NOW in 60: XAI series - Marvis Conversational Interface

AIX Series: Marvis in 60 Seconds
In just 60 seconds, learn how Marvis, Juniper's virtual network assistant, utilizes natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLMs) to enhance AI operations. It also uses techniques like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to ensure accuracy and relevance by integrating new information from external sources.
You’ll learn
How Marvis uses NLP and LLMs to understand and process human language
How techniques like RAG enhance the capabilities of LLMs by integrating new information from external sources
How Marvis leverages these advanced technologies to make network management more efficient and effective
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0:00 [Music]
0:06 Marvis Juniper's virtual Network
0:08 assistant uses natural language
0:10 processing or NLP en large language
0:13 models or llms to revolutionize AI Ops
0:17 NLP helps machines understand human
0:19 language by cleaning and tokenizing text
0:21 converting it into vectors that capture
0:23 meaning these vectors are processed by
0:25 pre-trained models to infer context and
0:28 semantics LL Ms powered by Deep learning
0:31 and neural networks analyze vast amounts
0:34 of Text data to discern patterns and
0:36 generate appropriate human-like
0:38 responses techniques like retrieval
0:40 augmented generation or rag enhance llms
0:44 by integrating new information from
0:46 external sources helping ensure
0:48 responses that are accurate and relevant
0:50 Marvis leverages these Technologies to
0:53 create actionable insights and solutions
0:55 making Network management simpler faster
0:58 and more efficient transforming complex
1:00 network issues into simple
1:02 conversational queries allows Marvis to
1:04 become an invaluable member of your it
1:06 operations team helping you solve
1:08 problems in minutes instead of days
1:10 that's the Marvis conversational
1:12 interface in 60 Seconds
1:16 [Music]