AIDC Now: Frontend Data Centers

AIDC Now: Frontend Data Centers
In this AIDC Now demo, we’ll show you how easy it is to configure a frontend AI data center using Juniper Apstra’s blueprints—even if you’re running non-Juniper hardware.
You’ll learn
How Juniper Apstra uses blueprints to automate frontend data center deployments
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0:00 For today's demo we're going to build a front
0:03 end management data center for our representative customer
0:06 A1 Arcade, starting with a front end blueprint from Apstra.
0:10 But before we dive in let's define what Apstra
0:13 front end blueprints DO and what they do NOT DO.
0:16 They DO define the network framework.
0:18 For example, the blueprint will specify a 64 port 800G switch for the spine,
0:24 but they DO NOT specify the vendor or model of the hardware
0:28 nor do they define vendor specific configurations.
0:31 And there's a very good reason for that.
0:33 Apstra doesn't define vendors because it is vendor agnostic.
0:36 It uses intent based language and vendor neutral definitions to make ones that are
0:41 simple, fast and most importantly, help you avoid vendor lockin.
0:46 Okay, so let's start by defining and developing
0:49 configurations for A1 Arcade's front end data center.
0:53 Their front end is made up of Multi-Vendor racks,
0:56 each using our PTX 10K as the spine
0:59 and both Juniper QFX and Cisco switches as Leafs.
1:03 Since we have a number of published demo videos already out there
1:06 we're going to skip some provisioning steps today to streamline this demo
1:10 but please know that those provisioning demos
1:12 are available at our page.
1:15 Make sure to check them out.
1:17 Here, we'll use Apstra's logical flow and dropdown menus to define switches,
1:22 vendors, IP addresses, ASN numbers, virtual networks and more.
1:27 Keep in mind that Apstra is all intent-based.
1:30 You simply need to define the vendor agnostic variables
1:33 in the template and Apstra automates the rest.
1:37 So based on these inputs, Apstra quickly builds the configurations for A1 Arcade.
1:42 Here we have a Junos config and notice that we didn't manually type
1:45 a single line of CLI.
1:47 Switching over to the Cisco switch.
1:49 We see an iOS config.
1:51 We support this for Arista as well and we'll continue
1:54 to add switches and vendors based on customer and market demand.
1:58 Once reviewed, you commit the configurations
2:00 and then watch as the network instantly converges.
2:03 Turning our dashboard back to a healthy state.