Enable Sustainable Business Growth with Cloud Metro

Watch to build a future metro infrastructure.
Service providers, don’t miss this webinar if new possibilities, business growth opportunities, and differentiated user experiences matter to you. Experts from Juniper share how metro networks are evolving, why it’s time to rethink current metro design beyond connectivity, and what that all means for you and your business.
You’ll learn
How current metro fails to thrive in the prevailing digitalization era
Why service providers should consider moving to Juniper Cloud Metro
How Juniper Cloud Metro sets service providers on the path to sustainable outcomes
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Guest speakers

0:02 hello everyone and thank you for attending today's webinar enable sustainable business growth with Cloud
0:08 Metro sponsored by Juniper before we begin I will cover a few housekeeping items on the left hand side of your
0:16 screen is the Q a if you have any questions during the webcast please type your question into the Q a box and
0:23 submit your questions to our speakers all questions will be saved so if we don't get to answer you we may follow up
0:29 via email at the bottom of your audience console are multiple application widgets you can
0:35 use if you have any technical difficulties please click on the yellow help widget here you can find answers to
0:42 common questions a copy of today's slide deck is available for download in the green
0:48 resource list widget and you're the end of today's presentation please take one minute to
0:54 complete the survey that's open on your screen your feedback is extremely helpful
1:00 an on-demand version of the webcast will be available about one day after the
1:05 event and can be accessed using the same audience link that was sent to you earlier today
1:11 I would now like to turn the event over to heavy reading's senior principal analyst Sterling Perrin
1:19 thanks Brittany hello welcome everybody to today's webinar on enable sustainable
1:25 business growth growth with Cloud Metro my name is Sterling Perrin I'm an
1:30 analyst with heavy reading and I'm going to be your moderator for the next hour
1:35 as we go through the webinar uh here's a look at the agenda for today
1:42 so this webinar is part of a larger project that we did Heavy reading did
1:48 working with juniper uh it is based on a global survey and I'll talk through the details of that survey in a moment
1:56 um also as part of the project is a white paper which is available for download as well as today's webinar
2:03 which is really going to focus on the discussion of the key findings from the survey and Analysis and I'll get a lot
2:11 of help from our expert speakers from juniper who I'll introduce in a moment
2:16 um so the flow of the webinar really reflects the content of the survey we'll start with Cloud Metro uh really looking
2:24 at the drivers for that and then bringing Juniper to help Define out exactly what that is and how that's an
2:30 evolution in Metro networks and then we'll get into some of the really the
2:36 key topic or or Focus errors within Cloud Metro so kind of focusing in first
2:41 on network automation which is a key part and then specifically on the coherent plugable Optics Trends and then
2:47 we'll we'll wrap up uh at the end I'll have all of our panelists just give some final thoughts and then we'll open it up
2:53 for Q a from the audience and we should have a good 10 at least 10 10 to 15 minutes
3:00 um for your question so please do as Britney explained ask those through the console as they come to you and and
3:06 we'll gather them up we'll hit as many as we can at the end the project itself as I said it was
3:13 really a based on a heavy reading survey that we conducted in April of this year
3:21 uh so quite quite fresh this is the first readout of the results publicly
3:26 um 76 responses globally you can see the makeup of the respondents on the the top
3:31 bar chart on the top pie chart um 50 uh about 58 percentish North
3:38 America and then rested regions the remainder with the stronger showing from the Europe Middle East in Africa among
3:45 the the other regions but you can see APAC and Central Latin America represented as well also really
3:50 represented by a large a lot of large operators almost half the survey group was over five billion dollars in annual
3:57 revenue so really tier tier a lot of good tier one representation um there was a white paper of the key
4:03 findings I believe you can download that here um at any point during the webinar it's
4:09 also available on the light reading website if you search on uh through our white papers that was
4:15 published in June 22 so quite new as well and then of course today's webinar where we'll analyze the results
4:21 helping me to do that uh we have three speakers or panelists from juniper
4:26 Kanika Atri who's senior director in product management and she really focuses on the automation portion and
4:35 she'll help with those results Olivia Eustache who's a senior product manager
4:41 um and he is focused at a higher level on the the systems and platforms and he'll help us parse through the cloud
4:49 Metro results that I'll go through in a moment and then Moran Roth director of
4:54 product management and he's going to focus on the coherent plugable Optics portion of the results so uh welcome all
5:00 of you and we'll hear from each of you uh throughout as I said it's going to be really a discussion based with um kind
5:08 of a run through of different findings uh so with that let me jump into the cloud Metro portion and
5:16 um starting at a high level in the survey we asked about what are the primary
5:21 business drivers for Network operators um to modernize their Metro networks we
5:27 gave them a bunch of options they could choose multiple within it I think we had up to up to three top three choices and
5:34 the results came through as you can see in descending order on the the chart um on the left of this slide Network
5:41 reliability increasing reliability and resilience top the list very closely with that we had meeting the traffic
5:48 growth requirements but also strong showing from Metro Edge Cloud
5:53 requirements and then lowering a total cost of ownership you know looking at
5:58 these certainly we expect is from all of our servers going back many many years traffic growth requirements Drive
6:06 evolutions of the network the more surprising part is that really that the
6:12 top showing of reliability and resilience we're starting to see that really move up the um up the list and
6:18 our requirements that are across multiple surveys that we're conducting so that's
6:24 a very high level view of drivers we also wanted to drill into Metro
6:29 Network capabilities so we asked what are the most important
6:35 Metro networking capabilities so given that you have drivers for your Metro Network what are you looking for in
6:41 specific capabilities to um to modernize that network network security and
6:46 automation top that list 68 you can see selected Network modernization and 59
6:52 which is quite strong uh automation also important if we run down the list high
6:58 speeds moving to 100 Gig 400 gig Etc service Assurance slicing was also in
7:03 the in the high scoring and then next-gen protocols as well all of those
7:10 were or 40 of the group selecting or Bob again these were multiple choice so they
7:16 could they could select up to three so your top three so all of those are quite strong in the findings
7:23 um with that let me bring in Olivier uh to kind of flesh out some of some of the
7:28 findings and insights um across both the drivers as well as the capabilities
7:34 um key thoughts here Olivier anyway everyone
7:39 um yeah I think uh you know not not to surprise I think because uh the recent events you know we all uh went through
7:47 and still going through uh kind of unfortunately um make us realize the importance of
7:53 connectivity as a network you know to others all together and definitely reliability resilience of services are
8:02 very important you mentioned it traffic goes it's been around since many many years but it's X
8:09 it's exploding clearly because you know everybody is connected from home you know uh at the office Etc and it changed
8:17 you know the Paradigm in terms of how the the our customers the service providers they have to invest they have
8:22 to accelerate their Investments uh in order to cope with this with this growth making good choices in terms of
8:30 Investments they are making right uh you know and and saving uh money if they can
8:36 because it's also the way they're spending on the equipments the way they're going to roll out their services that's that's equation that whole
8:43 equation is is very important so not surprised by the results it's definitely I think showing you know what's going on
8:49 in the world and the importance again of of connectivity a security also is a key
8:54 topic um you know and all in all I think it's about network uptime uh and and
9:01 streamline operation for our customers all right and we're gonna get into in a
9:07 moment we'll get into kind of how Juniper strategy is evolving given these
9:12 requirements um but before we do that let me bring in our other panelists as well
9:18 um to to provide any any high level thoughts here obviously you know automation uh ranking second and
9:24 Clinique is going to focus on on Automation and then the high speeds ranked um third and um uh Moran is going to
9:32 focus on the coherent Optics role so really hitting on on those but Kanika
9:37 any initial thoughts here on on the findings either automation or if you wanted to address any any of the other
9:44 ones yeah maybe I'm happy to chime in thank
9:49 you very much for having me uh Sterling you know automation I'm not at all
9:54 surprised to see it as one of the top of the list and and one Reflection from this is you know even though the way we
10:01 asked the question uh which is very pointed around Automation and we saw 59
10:07 people marking that is important even if you look at the other elements uh
10:13 automation is actually pretty integral to most of them I mean take for example security there is an element of
10:20 automating the security capabilities that you know where automation plays a role service Assurance much of that is
10:28 delivered via automation Solutions like you know for example even in Juniper
10:34 portfolio we we have an active Assurance uh capability Network slicing cannot be
10:40 done at scale you know without automation and even in things like the integrated
10:48 Optics you know the manageability of that is equally important so automation actually nicely weaves through the
10:55 entire um Metro networking capabilities and needs to be thought through from the
11:02 start not as an after afterthought and that is a very very important takeaway
11:07 in our strategy our evolution of the product portfolio around automation
11:13 yeah I mean you could not look at a result like this with 59 and say
11:18 automations and after thought by by any stretch not if you wanted to be a successful as a service provider or a
11:26 vendor um we'll get to the strategy in a second uh Moran just wanted to let you chime in
11:31 if if you wish in terms of this high level slide here yeah thank you Sterling so in the
11:38 previous slide of the driver we saw two of the top four drivers being
11:44 um for Metro modernization being traffic growth and
11:50 while lowering TCO um and we see in the capabilities a high
11:58 ranking are the transition to 400 gig and even 800 gig
12:05 in the IP Optical integration which is critical for traffic to support the
12:12 traffic growth and lowering TCO by eliminating dedicated Optical transponders in the
12:20 Metro Network and we'll touch more about the integration of coherent Optics and
12:27 routers in the subsequent section but I want to make another Point related to the Metro Pawn
12:35 passive Optical Network integration that is showing here it shows relatively down in terms of
12:44 important capabilities I think that this is not because it's not important it's
12:51 because there are fewer service providers that are playing in
12:57 this market in supporting passive Optical Network architecture for
13:03 residential and business aggregation but for those service providers the
13:09 integration of these capabilities the Olt line termination capabilities into
13:16 the Optics and into the router provide similar benefits as we discussed
13:25 for the coherent Optics in the fact that it can eliminate a dedicated Olt shelf
13:31 and by this again lowering TCO which is a signific significant driver for this
13:39 network modernization so both of these what I would term smart Optics or
13:46 integrated Optics Solutions and play capabilities are really
13:52 important to achieve the goals for service providers all right excellent uh with that let me
13:59 uh move on to really the uh strategically you know given these Trends how is Juniper strategy evolved
14:07 um specifically to to you know to address these capabilities and requirements for Network operators
14:13 um Juniper has been messaging if you look at the light reading website and really everywhere quite around the cloud
14:19 Metro so I'll give you a moment to help uh Define that we have one non-survey
14:25 slide in the deck and it's this one and it's really aimed at just helping
14:31 um Define this concept uh Olivia I'll let you uh address this and then if the other panelists want to comment and then
14:37 we'll get into more of the survey data yeah sure thanks so so here you know uh
14:43 this is a slide related to our latest announcements regarding uh our Cloud
14:49 Metro and you know in our definition of cloud Mutual we look at you know the connectivity the compute the service
14:56 experience conversions and the question for us was I still right when we develop
15:01 our portfolio how we look at our customers at the market and what we need
15:07 to drive differently in in these spots for you we looked at the survey you know that
15:13 you just did and we have identified key elements uh reliability resilience uh
15:21 sustainability Optics the automation Etc and if you look at you know our strategy as we move
15:28 to This Cloud Metro right from bottom to top it's we are spot on you know it's
15:34 definitely there are things we have identified earlier that are you know fueling you know our energy teach you to
15:41 develop this portfolio so security challenges uh you know building the
15:46 network itself so not relying on you know something on the side but building the network and this is what now we need
15:52 to bring uh bringing the right experience for for the user um
15:58 active Assurance it means like monitoring understanding what's going on and this is this is key
16:04 um and this is again what we are now putting in in the development we are doing to make sure that we give that
16:10 right uh understanding to our to our customer uh to our customers uh we
16:16 talked about the conversions and uh the challenge now for the customers you know to put together all their services and
16:24 making sure that they have the right level of slicing okay and operability there so
16:31 that's something we bring and in terms of the way we evolve with that it's all
16:36 about lifting the rigidity so make the the network as agile as possible and
16:42 making the right development on the product to to bring that and the way the people are consuming the product so we
16:48 talked about there was a one part in the survey about the TCO uh you know uh in
16:53 terms of investment protection other we present those solutions to our customers to make sure that we give more longevity
17:00 to the equipment uh so they could rely on them you know in a in a better
17:05 fashion uh in a way so I think all in all it's all about you know the way we
17:11 bring together this uh this Farm Mutual approach and we move from again leaving
17:16 behind this rigidity we had in the past and moving forward bringing all those attributes there is Kanika we talk about
17:23 the the automation a very important part of a key part so bringing you know those
17:29 right tools automation with AI Ops that is a Workforce multiplier differently
17:34 that enhance differently the productivity for for our customers so this is our approach uh in the in the
17:41 cloud Metro and again converging uh connectivity compute and service experience all relying on three very
17:48 important pillars people planet and profitability hmm all right very good
17:55 um let me so one question did come in um a clarification maybe we should hit that
18:02 and then move on with the discussion but this was uh Moran I'll just let you comment on this now uh rather than wait
18:09 but Metro Pawn integration somebody's interested in just exactly what do you mean by that term
18:15 yeah so uh as we are seeing the Metro is is the new Edge and uh passive Optical
18:24 Network especially for residential aggregation um or but also for business aggregation
18:31 right are integrated into the edge functionality
18:38 we are seeing smart Optics and we are integrating more functionality into the
18:45 Optics of the passive Optical Network that integrate the Olt functionality
18:53 into the Optics by this eliminating and dedicated Olt Shelf
19:00 and as as we said right one of the drivers is lowering TCO
19:05 and so this integration of functionality
19:11 really allows the aggregation router to provide full user functionality in terms
19:19 of managing the pawn interconnect to residential subscribers and with
19:25 integration with the BNG provide full
19:31 um user management for the service provider from the from
19:38 from the edge so this is again it's really integrating all the functionality that is needed in
19:47 order to provide these Residential Services and managing the End customer
19:54 access to to the internet access to video all of this managing it from the
20:03 same router infrastructure in the in the Metro Edge the pawn on a stick is is one term that
20:10 that I hear in reference which I think describes it well um just looking at the clock uh we need
20:16 to move to the next section but I'll give you Moran if you've got like 30 seconds you want to spend on any high level points here and then I'll do the
20:23 same for Kanika and then we'll move into automation um any other thoughts on this one again just the one comment here it's
20:31 really about a Bottoms Up rethinking the way the Metro is built
20:38 from the system architecture to a
20:43 to the operations and we'll talk more about that in in the
20:50 next sections okay uh Kanika any comments on the
20:56 Strategic Cloud Metro definition and view yeah I just want to re-emphasize right
21:02 this is moving from retro to Cloud Metro from retro Metro to Cloud Metro and what
21:09 I uh really like about this approach is it's like a beautiful amalgamation of all the elements right getting the
21:16 architecture right from the first from the start are not thinking of the
21:21 different layers in silos but you know operations and manageability built in
21:26 from the start so it's like a shrink wrapped uh solution of hardware and
21:32 software coming together to solve true Metro challenges and the drivers that we
21:37 just talked about and I believe with juniper you know we we have really put
21:42 it really nicely all together into one solution that works from uh day one
21:49 I do like the term retro Metro clever uh let's go to automation so
21:55 Kanika will keep you on for this um so we've got three data points we'll we'll walk through and I'll let you comment on
22:01 each of those and if the others wish to comment as well but let me give the quick readout and then let you do uh add
22:08 on to the analysis so we had asked um what earlier we asked what capabilities are you looking for when
22:15 you go to these next-gen metros automation came up uh second on that list and quite High here we asked
22:23 at you know looking at automation what are your drivers to implement uh Automation in your Metro Network so kind
22:29 of a deeper dive given Metro's automation's so important what what what's driving it and the top two and it
22:36 really stands out as a top two in this case reducing time to deploy services and then improving productivity at
22:42 essentially what the margin of error really tied in the top and then you can see other uh probably a second tier
22:49 category of of important but but a little bit behind those two reliability
22:54 and uptime overall customer experience which is certainly a term that's gaining a lot of Buzz right now and then
23:00 lowering um total cost of ownership which always seems to be in the mix when we throw it in interesting it doesn't
23:07 um tend to not be the top but it's it's in the mix um thoughts thoughts and comments on on
23:12 this data Kanika I think this is spot on you know the way I like to think about
23:18 it is you know there are three uh guiding principles when we think about
23:24 the future of Automation and the very first of them is that speed matters what
23:31 our customers want you know is to deliver business outcomes right or they don't do automation for automation's
23:37 sake but it's not enough just to deliver an outcome that outcome doesn't mean anything if it takes three years to
23:43 deploy right so the very first thing is speed matters we they should be working
23:49 they should be innovating at the pace of the business not at the pace of the
23:54 internal systems right and we have seen that as a very big roadblock for many of the automation projects do I love the
24:02 word productivity right automation has to be all about focusing
24:08 on productivity not production if you know what I mean right we're so busy
24:14 just implementing and deploying that you you know the actual outcomes and the
24:19 productivity gains that we want to drive with that um may may you know not be achieved
24:25 right at least that has been the way of the past and I'm I also love this point around
24:31 experience right when we talk about experience it's not just the End customer experience and the services but
24:37 it's also the experience of The Operators and the people running these networks themselves right reusability it
24:44 just needs to have this easy button so in my mind you know all of these clearly
24:50 have an impact on things like Network Physio and uptime reliability but the
24:55 three most important driving principles for us to uh re-imagine automation is
25:01 you know speed matter shorter the time to outcome allow the customers to focus
25:07 on the productivity not just you know managing these systems and do it
25:12 literally out of the box you know add clicks so that that experience is is extremely simple and we see those
25:19 outcomes um for The Operators all right let's um so
25:25 kind of queuing off your term of the Easy Button uh we do have challenges so let's let's
25:33 get into some of those and we could probably spend quite a bit of time uh on that but but we've got one slide here
25:38 and we'll kind of touch on it and maybe drill in more in the Q a when we get to it but we did want to understand what
25:44 are the biggest challenges in achieving Metro automation strategy um and here
25:49 you know it really is uh I would say a top three came through
25:55 um the complexity of managing equipment from multiple vendors from our view you know Automation and
26:02 and open have to really be hand in hand um it's multi-vendor multi-domain and so
26:08 it requires a great deal of openness as well as a lot of new tools primarily software really to to come into play
26:16 um with that a little bit below but but with that lack of maturity of technology that could lend itself to uh certainly
26:23 to complexity and then in this case um you know uh cost to implement so
26:29 expensive perhaps due to the fact that you have to introduce a lot of new new
26:34 technologies and and maybe skills of the workforce but those are the three that came to the top I'll let you comment on
26:41 those um Kanika
26:51 DIY LED so many of our customers right they are picking up solutions from
26:58 multiple vendors and trying to put it in a framework that tries to solve all
27:04 problems for all domains and that automatically leads to complexity that
27:11 automatically you know puts uh the overall time to deployment uh in in
27:17 perspective I mean talking to several customers they tell me it has taken them two to three years to get this whole DIY
27:26 automation systems even up in up and running leave alone you know meet the
27:32 outcomes they intended and when we surveyed uh you know uh through uh many
27:38 of these customers 70 percent of them told us that their
27:43 DIY projects were failing not only it was taking longer but these projects
27:49 were failing and and I think this result reflects that entire approach and
27:54 clearly there is a need to reimagine uh not what problems we solve I think the
28:01 problems are the same you know we've got to have you know much better day zero day one day two uh use cases to automate
28:09 but we need to reimagine how those are deployed and consumed because most of
28:15 these challenges are actually reflecting that and end of the day what happens is you know when the senior management
28:21 doesn't see the outcomes in two to three years they start questioning the ROI they start asking you why should I spend
28:29 more money you know trying to do more automation when your previous project didn't mean right so that is clearly
28:35 this is the reason why we need to reimagine at Juniper we believe that that the future of Van automation is
28:43 cloud delivered and maybe that's the lead-in to talk a little bit more about you know what the respondents to the
28:50 survey thought of that you are quite good at this because that it is I could see how you'd set that up nicely I know
28:56 because we've worked on another project and so all of the survey data that we're showing is from the project that I
29:03 outlined up front except this this one particular um set of of data which we worked with
29:10 juniper and several other sponsors in a specific automation transport automation project those results were published in
29:18 uh well we did the readout of those in in um geez when did we do the June I think
29:23 um this one data bit is from that survey it relates in here as a potential you
29:31 know um response to some of the challenges it focuses on uh automation from a cloud
29:38 specifically so in that survey which had 77 respondents we asked a global survey
29:43 as well how does your organization plan to use transport Network automation specifically from the cloud on the left
29:49 is the the full survey group from that survey and you can see a little over half said they would be interested in a
29:56 combination of public and private Cloud 31 of the full survey group there said private Cloud only but when we parse
30:04 that further which is the bar chart on the right and we pulled out really that the lead adopters which are the the
30:10 orange bars there from the rest of that survey Group which is the blue bars we saw some differences in what the early
30:15 adopters are doing and the takeaway from that study which I think we highlighted on that other
30:20 webinar as well is that the earlier adopters are much more interested in Cloud generally and actually a bit I was
30:28 much less likely to prefer private Cloud uh only and
30:34 um so it was interesting it was one of the real you know when you do these sort of deep cuts of the data that they don't
30:41 always show a difference this is pretty Stark um Kanika I'll let you comment on the overall results of cloud and then if you
30:47 want to talk about public versus private at all um you can do that as well
30:52 sure I mean first of all you know this is a no-brainer to me uh I mean if you
30:58 just look at the economics just the pure business benefits of going
31:03 cloud and SAS for automation versus DIY you know which people have tried for the
31:10 last 10 years to me it is so obvious one uh I mean
31:15 we've run a lot of uh you know uh surveys and and uh reports and Analysis
31:21 on it first it going SAS means 50 faster time to
31:28 market for the very first time that you even launched so you kind of cut down the time to deploy and for Metro we
31:35 already saw how critical that is you cut that time to deploy it by half so you
31:40 literally have a login you have a box that arrives you have a login you scan the barcode on the box and boom uh you
31:49 know your automation system is up and you're ready to manage this box from day one right second benefit economic benefit as well
31:57 of SAS is once you get into the Innovation and the agility the feature
32:03 velocity it our reports tell us it's 70 faster to actually deploy new features
32:09 and that's what I was talking about you know moving at the pace of business it's all about differentiation like you said
32:15 and if there is a need to implement you know a new um capability through your
32:20 automation software you can do it 70 faster and all of that end of the day is
32:26 also about TCO and our analysis tells us that the SAS model is 40 overall lower
32:34 tcos compared to DIY kind of model where you have to manage all these overheads
32:39 of your day of your servers people you need staff trained staff to manage and
32:45 you know just just to get it into production and here in SAS world you don't have to worry about that at all
32:51 but it's not just the economic it's the technical benefits as well right think about AI Ops in my mind the only way to
32:59 do I do AI Ops is actually Cloud delivered because now you have the collective intelligence from across the
33:05 world and of course it's anonymized right but the learnings one problem that occurs in North America has been solved
33:11 on the cloud through your root cause analysis new data model on AI that is
33:17 available the next day to anybody using a SAS offering in Asia Pacific so to me
33:24 that whole techno technical benefits is equally empowering and I think that's
33:29 where you know to your point about public versus private Cloud yes for many
33:34 tier ones you know there is a kind of a uh uh you know private Cloud motion uh
33:41 versus public but we're now actually the early adopters are really really stepping up and Beyond and going very
33:48 fast uh onto the public Cloud as well um many have actually deployed some
33:54 earlier applications maybe not the control layer use cases but things like
33:59 observability you know things like managing devices so not those that are in the path of the data or the packets
34:06 but really sort of hard so those first steps are already happening and we are
34:12 thrilled to be talking to many of them at Juniper you know this is a key part of our strategy we still offer on-prem
34:19 Solutions but you know we're really doubling down on the cloud offering and we're really excited
34:25 um for next year you know as we are going right ready to go commercial for
34:30 cloud Metro to begin with all right and with that let's move to our poll
34:35 question so we'll bring in the audience here um related to cloud and we wanted to
34:42 focus this one specifically on public Cloud so um this is about public cloud and we want to know for this audience
34:49 what do they think will Network operators adopt transport Network automation applications from the public
34:56 Cloud uh in the next five years and you can answer yes already using or or plans
35:03 exist to do this in the next five years no either there'll be no public cloud or
35:09 or I guess private Cloud only or if if you're unsure you you can click the
35:14 third option maybe or undecided um if it's just too early to to really know at this point if you're a network
35:21 operator you answer on behalf of yourself if your supplier into the
35:26 industry you would answer on just you know your views based on talking with
35:32 with customers let me give a moment for these results to come up and then I will
35:38 push them when they get to a critical mass and in the meantime
35:45 we will have we will have time for Q a so this is the time to think about any questions that you might want to submit
35:52 and we will get to those we've got one other section that we'll go through with Moran on on the plugable Optics coherent
35:59 pluggables and then we'll get into some wrap up and then q a let me
36:05 um yeah let me push these here and we'll just uh Kanika since you're the
36:11 automation expert let's uh let you comment here you know um a lot of of undecided I'm a 40 That's
36:18 fairly high that that is high of those who have made a decision um over a third 37 percent maybe even do
36:26 another push kind of holding steady saying yes and then 20 no any thoughts uh but quick um
36:34 thoughts summary of how these came back I think this is pretty consistent with
36:40 the uh response we are seeing I mean I'm I'm easy at the the yes answer ranges
36:47 between you know 33 to 50 percent or so I think that's a great start I mean uh
36:54 you know we're we're still ahead of the curve here and the prime time will be some somewhere around 2025 I believe so
37:02 I think this number is is uh is very encouraging thank you yeah for me the
37:08 undecided so it's new I mean sometimes people tune into a webinar and it's uh you know you're either like oh is this
37:14 new or if I missed the bus but this is new and and so you would expect people
37:19 are going to start looking into into this and it's it's a trend that we'll gather over time let's uh move into the
37:25 final portion and thank you Kanika we'll move into the final portion on coherent plugable Optics
37:31 um a Hot Topic and certainly part of um as Cloud Metro is being defined
37:37 uh so ZR plus so there's you know it's by kind of quick background
37:42 um there's 400 ZR which is the the real short range point-to-point standard that
37:48 came from the oif and then there's the concept of 400 G ZR plus which is not an
37:54 official standard name but kind of gelling around the use of those
37:59 um same form factor as ZR Optics but with higher performance and this is really where we see the
38:06 applicability of these types of Optics in a in a more Telecom types of environments because they can pass
38:13 through Odoms they have higher performance and um and they still fit that small form factor so this is really the focus when
38:19 we talk about Telecom is 400 gzr plus Which is higher performance uh and we
38:24 asked the audience uh how much impact you see from 400 GCR plus to coherent pluggables
38:30 over the next three years so a fairly tight window of time 12 um report radical which we defined as
38:37 becoming the dominant interface for Metro connectivity and then over half
38:42 um so the majority saying significant which we defined as being used broadly so a lot of deployments but but not the
38:49 primary interface across the metro and then you can see uh just 13 seeing no
38:54 impact for a new technology like this I mean this stuff is really just starting to come out commercially this would also
39:00 be very much in the new category pretty significant enthusiasm and plans uh
39:05 Miranda I'll bring you in as the Juniper expert on the Optics to to comment on this finding
39:11 yeah so our audience here in the webinar might think that you know we are talking
39:18 about IP Optical integration for quite a while but what this shows is really 400 gig ZR
39:29 plus and especially in short in small form factor right qsf PDD form factor
39:36 is a game changer the integration with the router without compromise it's the
39:44 first time that you can in mix gray Optics short reach and Long Reach
39:49 coherent Optics without penalizing their router capabilities
39:56 and we see from this results that service providers are understand the
40:03 value proposition they understand that it allows them to eliminate
40:10 dedicated Optical transponders in the Metro Network and obviously
40:17 the result of that is eliminate reducing capex but it's in what we see in in terms of
40:26 the optical terminal in our calculation it and it's validated by open analysis
40:34 from analysts in the market that it reduces capex for the optical terminal
40:40 by up to 60 percent and when you apply this to the network
40:46 wide cost savings it can be 30 percent and more depending on the topology of the
40:54 network obviously that's a huge driver for
41:01 service provider to reduce the their capex but there is more to it because when you eliminate the transponders you
41:09 eliminate a lot of Opex you don't need to onboard these new transponders you
41:16 don't need to train Personnel to operate and maintain it over life and there are
41:23 obvious cost Savings in power and space that are being saved here so
41:30 these are the these are the impact to the network from
41:36 these pluggables and the integration into the routers
41:43 and this I I will just add we've asked this type of question in multiple
41:49 surveys over the past I would say 18 months and and it is pretty consistent
41:54 this level of of interest in the technology we still get a lot of pushback from a lot of the suppliers in
42:01 the industry about um you know challenges and will hit on challenges in a moment but
42:07 the operator demand is is very clear in this uh consistent for this type of
42:13 option um Moran you did talk about IP over dwdm
42:19 um and so that just moving to the to this slide here so plugable Optics can go in different types of elements uh
42:27 integration into the switch router is is what we would call IP over dwdm but you
42:32 can also integrate it into um you know a traditional dwdm system and just get rid of embedded Optics and
42:38 put in plugables um ZR Plus or other or um these um on
42:44 the slide here it's called purpose built or compact modular pizza box these types of platforms you could either have those
42:51 um just you know um kind of hardwired embedded in the platform or or use a plugable strategy so we asked this
42:58 audience uh where do they do what types of elements do they expect to deploy uh
43:04 their coherent pluggables in and it was pick all that apply we gave him a three year and five year window
43:10 but if you look at the three years it does um it does show the strongest interest
43:16 is in the IP over dwdm concept over 70 percent but also uh there is interest in
43:22 integrated into systems and a bit less for I think we can come up with different reasons but a bit less into
43:27 these compact modular platforms so it does seem to have an appeal across the board but is primarily IP over dwdm is a
43:36 critical piece to the to the value proposition of these pluggables uh Moran I'll let you comment further on this one
43:41 as well yeah so it's not surprising that the new technology like a small form factor
43:49 coherent pluggables find use in different Technologies right
43:55 in different um equipment types it
44:01 if you look at the traditional dwm systems these small pluggables
44:10 significantly reduce the cost of compared to what is available today
44:15 which is either cfp2 which is a bigger plugable or integrated Optics in in
44:24 transponders uh so again there is no surprise that the it will improve the cost structure
44:32 of these equipment as well but what we see here in the result is that the big
44:37 promise is in the integration into switches and routers
44:42 and again that's uh create significant
44:51 TCO improvement with as I mentioned with the elimination of
44:56 of transponders of dedicated Optical transponders
45:02 in addition this is this aligns with a shift to Optical line systems
45:09 um in a different surveys that you published last month there was one specific question about
45:15 the operator plan to deploy open Line system with the line system
45:24 coming from one vendor and the optical terminal coming from a second vendor and
45:30 overwhelming majority of that of respondents said that in the next three years they
45:38 see the shift and the deployment of open Line systems and here we are
45:47 the result aligns because the integration of the
45:53 optical coherent plug into the router create the same scenario
46:00 right that the optical line system comes from one vendor and then the router with the coherent Optics come from the router
46:08 vendor yep absolutely um yes and that is very true finding
46:13 from from that last survey and that was one of the more Stark findings to come from that one uh as well let me go to
46:20 our last slide before we um wrap up and then move to q a
46:26 um but uh I mentioned we would address challenges of managed coherent pluggable Optics and in this one it was really
46:33 uh one of these clear findings managing the existing operational practices of Ip
46:39 routing and Optical domains as the top uh challenge to moving into an IP over
46:46 dwdm architecture um Miranda I'll let you comment here and
46:51 then I think we can bring in Olivia to make some kind of systems level comments as well but I'll let you take this one
46:57 it is quite clear what what the challenge is yeah so we are hearing from our
47:02 customers that the main challenge that they are facing is managing this new paradigm shift right from
47:09 integrated Optical networks coming from a single vendor into an open Line system
47:17 with coherent pluggables and IP over
47:22 dwdm or IP Optical integration and one of the main
47:30 yeah issues that is coming up in this question is the fact that there are
47:37 different themes within service Opera service providers today that are
47:42 managing the optical Network and the IP network now organizational
47:48 changes take time and the different teams have different
47:55 expertise and different functions in the organization both are very important for the success of the operator
48:03 there are tools today that allow these teams to keep working in a similar way
48:11 to the way they are working today today they are turning up the the optical
48:16 theme is turning up the optical transponders with the line system and is doing the end-to-end testing of that
48:23 infrastructure they're in the optical pluggables today
48:30 the coherent Optical pluggables in the router there is a similar a framework that allowed the separation
48:38 of the optical part or the optical interface the laser from the IP or the
48:46 host interface to the router and this really allows the same operational steps
48:52 it allows the optical team to turn up the infrastructure the
48:57 optical infrastructure end to end from the pluggable through the line system to the pluggable on the other side and then
49:04 turn over the system when it's validated to the IP team to provision the services
49:14 over that infrastructure so again we are not thinking that the
49:20 this integration mandates operator to change the way that they are
49:27 operating the network excellent right um we are coming toward the end
49:35 um Olivier I want if uh wondering if if you know looking at the systems level
49:42 platforms view if if you can identify some of the the primary challenges of
49:48 building um you know these these routers to accommodate um coherent plugable Optics or if it's
49:54 maybe not not a big challenge at all just wonder if you can make a couple comments there
50:00 yes it is a challenge and you know moving to uh from you know the Retro to
50:06 to the cloud Metro and when we talked about the different adjacencies that now you're going to look uh it's not about
50:12 making the product inside us so on one end if I take the optical as an example
50:18 uh moving to the ZR ZR plus brings a challenge of power so the power you need itself for
50:25 the Optics if you need power for that optic it means that when you design your system you need to have a system that
50:31 will be able to have this power available for these Optics and the proper cooling so uh the way we are
50:37 developing the system for the cloud Network and it really require a new approach so we start again uh and we
50:45 think through like okay when we design a chassis when we design a router what do
50:51 we need to put together to make sure that we accommodate these new challenges when it comes to power in terms of or
50:58 cooling right and making sure that when we develop a system for our customer uh
51:05 the key mantra for us is no compromise we don't want to say to our customers
51:11 hey we developed a card for you but only half of the ports are working in these
51:16 high power Optics because of those you know thermal or power constraints no no compromise here we want to give the full
51:22 fledge and making sure that our customers could utilize properly the
51:28 system regardless of you know those contracts in terms of power and coding so yes it brings challenges for us but
51:35 definitely the way we develop the product in the approach we are taking uh In This Cloud Metro you know a direction
51:41 coming with these new kinds of of equipments we are developing we are
51:48 definitely embracing that all right and let me um
51:54 we'll move into q a again if you've got questions um we do have a few moments to to take
52:00 them before we close out for our panelists um before we get to the questions
52:07 um I did want to give each of you um a moment to give some last thoughts you know in light of the survey in light
52:14 of the the cloud Metro um launch just what are the key takeaways
52:20 um and you know kind of like one minute each or less so um what are the key takeaways for for
52:25 service providers that you'd want to leave them with uh Kanika maybe I'll start with you
52:30 yeah I would say only one thing I would say you know we've had enough lessons uh
52:36 from automation DIY the future is cloud delivered and my two uh recommendation
52:44 is you know start small and go fast and the cloud is the way to do it start with
52:51 Metro uh that's where the automation is going to have the biggest impact given
52:56 the scale in the short term that's where the growth is happening so start small
53:03 and go fast all right excellent uh Moran I'll let you go second
53:10 thank you Sterling I'm excited about the result of this survey it shows that
53:16 service providers are ready to seize the opportunity of Ip Optical integration
53:22 with the plugable coherent Optics I'm also excited about the next step
53:27 when 800 gig capable ZR ZR plus Optics
53:33 will do a similar Revolution that we are seeing here happening with Metro to
53:40 Longhorn uh by enabling 400 gig capable
53:46 performance on long-haul networks and really making a revolution in longhold
53:53 net and core networks as well all right excellent uh last uh on the
53:59 wrap up Olivier uh key takeaways for service providers wow so excited by the survey and when I
54:08 look at the way we are you know driving our portfolio the cloud meter approach I think this perfect alignment so for me
54:15 it's like hey bye Juniper kidding it's it's uh it's definitely exciting to see
54:21 and to live this time and to see this shift happening it creates challenges for us uh it creates challenges the way
54:28 uh for our customers as well in the way they have to think through uh their deployments the ways they're going to
54:34 roll out their service to cope with you know this bandwidth explosion uh the real resiliences the reliability of the
54:41 network and you know what we're trying to bring here is uh putting all those ingredients together
54:47 better systems better outputs better operation for our customers better ways
54:53 to uh seize these or technology shift to embrace those new challenges so very
54:59 exciting uh and yes I think as Warren just said uh the future looks really
55:04 really bright we're excited about that all right accent let me um
55:10 let's you know so one thing in terms of follow-up um
55:15 if I can find the slide Moran this this one here
55:22 um you know the the channel maintain you you kind of talk through the the maintaining existing operational
55:28 practices of of you you find out that they clearly have very separate groups
55:34 within these companies I'm wondering if you can elaborate um
55:39 the Crux of the of the issue is it primarily a technology issue that the operators
55:46 are waiting for some some way to neatly partition these things or is it primarily
55:53 um a organizational issue where these operators are just organized a certain
55:59 way and it doesn't fit the new um you know this this new way of
56:05 Integrations is it the technology that's stopping it or is it the organizational structure
56:11 yeah that's a really good question because it touched the heart of the of
56:16 the issue um the organizational aspects are a barrier
56:24 definitely as I as I mentioned I think that we have enough tools today in the Optics and in the system to
56:32 overcome that organizational barriers but the other aspect is how do you
56:40 manage that integrated and solution right with the router with
56:47 coherent Optics and the optical line system Kanika mentioned that at the beginning
56:54 that the solution is in automation uh automation as Kanika said it weaves
57:01 through everything that we are talking here today including the Optics management
57:08 the today operators are managing really two different networks right they have
57:13 the optical networks with transponders and line system and then they have the IP network here we are seeing a shift where the at
57:22 least part of the optical system is now will be integrated into the router and
57:28 it's really important that all the optical parameters are visible through
57:33 open apis so the controller the IP controller is
57:40 aware of the optical performance parameters and
57:46 impairments in order to make decisions based on on that and mitigate any issue
57:53 that happens the integration of the transport controller that control the optical line
57:59 system and the IP controller is also a key in order to provide this end-to-end
58:05 management of the complete Network that is yeah absolutely we could do I
58:12 think even a tall separate webinar on that that one issue of how how you manage these
58:18 um integrated object and you know integrated IP and Optical networks
58:23 um thank you we I am not seeing any other questions in the queue so I will uh close out here I want to thank uh
58:31 Juniper and of course thank you to each of our panelists for your insights and and just for um the work along the way in building this
58:38 um survey it is quite interesting to me and hopefully the audience uh finds it
58:44 valuable as well so thank you everyone for tuning in and this will conclude today's webinar have a great day
58:51 thank you very much darling