build the 3D view versus right
9:27 now the 2D view right um H how much uh
9:30 overhead is generated when you're
9:33 discovering and once it's discovered
9:35 kind of like settle on the plant does it
9:37 keep doing it or is it reducing the
9:40 amount of overhead there's no overhead
9:42 per se because the ranging is happening
9:44 in a maintenance window and typically it
9:46 takes about 30 seconds to 40 seconds per
9:48 AP per floor plan so if you have 40 APS
9:50 it should take about 20 to 30 minutes to
9:52 get done and then it's it's running
9:54 there's no backend monitoring per
9:57 se you had a question
10:00 no no so after the auto placements yeah
10:03 if there are any accuracy issues you
10:06 have an option to drag and drop it
10:08 absolutely want and that's why the
10:10 conference level comes into play you
10:11 know very critical because you can see
10:13 there are APS we've placed with high
10:14 conference the aps we actually will tell
10:16 you we have medium to low conference if
10:18 you want to exclude those and do them
10:19 manually on the floor plan you
10:23 can any other questions yeah the next
10:26 thing we did is um AutoZone creation so
10:30 I talked about analytics right analytics
10:32 like I said is very very interesting for
10:34 your line of business teams be it
10:36 marketing teams and Retail be facilities
10:38 teams in in highered or uh or again
10:41 carporate Enterprise office spaces right
10:44 the biggest pain point we have seen is
10:46 yes we can provide analytics but then
10:48 how do you make the analytics more
10:49 contextual that requires the line of
10:52 business teams to work with the network
10:54 it teams to create what we call zones on
10:57 the floor plan and that typically takes
10:59 time because you know the N says hey I
11:02 don't know what where you want zones you
11:04 guys tell me and the facilities people
11:06 say yeah I'll tell you I but I need the
11:08 data right away right so that that
11:09 friction point is always there so we
11:12 took that as a problem and said in the
11:13 spirit of making it easy how can we even
11:16 make Zone creation easy so using image
11:19 recognition and text recognition now we
11:21 will be able to once we ingest the floor
11:23 plan automatically Define what we call
11:26 boundaries or edges on the floor plan
11:28 and Auto automatically create zones so
11:32 the process now becomes ingest the floor
11:34 plan autop Place APS AutoZone your
11:38 network is up and running for providing
11:41 Wi-Fi services location services as well
11:44 as analytics right all in the in single
11:46 clicks of buttons in your preferences to
11:48 have have that floor plan uploaded from
11:51 your site survey tool or you plan is
11:53 your preference to have that data pulled
11:55 down to the site Ser like with the H
11:56 integration right it would be from the
11:59 but but they would pull it out cor or
12:01 vice versa either as long as I have an
12:02 image I'm using that image to basically
12:04 recognize areas and give them into Maps
12:06 but but in general like the image plus
12:08 the areas plus the locations of the APS
12:10 and all of that stuff right when when H
12:12 pulls down your floor plan it's going to
12:15 inest it will inest that as of all that
12:17 data right yeah so it'll get the
12:19 benefits of the autop placement because
12:20 now it'll know this is what i'
12:21 recommended this is what was installed
12:23 these are the new AP placements right so
12:25 but the way this works again the goal is
12:27 always how do we make it very easy for
12:30 customers Partners to consume location
12:32 services is always a friction of
12:34 deployments of fingerprinting of
12:36 placement validation and then Zone
12:38 creation deployment Made Easy already
12:41 fingerprinting no longer needed because
12:42 of unsupervised machine learning
12:44 placement now made easy with auto
12:46 placement now also multifloor and the
12:48 last Bastion was Zone creation that also
12:51 we're hoping with this automatic ability
12:52 to create zones on the floor plan but if
12:54 you don't mind clicking through uh just
12:56 because I can recognize the edges and
12:58 area do I can automatically start
13:01 creating zones on the floor plan what's
13:04 the
13:05 the the distance um what's the word I'm
13:08 looking for how accurate is what's the
13:10 accuracy from when you're doing Auto
13:12 auto placement of these APS more we've
13:14 seen about roughly 1.49 M of that of all
13:19 [Laughter]
13:21 the give or take
13:24 of3 what's the criteria used for the
13:27 Zone it looks like it's breaking it on
13:31 hallways so every place would so
13:33 typically rooms right so based on use
13:35 cases we've seen for the line of
13:37 business teams to want data they want to
13:39 know conference room one conference room
13:40 two conference room three Cube areas
13:43 there could be a marketing Area Sales
13:44 area and R&D area so based on the image
13:47 recognition we will try and
13:49 automatically segment the areas what
13:51 looks like a cube Farm we'll create one
13:53 one zone there but looks like rooms will
13:54 automatically create zones over there if
13:56 that area has text will automatically
13:58 name The Zone with that text as well
14:00 again to make it very easy for customers
14:02 to start getting analytics right away on
14:04 what is my occupancy in these areas but
14:06 these can be adjusted as well so what's
14:08 the criteria for like defining those
14:10 zones can you define by I don't know by
14:13 we always had the manual process of
14:14 creating zones where you could just go
14:16 on the floor plan and basically draw out
14:17 a polygon and say this is Zone one zone
14:19 two zone three but that's where the
14:20 friction point would come because the it
14:22 teams want to know what the line of
14:24 business wants the line of business
14:26 wants data but would not ever spend time
14:28 to create the zones on the flooor plan
14:31 this is why we autocreate them to make
14:33 it easy to consume analytics I'm
14:34 assuming that you can have them
14:35 autocreated and just delete the ones
14:36 that you don't want exactly and adjust
14:38 them if you if you want them so so can
14:40 so I'm thinking um in a scenario
14:43 thinking like uh Voiceover IP deployment
14:45 right Microsoft themes and all that kind
14:47 of stuff and this data be used that
14:49 somehow integrated into themes or for
14:52 like 911 9911 is the yeah it potentially
14:55 could because the API are there we
14:57 already do Zone entry Zone exit events
14:59 okay but like there's there's is there
15:02 something already uh in we already have
15:04 91 Integrations like for with the red
15:06 sky for example VI apis this just
15:08 becomes another element right now there
15:10 most systems use AP connection and the
15:12 AP placement right Zone becomes more
15:14 contextual more useful and that for that
15:17 also we have API okay cool yeah so are
15:19 there any hard limits on the number of
15:20 floors N can be okay this is
15:22 microservices cloud at its best No
15:25 Limits is there any additional
15:27 subscription to get that enabled using
15:30 the Auto Zones Auto auto base Wi-Fi so
15:33 oh wait there's no so asset no U if you
15:36 already have assets you get AutoZone
15:38 auto placement with it if you already
15:40 have Wi-Fi you get AutoZone auto
15:41 placement along with it okay so just
15:44 like basic Wireless Assurance actually
15:47 gives you this yeah you get Auto
15:48 placement with basic Wi-Fi you get uh
15:50 AutoZone you will get AutoZone when it's
15:52 available with basic
15:54 Wi-Fi uh really quickly I'm like
15:56 negative five now Beth uh
16:01 so if you don't mind going we'll just
16:03 skip to the a lot of you may already be
16:05 familiar with Prem analytics again it's
16:07 our observability dashboard for longer
16:08 term insights longer term Trends it
16:11 becomes your CIO dashboard your your CMO
16:13 dashboard to just know hey how how many
16:15 people in my locations or how is my
16:17 network doing looking at SLE but the key
16:20 things we've added recently that you
16:22 will see start seeing this quarter is
16:23 also tied to some of the Innovations we
16:25 announced today so we talked about zoom
16:27 and teams integration but if you don't
16:28 don't mind clicking through
16:31 uh keep going so one of the new
16:35 dashboards coming in is along with the
16:38 Knack uh capabilities that Slava talked
16:40 to you through we'll also be giving you
16:42 a longer term absorber dashboard on
16:44 Knack insights right how many clients
16:47 coming in through my Knack solution per
16:49 site per SSID what is my overall client
16:52 connection uh Trend coming in through my
16:54 Knack service and then even more
16:56 importantly we're always looking at good
16:58 experiences bad experiences right so if
17:01 there were Knack failure events what was
17:03 the most failed issue that I saw right
17:05 was it certificate failures or bad
17:07 password what was it we show that as a
17:09 trend as well so again more insights
17:11 into The Knack solution with PR
17:13 analytics coming as well as part of your
17:15 n subscription uh next one
17:18 Beth this is a zoom in team so we are
17:22 building this large experience model as
17:25 sudir and Bob spoke to you about where
17:26 we'll be able to measure the application
17:28 experience for collaboration apps but
17:30 then the question come always comes over
17:32 time how are my applications doing how
17:34 are my users doing with these
17:36 applications that again is where we'll
17:38 be announcing uh a meeting insights
17:41 dashboard where you look we can look at
17:43 good experience bad experience minutes
17:45 over time so when our model says here is
17:48 the root cause of why there's a bad
17:50 experience and you fix that root cause
17:51 you can see your good experience minutes
17:52 going back up and your bad experience
17:54 when it's going back down you can look
17:56 at overall calls per site calls per w
17:58 and uh calls per when interface because
18:01 that's again where what we're using as
18:02 data to say good experience or bad
18:04 experience and again over a longer term
18:06 right could be a month two months three
18:07 months a year worth of data can you
18:09 combine that with the location analytics
18:11 to show the area of the office that the
18:12 bad calls are happening in exactly where
18:14 that this will go next so cool and and
18:17 then the last one that we're announcing
18:19 uh that'll be coming out this quarter is
18:22 enhancements on our sustainability
18:24 analytics so as we've been uh going
18:26 deeper and deeper into the wired net
18:28 work sustainability has been coming up a
18:30 lot as hey what visibility can you give
18:33 me on what is my power usage on my wired
18:37 Network and then the question would come
18:39 to say hey how much Headroom do I have
18:41 what is my power budget available and
18:43 what am I already using because as I'm
18:45 adding more iot devices I may have
18:47 switch ports but do I have the poe
18:49 capability to power those ports or and
18:52 give power to my itot devices so whether
18:54 it was what is my current power usage or
18:57 whether the question was how much how
18:58 Headroom do I have to add more devices
19:00 to my current wired stack this is where
19:04 the sustainability artics are coming
19:05 into place so now you can look at
19:06 overall hey what is my overall PE
19:10 utilization am I maxing out on some
19:11 switches or do I have enough capacity on
19:13 some others what is the highest P
19:16 utilization on on with switch in the
19:17 stack across my sites as well as the
19:20 trending of P utilization as you use
19:22 more ports and device gets plugged into
19:24 switches so